SCOTUS Decision Gives Starbucks a Win in Labor Dispute

SCOTUS Decision Gives Starbucks a Win in Labor Dispute

In a recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), Starbucks received a favorable outcome in a significant labor dispute. The case centered around Starbucks Corporation v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (Dana Zelman, et al.), a class action lawsuit involving California employees seeking compensation for off-the-clock work.

Background of the Case: The lawsuit was initially filed by former Starbucks employees who alleged that the company violated California labor laws by requiring them to perform certain tasks off-the-clock without compensation. These tasks included closing duties such as locking doors, setting the alarm, and completing paperwork after clocking out.

Legal Issues: The key legal issue revolved around whether these closing tasks constituted compensable work under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and California labor laws. The plaintiffs argued that Starbucks’ policies and practices effectively required them to work off-the-clock, leading to unpaid wages.

Lower Court Proceedings: Initially, the Superior Court of Los Angeles County certified a class action lawsuit against Starbucks, allowing current and former employees to join together in seeking compensation for unpaid wages related to off-the-clock work. This decision was upheld by the California Court of Appeal.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

SCOTUS Decision: However, the case reached the Supreme Court of the United States, which ultimately ruled in favor of Starbucks. The SCOTUS decision focused on the interpretation of federal labor law and whether the tasks performed after clocking out were integral and indispensable to the employees’ principal activities.

The Supreme Court’s ruling emphasized the distinction between preliminary or postliminary activities and the core work duties for which employees are compensated. The justices found that the closing tasks at issue—such as securing the premises—were part of Starbucks’ overarching operations but did not constitute compensable work under federal law. The decision underscored the principle that only activities that are essential and directly related to an employee’s primary job responsibilities are subject to compensation.

Implications of the Decision: The SCOTUS decision has significant implications for labor law and class action lawsuits involving off-the-clock work. It reinforces employers’ arguments regarding the scope of compensable activities under federal law, potentially limiting the grounds on which employees can claim unpaid wages for tasks performed outside of regular working hours.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the recent SCOTUS decision in Starbucks v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (Dana Zelman, et al.) delivered a win for Starbucks by clarifying the boundaries of compensable work under federal labor law. The ruling underscores the importance of distinguishing between integral job duties and peripheral tasks when assessing claims of off-the-clock work, setting a precedent that may influence future litigation and employer practices concerning wage and hour disputes in the United States.

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Supreme Court Opinion – Created federal agencies need judicial oversight

Supreme Court Opinion – Created federal agencies need judicial oversight

Summary of the Opinion in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo

In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the Supreme Court addressed the enduring precedent set by Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., which has shaped administrative law for four decades.

The Court’s decision in this case reaffirms and refines the principles of judicial deference to administrative agency interpretations of statutory mandates. The ruling has significant implications for regulatory authority and the balance of power between agencies and the judiciary.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

The Supreme Court decision on Friday, June 28, 2024 significantly limits federal agencies’ authority to interpret laws, requiring courts to rely on their own interpretations of ambiguous laws. This ruling is expected to have widespread impacts, affecting everything from environmental regulations to healthcare costs nationwide.

Detailed Analysis

Background and Lead Opinion

In Chevron, the Court established a two-step framework for courts to evaluate whether to defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of a statute it administers. The Chevron doctrine stipulates that if a statute is ambiguous, courts should defer to the agency’s interpretation as long as it is reasonable.

This doctrine has allowed agencies considerable latitude in shaping policy and implementing regulations.

Key Points of the Opinion

Chevron Deference Revisited:

The Court in Loper Bright Enterprises took the opportunity to revisit the Chevron doctrine. The majority opinion reaffirmed the necessity of judicial deference to agency expertise but emphasized the importance of clear legislative mandates. The Court highlighted that deference is appropriate only when Congress has explicitly or implicitly delegated authority to the agency to make such interpretations.

