Komorn Law PLLC

Established in 1993 Komorn Law PLLC is a small specialized legal defense team focused on your rights and representation in the justice system.

When you hire our law and support team you get an advocate group that goes on the offense and aggressively fights your case as if we were in your position. We seek out multiple defense tactics available to benefit the client past, present and future.

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Senior Trial Attorney

Jennifer St. Amant

Jennifer St. Amant


Jeff Frazier

Jeff Frazier



Drug Checkpoints: Unconstitutional

Drug Checkpoints: Unconstitutional

By Michael Komorn The Supreme Court ruled in City of Indianapolis V. Edmund that drug check points are unconstitutional. So what happens when you see one on the highway? Keep calm and carry on. Police, especially in the Mid-west, have been using drug check points as a...

Knowing When to Exercise Your Rights

Knowing When to Exercise Your Rights

Remember, even if you are doing nothing wrong, there are a number of different outcomes that can occur from a police encounter. The short list includes: 1) No action, no problems; 2) A warning or citation; 3) An arrest and/or criminal charges. Exercising your rights...

Why Police Lie Under Oath

Why Police Lie Under Oath

Thousands of people plead guilty to crimes every year in the United States because they know that the odds of a jury’s believing their word over a police officer’s are slim to none. As a juror, whom are you likely to believe: the alleged criminal in an orange jumpsuit...

What Did I Just Get Charged With?

What Did I Just Get Charged With?

Below is a list of common drug offenses as defined by the State of Michigan. If it is your second offense, it is important you read statute 333.7413 below. 333.7413 Conviction of second or subsequent violation; penalty....

10 Police Raids Gone Wrong

10 Police Raids Gone Wrong

By Michael Komorn Members from an Atlanta police narcotics team got a tip from an informant about an alleged drug stash, in November, 2006. As it turned out, the alleged drug house belonged to 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston. (Related: What Did I Just Get Charged With?)...

Jury Nullification

Jury Nullification

In Montana, an ad put up at various bus stops has angered Federal Prosecutors and Judges. The sign reads, “Good jurors nullify bad laws.” It is easy to forget that juror’s hold the power to refuse to convict, even if a defendant is in violation of a law. The founding...

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