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Komorn Law In The News


SCOTUS – Justices uphold laws targeting homelessness

SCOTUS – Justices uphold laws targeting homelessness

Does not amount to “cruel and unusual punishment” under the Eighth Amendment The Supreme Court has affirmed the validity of ordinances in a southwest Oregon city that restrict individuals experiencing homelessness from utilizing blankets, pillows, or cardboard boxes...

Michigan Crime Victim Compensation

Michigan Crime Victim Compensation

Michigan has a crime victim compensation fund. You can contact them using the various links on this page. This post is just to provide you with information. We do not provide any services for this topic.Crime Victims Victims of crime often face lasting repercussions...

The Takings Clauses of the United States and Michigan

The Takings Clauses of the United States and Michigan

These clauses protect property rights and maintain a balance between public needs and individual ownership The Takings Clauses of the United States and Michigan Constitutions are pivotal components of property law, ensuring that private property is not seized by the...

Michigan Supreme Court – People of Michigan v. Duff

Michigan Supreme Court – People of Michigan v. Duff

A seizure may occur when a police vehicle partially blocks a defendant’s egress if thetotality of the circumstances indicate that a reasonable person would not have felt free to leave In the case of People v Duff (July 26, 2024)., the Michigan Supreme Court issued an...

Michigan Supreme Court – Money back for former homeowners

Michigan Supreme Court – Money back for former homeowners

In a landmark decision, the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that counties cannot retain surplus proceeds from tax-foreclosed property sales, a move poised to return millions to former homeowners. This ruling, stemming from the case Rafaeli, LLC v. Oakland County,...

Komorn Law Case Victories

Komorn Law Case Victories

Just some of our victoriesState / Federal Legal Defense With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems. KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550More...6-30-18 United States v Neece -...

Michigan Court of Appeals – Case Summary People v Bosworth

Michigan Court of Appeals – Case Summary People v Bosworth

Michigan Court of Appeals - People v. Bosworth Despite these efforts, the jury found the evidence against Bosworth compelling. In the case of People v. Christopher Mychael Bosworth, the Michigan Court of Appeals rendered a decision on July 18, 2024. Bosworth was...

Michigan Court of Appeals – Case Analysis People v. Jackson

Michigan Court of Appeals – Case Analysis People v. Jackson

Michigan Court of Appeals - People v MICHAEL JACKSON Several critical legal issues emerged during the trial and subsequent appeals process including self defense claim and witness credibility. In a recent decision by the Michigan Court of Appeals dated July 18, 2024,...

Michigan Supreme Court restores wage and sick leave laws

Michigan Supreme Court restores wage and sick leave laws

Citizen-initiated proposals aimed at increasing the minimum wage and expanding paid sick leave In a significant ruling, the Michigan Supreme Court has reinstated the original minimum wage and paid sick leave laws that were initially gutted by the legislature in 2018....

SCOTUS Decision Gives Starbucks a Win in Labor Dispute

SCOTUS Decision Gives Starbucks a Win in Labor Dispute

The decision underscored the principle that only activities that are essential and directly related to an employee's primary job responsibilities are subject to compensation. In a recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), Starbucks received a...

People v. Bosworth – A Murder Conviction and Its Aftermath

People v. Bosworth – A Murder Conviction and Its Aftermath

Michigan Court of Appeals: People v. Bosworth The case took a dark turn during the early hours of August 3, 2020. Background and Basic Facts On June 15, 2020, Aquae Keyes was tragically murdered. Jakari Robinson, initially arrested for the murder, was later released...

Cannabis workers claimed employer violated labor laws

Cannabis workers claimed employer violated labor laws

Allegedly had to put on company-issued personal protective equipment (“PPE”) (such as masks, hair nets, arm sleeves, gloves, scrubs, and protective shoes) before clocking in Close to 1.2 milion settlement for 134 cannabis workers alleging wage violations under federal...

The MSP is Concerned About Your Privacy (Firearms)

The MSP is Concerned About Your Privacy (Firearms)

Is the Michigan State Police really concerned about your DNA / biometric privacy?Here's what they say on their websiteThe Michigan State Police (MSP) is committed to protecting the privacy of your potentially personally identifiable data (PPID) in a strong and...

Michigan Supreme Court – Forfeiture of 2006 Saturn ION

Michigan Supreme Court – Forfeiture of 2006 Saturn ION

FORFEITURE OF 2006 SATURN IONMichigan Supreme Court Ruling - July 25, 2025 The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that Detroit police can no longer seize cars through civil asset forfeiture unless they can demonstrate that the vehicle was used for drug trafficking.The...

The MSP is Concerned About Your Privacy (Vehicle Information)

The MSP is Concerned About Your Privacy (Vehicle Information)

Is the Michigan State Police really concerned about your Driver License and Motor Vehicle Information privacy?Here's what they say on their websiteThe Michigan State Police (MSP) is committed to protecting the privacy of your potentially personally identifiable data...

The MSP is Concerned About Your Privacy (Biometric Information)

The MSP is Concerned About Your Privacy (Biometric Information)

Is the Michigan State Police really concerned about your DNA / biometric privacy?Here's what they say on their websiteThe Michigan State Police (MSP) is committed to protecting the privacy of your potentially personally identifiable data (PPID) in a strong and...

The MSP and Your Privacy (Criminal History)

The MSP and Your Privacy (Criminal History)

Is the Michigan State Police really concerned about your criminal history privacy?Here's what they say on their websiteThe Michigan State Police (MSP) is committed to protecting the privacy of your potentially personally identifiable data (PPID) in a strong and...

Michigan DNA Collection – The Law

Michigan DNA Collection – The Law

Chapter 750Act 328 of 1931328-1931-LXXVI THE MICHIGAN PENAL CODE (EXCERPT)Act 328 of 1931Here's the website info750.520m DNA identification profiling; chemical testing; manner of collecting and transmitting samples; existing DNA identification profile; assessment;...

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