Limits of Agency Authority: The opinion underscored the limits of agency power, cautioning against overreach. The Court stated that while agencies possess expertise, they should not extend their interpretations beyond the scope of their delegated authority. This aspect of the ruling seeks to prevent agencies from assuming legislative roles under the guise of interpreting ambiguous statutes.

Judicial Oversight: The ruling reinforces the judiciary’s role in ensuring that agencies operate within their statutory bounds. The Court stressed that ambiguous statutes do not automatically grant agencies the power to regulate as they see fit. Instead, courts must scrutinize whether the agency’s interpretation aligns with the statutory framework and Congressional intent.
Implications for Regulatory Agencies

Cannabis Regulatory Agencies in Michigan: For state agencies like those regulating cannabis in Michigan, this ruling emphasizes the need for clear statutory guidance. The agencies must ensure that their regulations and enforcement actions are firmly grounded in legislative mandates. This may require more detailed legislation from state lawmakers to provide a clear framework for agency actions.

Historical Context and Agency Overreach: Over the past 40 years, the Chevron doctrine has enabled various federal agencies to expand their regulatory reach.

However, there have been instances where courts have pushed back against perceived overreach. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are notable examples where judicial scrutiny has curtailed expansive interpretations of statutory authority.

Future Regulatory Landscape: Moving forward, regulatory agencies must navigate a more constrained environment where judicial deference is not guaranteed. Agencies must build robust records demonstrating that their interpretations are within the scope of their delegated authority and consistent with legislative intent. This may result in more conservative and narrowly tailored regulations.

What all that means in one long sentence: Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo has reinforced judicial oversight over federal and state regulatory agencies and delineates the limits of agency authority for businesses and individuals, especially those involved in highly regulated industries such as cannabis meaning regulations made up by agencies need legislative OK.

At Komorn Law, we specialize in navigating the complex landscape of constitutional law. This recent Supreme Court decision illustrates the nuanced legal analyses and strategic thinking that we bring to our practice, ensuring that our clients receive informed and effective representation.

Our commitment to understanding and influencing the trajectory of legal standards helps us advocate for a balanced approach to individual rights and public safety.


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The Constitution provides “no textual justification for saying that the existence or the scope of a State’s power to expropriate private property without just compensation varies according to the branch of government effecting the expropriation.”

The case in question is Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, California.


Background of the Case: George Sheetz, the petitioner, was required by the County of El Dorado to pay a $23,420 traffic impact fee as a condition of receiving a residential building permit. The fee was part of a “General Plan” enacted by the County’s Board of Supervisors to address increasing demand for public services spurred by new development.

Reason for the Case:

Sheetz claimed that conditioning the building permit on the payment of a traffic impact fee constituted an unlawful “exaction” of money in violation of the Takings Clause. He argued that the Court’s decisions in Nollan v. California Coastal Comm’n, and Dolan v. City of Tigard, required the County to make an individualized determination that the fee imposed on him was necessary to offset traffic congestion attributable to his project.

Content of the Case:

The courts below ruled against Sheetz based on their view that Nollan and Dolan apply only to permit conditions imposed on an ad hoc basis by administrators, not to a fee like this one imposed on a class of property owners by Board-enacted legislation.

Final Opinion of the Case:

The Supreme Court held that the Takings Clause does not distinguish between legislative and administrative land-use permit conditions. Therefore, the ruling was in favor of Sheetz, overturning the decision of the lower courts.

Read the full SCOTUS Opinion here

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Listen Live to the US Supreme Court

Listen Live to the US Supreme Court

Listen live to arguments in the Supreme Court.

On Monday, the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments over the phone for the first time ever due to the coronavirus pandemic; they’ll hear 10 cases remotely from now until May 13. But that’s not the only history being made on Monday, as the Supreme Court will also for the first time ever make the audio available to be listened to live, The Associated Press reports.

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US Supreme Court Press Releases Regarding the Justices and counsel will all participate remotely.

US Supreme Court Press Releases Regarding the Justices and counsel will all participate remotely.

