Rescheduling Marijuana Would Be a Threat to Public Health

Rescheduling Marijuana Would Be a Threat to Public Health

Kevin Sabet of Smart Approaches to Marijuana says policy makers need to learn from their mistakes with hemp when considering marijuana rescheduling.

It’s rare for policymakers to get a preview of the consequences of pending policies, but the descheduling of hemp-derived THC products has provided a preview of what is to come if marijuana is rescheduled and commercialized.

As the federal government considers rescheduling marijuana, policymakers should learn from the mistakes that were made in the 2018 Farm Bill. If marijuana is rescheduled—or descheduled—these same harms will be scaled up nationwide and further accelerated by a predatory, profit-driven industry fueled by Wall Street investors.

Just like the legalization of hemp has led to the creation of new psychoactive compounds, the rescheduling of marijuana will grossly threaten public health and safety.

Read the rest of the story here at

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

DUI for Alcohol or Marijuana or Prescription Drugs - Fight it

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$87 million in adult-use marijuana payments to be sent out across Michigan

$87 million in adult-use marijuana payments to be sent out across Michigan

The Michigan Department of Treasury today announced that more than $87 million is being distributed among 269 municipalities and counties as a part of the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act.

Over the next few days, 99 cities, 30 villages, 69 townships and 71 counties will receive payments from the Marihuana Regulation Fund. For the state of Michigan’s 2023 fiscal year, this means each eligible municipality and county will receive more than $59,000 for every licensed retail store and microbusiness located within its jurisdiction.

“This week, many Michigan municipalities and counties will begin seeing their share of adult-use marijuana payments appear in their banking accounts,” State Treasurer Rachael Eubanks said. “Through a partnership, the dollars received from the adult-use marijuana taxes and fees are distributed to our participating communities. These dollars may be spent how our local units deem fit to their needs.”

Revenue was collected from 737 licensees among the state’s cities, villages and townships during the 2023 fiscal year. Some of these municipalities host more than one licensed retail store and microbusiness.

For the 2023 state fiscal year, there was more than $290.3 million available for distribution from the Marihuana Regulation Fund.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

State law outlines how much is distributed from the Marihuana Regulation Fund.

Aside from the more than $87 million in disbursements to municipalities and counties, $101.6 million was sent to the School Aid Fund for K-12 education and another $101.6 million to the Michigan Transportation Fund.

“The tax funding for municipalities and counties that comes from the marijuana excise tax is a very important benefit of the legal cannabis industry in Michigan,” said Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) Executive Director Brian Hanna. “The CRA is committed to doing our part in supporting our licensees so that they can continue to grow the local economy throughout the state with good-paying jobs and increased revenues for local government budgets.”

See the revenue sharing details here


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Meet MiChap

Meet MiChap

Climate and Health Adaptation Program

You must save yourself from yourself.


Our Vision: Michigan’s public health system fosters equitable health and wellbeing as it adapts to the current and future impacts of climate change.

Our Mission: The Michigan Climate and Health Adaptation Program (MICHAP) supports a climate resilient public health system by investigating climate-driven health risks, identifying information for decision-making across sectors, and collaboratively implementing climate adaptation strategies.

MiCHAP Funding Cycles Infographic

Michigan’s new growth plan: Sacrifices must be made for the environment and team.

Last week Michigan Chief Growth Officer Hilary Doe described immigration as the green line in Michigan’s population story, the one number going up, besides prices, inflation, real estate, groceries, taxes, fees, fees for fees, convience fees, registrations, regulatory fees, utilities, interest rates, school loans, etc, etc, etc.

But A SEMCOG report last year found that 14,012 people aged 64 or younger left Southeast Michigan each year between 2010 and 2019, while 14,737 foreigners arrived annually. It’s 2024. It’s a stunning and brave new world – who cares about 2010-2019.

Statewide, immigration “helps offset our out-migration a little bit,” Doe said.

Doh is right… A little bit? Why are they leaving a climate haven is the question and why all of the sudden are Michigan citizens asked to let strangers into their homes to live.

Yes “sponsor” a family. Let’s start at your house.


In 2020, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer created the Office of Global Michigan.

And now that office is asking Michiganders to ignore common sense and serve as sponsors to refugees. Sounds like a win win.

Read more about that here and below


Call our office to see if we can help !!!

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The Division of Environmental Health (DEH) uses the best available science to reduce, eliminate, or prevent public health harm from environmental, chemical, and physical hazards. Learn more about DEH

***If You believe you are in immediate danger, call 911 or Contact Poison Control at 800-222-1222.

For less urgent concerns, call the MDHHS Toxicology and Environmental Health hotline at 800-648-6942, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

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Understanding the Rule of Completeness in Michigan Courts

Understanding the Rule of Completeness in Michigan Courts

Understanding the Rule of Completeness in Michigan Courts: MRE 106

In the pursuit of truth and ensuring fairness during legal proceedings, the Michigan Rules of Evidence (MRE) play a crucial role.

One particular rule, MRE 106 (Completeness), safeguards against misleading interpretations and fosters a more comprehensive understanding of presented evidence.

What is the Rule of Completeness?

MRE 106 states: “If a party introduces part of a writing or recorded statement, any other party may introduce the remainder, or so much thereof as is relevant to the portion introduced, if the remainder or portion thereof offered completes the statement or renders it more understandable.”

In simpler terms, when a portion of a written or recorded statement is presented in court, the opposing party has the right to introduce the remaining relevant parts of the statement.

This ensures that the jury or judge hears the full context and avoids being swayed by a potentially misleading snippet of evidence.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Why is the Rule of Completeness Important?

Imagine a scenario where the prosecution presents a written excerpt from a witness’s statement, highlighting a specific sentence that seemingly incriminates the defendant. Without the complete statement, the jury might be left with an incomplete picture, potentially overlooking crucial contextual details or even contradictory information that could exonerate the defendant.

MRE 106 prevents such scenarios by allowing the defense to introduce the remaining relevant parts of the statement. This ensures that:

  • The jury has access to a more complete picture and can make a well-informed decision based on all relevant information.
  • Misleading interpretations are minimized as the opposing party can present the full context of the statement.
  • Fairness is upheld by allowing both sides to present a complete picture of their case.

It’s important to note:

  • The opposing party can only introduce relevant portions of the statement, not everything. The court will determine what constitutes relevant information based on the specific case and the previously introduced portion.
  • MRE 106 only applies to written or recorded statements, not oral statements.


MRE 106 plays a vital role in ensuring fairness and promoting a complete understanding of evidence in Michigan courts. By allowing the introduction of relevant, contextual information, the rule helps prevent misleading interpretations and fosters a more just legal process.

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Police seize 4,000 marijuana plants, processed weed worth $6.3M

Police seize 4,000 marijuana plants, processed weed worth $6.3M


Michigan State Police say they busted a “large-scale illicit market” marijuana grow operation in metro Detroit.

After a months long investigation, the Michigan State Police Marijuana & Tobacco Investigation Section conducted a search warrant Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 at the Highland Park facility.

The MSP Marijuana & Tobacco Investigation Section oversees marijuana criminal law and tax violations.

Growing illegal marijuana in Michigan is only a misdemeanor crime, the state Court of Appeals ruled last October, but unlicensed growers could face punishment for other crimes like tax evasion and the seizure of valuable marijuana.

Read More Here at MLive


Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

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