The US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments by telephone conference on May 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13 in a limited number of previously postponed cases.  The following cases will be assigned argument dates after the Clerk’s Office has confirmed the availability of counsel: 

18-9526, McGirt v. Oklahoma
19-46, United States Patent and Trademark Office v. B.V.
19-177, Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Inc.
19-267, Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, and 19-348, St. James School v. Biel
19-431, Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania, and 19-454, Trump v. Pennsylvania
19-465, Chiafalo v. Washington
19-518, Colorado Department of State v. Baca
19-631, Barr v. American Association of Political Consultants, Inc.
19-635, Trump v. Vance
19-715, Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP, and 19-760, Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG

In keeping with public health guidance in response to COVID-19, the Justices and counsel will all participate remotely. The Court anticipates providing a live audio feed of these arguments to news media. Details will be shared as they become available.

The Court Building remains open for official business, but most Court personnel are teleworking. The Court Building remains closed to the public until further notice.

The Court will use a teleconferencing system that will call counsel the morning of argument. All counsel for the cases to be argued that day will be called simultaneously at approximately 9:15 a.m. and will all be placed on a conference call with the Clerk of the Court, Scott Harris, to receive any last-minute instructions and to ask any remaining questions they may have. Once that briefing is completed, the phone lines for counsel will be muted, and counsel will remain on this same line until approximately 9:50 a.m. At that time, counsel will all be moved to the main conference call to await the beginning of argument.

At 10 a.m., the Justices will enter the main conference call, and the Marshal of the Court, Pamela Talkin, will cry the Court. The Chief Justice will call the first case, and he will acknowledge the first counsel to argue. Following the usual practice, the Court generally will not question lead counsel for petitioners and respondents during the first two minutes of argument. Where argument is divided and counsel represents an amicus or an additional party, the Court generally will not ask questions for one minute. At the end of this time, the Chief Justice will have the opportunity to ask questions. When his initial questioning is complete, the Associate Justices will then have the opportunity to ask questions in turn in order of seniority. If there is time remaining once all Justices have had the opportunity to question counsel, there may be additional questioning.

Once the time for the first counsel’s argument has expired, the Chief Justice will thank counsel for their argument, and acknowledge the next attorney. This process will continue until argument in the case is complete. Counsel for the petitioner in each case will be allotted three minutes for rebuttal. If there is a second case to be argued that day, the Chief Justice will call that case promptly after the end of the first argument, and the same process will be followed. The Marshal will announce the conclusion of arguments.

Monday, May 4: trademark

10 a.m. ET: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office v. B.V.

Summary: Generic terms cannot be trademarked, but wants to trademark its name.This case is about whether generic terms can become protected trademarks by the addition of a generic “.com” domain.

Attorneys: Government attorney Erica Ross, attorney Lisa Blatt.

Tuesday, May 5: Aid for HIV program

10 a.m.. ET: USAID v. Alliance for Open Society International

Summary: A new twist on an old case. In 2013, the justices said the government had violated the First Amendment by making funding for U.S. nonprofits contingent on those nonprofits trumpeting the government’s policy position on key issues. The case is back, but this time the question before the court is whether it’s unconstitutional if the government makes funding contingent for foreign-based affiliates of those same U.S. nonprofits.

Wednesday, May 6: Birth control access & Robocalls

10 a.m.ET: Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania consolidated with Trump v. Pennsylvania

Summary: The court considers a Trump administration rule that would allow employers with religious or moral objections to birth control to limit their employees’ access to free birth control under the Affordable Care Act.

11 a.m. ET:Barr v. American Association of Political Consultants

Summary: In 1991, Congress passed a law that prohibits most robocalls. In 2015, Congress created an exception for government debt collection. Political groups, which want to use robocalls to raise money and turn out voters, are challenging the act as a violation of their First Amendment free speech rights.

Monday, May 11: Native American land & Religious freedom

10 a.m. ET: McGirt v. Oklahoma

Summary: On the surface, this case is about whether states, like Oklahoma, can prosecute members of Native American tribes for crimes committed in the historical bounds of tribal land. But it has implications for state power over thousands of miles of land in Oklahoma that has historically belonged to Creek, Cherokee, Seminole, Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes.

11 a.m.ET: Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru consolidated with St. James School v. Biel

Summary: A freedom of religion case that tests whether lay teachers at parochial schools are protected by federal laws barring discrimination based on race, gender, age and disability; or whether, as the schools here maintain, their lay teachers are exempt from the protection of those laws. The case has potential implications for the millions of Americans employed not just by parochial schools but also by religiously affiliated hospitals, charities and universities.

Tuesday, May 12: Trump finances

10 a.m. ET: Trump v. Mazars consolidated with Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG; Trump v. Vance

Summary: These cases involve subpoenas for some of Trump’s pre-presidential financial records. Two consolidated cases — Trump v. Mazars and Trump v. Deutsche Bank — ask whether Congress has the power to subpoena the president’s personal records except during an impeachment proceeding; Trump v. Vance addresses a New York grand jury subpoena for those same records in the course of a criminal investigation.

Wednesday, May 13: Faithless electors

10 a.m. ET: Chiafalo v. Washington; Colorado Department of State v. Baca

Summary: Both cases involve so-called faithless electors — Electoral College delegates who fail to vote for the presidential candidate they were pledged to support. At issue is whether states can punish or remove such electors in order to ensure that the state’s electors accurately represent the state’s vote.


Date Posted


February 27, 2020

Trump v. Mazars (19-715), Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG (19-760) (Consolidated)

February 27, 2020

Trump v. Vance (19-635)

January 28, 2020

June Medical Serv. v. Gee, Sec., LA Dept. of Health (18-1323), Gee, Sec., LA Dept. of Health v. June Medical Serv. (18-1460) (Consolidated)

December 10, 2019

Espinoza v. Montana Dept. of Revenue (18-1195)

October 23, 2019

NY State Rifle & Pistol v. City of New York, NY (18-280)

August 02, 2019

Dept. of Homeland Security v. Regents of Univ. of CA (18-587), Trump, President of U.S. v. NAACP (18-588), McAleenan, Sec. of Homeland Security v. Vidal (18-589) (Consolidated)

August 02, 2019

R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC (18-107)

August 02, 2019

Bostock v. Clayton Cty., GA (17-1618), Altitude Express v. Zarda (17-1623) (Consolidated)

July 18, 2019

Lying in Repose of Justice Stevens

March 14, 2019

Dept. of Commerce v. New York, 18-966

February 19, 2019

Lamone v. Benisek, 18-726

February 19, 2019

Rucho v. Common Cause, 18-422

January 15, 2019

American Legion v. American Humanist Assn. (17-1717), Maryland-National Capital Park v. American Humanist Assn. (18-18) (Consolidated)

Listen Live: Supreme Court Arguments Begin Monday 5/4/20

SCOTUS Decision Gives Starbucks a Win in Labor Dispute

US Supreme Court – knock-and-announce rule



[June 15, 2006]

    Justice Scalia delivered the opinion of the Court, except as to Part IV.

    We decide whether violation of the “knock-and-announce” rule requires the suppression of all evidence found in the search.


    Police obtained a warrant authorizing a search for drugs and firearms at the home of petitioner Booker Hudson. They discovered both. Large quantities of drugs were found, including cocaine rocks in Hudson’s pocket. A loaded gun was lodged between the cushion and armrest of the chair in which he was sitting. Hudson was charged under Michigan law with unlawful drug and firearm possession.

    This case is before us only because of the method of entry into the house. When the police arrived to execute the warrant, they announced their presence, but waited only a short time—perhaps “three to five seconds,” App. 15—before turning the knob of the unlocked front door and entering Hudson’s home. Hudson moved to suppress all the inculpatory evidence, arguing that the premature entry violated his Fourth Amendment rights.

    The Michigan trial court granted his motion. On interlocutory review, the Michigan Court of Appeals reversed, relying on Michigan Supreme Court cases holding that suppression is inappropriate when entry is made pursuant to warrant but without proper “ ‘knock and announce.’ ” App. to Pet. for Cert. 4 (citing People v. Vasquez, 461 Mich. 235, 602 N. W. 2d 376 (1999) (per curiam); People v. Stevens, 460 Mich. 626, 597 N. W. 2d 53 (1999)). The Michigan Supreme Court denied leave to appeal. 465 Mich. 932, 639 N. E. 2d 255 (2001). Hudson was convicted of drug possession. He renewed his Fourth Amendment claim on appeal, but the Court of Appeals rejected it and affirmed the conviction. App. to Pet. for Cert. 1–2. The Michigan Supreme Court again declined review. 472 Mich. 862, 692 N. W. 2d 385 (2005). We granted certiorari. 545 U. S. ___ (2005).


    The common-law principle that law enforcement officers must announce their presence and provide residents an opportunity to open the door is an ancient one. See Wilson v. Arkansas, 514 U. S. 927931–932 (1995) . Since 1917, when Congress passed the Espionage Act, this traditional protection has been part of federal statutory law, see 40 Stat. 229, and is currently codified at 18 U. S. C. §3109. We applied that statute in Miller v. United States, 357 U. S. 301 (1958) , and again in Sabbath v. United States, 391 U. S. 585 (1968) . Finally, in Wilson, we were asked whether the rule was also a command of the Fourth Amendment . Tracing its origins in our English legal heritage, 514 U. S., at 931–936, we concluded that it was.

    We recognized that the new constitutional rule we had announced is not easily applied. Wilson and cases following it have noted the many situations in which it is not necessary to knock and announce. It is not necessary when “circumstances presen[t] a threat of physical violence,” or if there is “reason to believe that evidence would likely be destroyed if advance notice were given,” id., at 936, or if knocking and announcing would be “futile,” Richards v. Wisconsin, 520 U. S. 385,394 (1997) . We require only that police “have a reasonable suspicion … under the particular circumstances” that one of these grounds for failing to knock and announce exists, and we have acknowledged that “[t]his showing is not high.” Ibid.

    When the knock-and-announce rule does apply, it is not easy to determine precisely what officers must do. How many seconds’ wait are too few? Our “reasonable wait time” standard, see United States v. Banks, 540 U. S. 3141 (2003) , is necessarily vague. Banks (a drug case, like this one) held that the proper measure was not how long it would take the resident to reach the door, but how long it would take to dispose of the suspected drugs—but that such a time (15 to 20 seconds in that case) would necessarily be extended when, for instance, the suspected contraband was not easily concealed. Id., at 40–41. If our ex post evaluation is subject to such calculations, it is unsurprising that, ex ante, police officers about to encounter someone who may try to harm them will be uncertain how long to wait.

    Happily, these issues do not confront us here. From the trial level onward, Michigan has conceded that the entry was a knock-and-announce violation. The issue here is remedy. Wilson specifically declined to decide whether the exclusionary rule is appropriate for violation of the knock-and-announce requirement. 514 U. S., at 937, n. 4. That question is squarely before us now.



    In Weeks v. United States, 232 U. S. 383 (1914) , we adopted the federal exclusionary rule for evidence that was unlawfully seized from a home without a warrant in violation of the Fourth Amendment . We began applying the same rule to the States, through the Fourteenth Amendment, in Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U. S. 643 (1961) .

    Suppression of evidence, however, has always been our last resort, not our first impulse. The exclusionary rule generates “substantial social costs,” United States v. Leon, 468 U. S. 897907(1984) , which sometimes include setting the guilty free and the dangerous at large. We have therefore been “cautio[us] against expanding” it, Colorado v. Connelly, 479 U. S. 157166 (1986) , and “have repeatedly emphasized that the rule’s ‘costly toll’ upon truth-seeking and law enforcement objectives presents a high obstacle for those urging [its] application,” Pennsylvania Bd. of Probation and Parole v. Scott, 524 U. S. 357364–365 (1998) (citation omitted). We have rejected “[i]ndiscriminate application” of the rule, Leonsupra, at 908,and have held it to be applicable only “where its remedial objectives are thought most efficaciously served,” United States v. Calandra, 414 U. S. 338348 (1974) —that is, “where its deterrence benefits outweigh its ‘substantial social costs,’ ” Scott, supra, at 363 (quoting Leonsupra, at 907).

    We did not always speak so guardedly. Expansive dicta in Mapp, for example, suggested wide scope for the exclusionary rule. See, e.g., 367 U. S., at 655 (“[A]ll evidence obtained by searches and seizures in violation of the Constitution is, by that same authority, inadmissible in a state court”). Whiteley v. Warden, Wyo. State Penitentiary, 401 U. S. 560568–569 (1971) , was to the same effect. But we have long since rejected that approach. As explained in Arizona v. Evans, 514 U. S. 113 (1995) : “In Whiteley, the Court treated identification of a Fourth Amendment violation as synonymous with application of the exclusionary rule to evidence secured incident to that violation. Subsequent case law has rejected this reflexive application of the exclusionary rule.” (Citation omitted.) We had said as much in Leon, a decade earlier, when we explained that “[w]hether the exclusionary sanction is appropriately imposed in a particular case, . . . is ‘an issue separate from the question whether the Fourth Amendment rights of the party seeking to invoke the rule were violated by police conduct.’ ” 468 U. S., at 906 (quoting Illinois v. Gates462 U. S. 213223 (1983) ).

    In other words, exclusion may not be premised on the mere fact that a constitutional violation was a “but-for” cause of obtaining evidence. Our cases show that but-for causality is only a necessary, not a sufficient, condition for suppression. In this case, of course, the constitutional violation of an illegal manner of entry was not a but-for cause of obtaining the evidence. Whether that preliminary misstep had occurred or not, the police would have executed the warrant they had obtained, and would have discovered the gun and drugs inside the house. But even if the illegal entry here could be characterized as a but-for cause of discovering what was inside, we have “never held that evidence is ‘fruit of the poisonous tree’ simply because ‘it would not have come to light but for the illegal actions of the police.’ ” Segura v. United States, 468 U. S. 796,815 (1984) . See also id., at 829 (Stevens, J., dissenting) (“We have not … mechanically applied the [exclusionary] rule to every item of evidence that has a causal connection with police misconduct”). Rather, but-for cause, or “causation in the logical sense alone,” United States v. Ceccolini435 U. S. 268274 (1978) , can be too attenuated to justify exclusion, id., at 274–275. Even in the early days of the exclusionary rule, we declined to

“hold that all evidence is ‘fruit of the poisonous tree’ simply because it would not have come to light but for the illegal actions of the police. Rather, the more apt question in such a case is ‘whether, granting establishment of the primary illegality, the evidence to which instant objection is made has been come at by exploitation of that illegality or instead by means sufficiently distinguishable to be purged of the primary taint.’ ” Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U. S. 471,487–488 (1963) (quoting J. Maguire, Evidence of Guilt 221 (1959) (emphasis added)).

     Attenuation can occur, of course, when the causal connection is remote. See, e.g., Nardone v. United States308 U. S. 338341 (1939) . Attenuation also occurs when, even given a direct causal connection, the interest protected by the constitutional guarantee that has been violated would not be served by suppression of the evidence obtained. “The penalties visited upon the Government, and in turn upon the public, because its officers have violated the law must bear some relation to the purposes which the law is to serve.” Ceccolinisupra, at 279. Thus, in New York v. Harris, 495 U. S. 14 (1990) , where an illegal warrantless arrest was made in Harris’ house, we held that

“suppressing [Harris’] statement taken outside the house would not serve the purpose of the rule that made Harris’ in-house arrest illegal. The warrant requirement for an arrest in the home is imposed to protect the home, and anything incriminating the police gathered from arresting Harris in his home, rather than elsewhere, has been excluded, as it should have been; the purpose of the rule has thereby been vindicated.” Id., at 20.

For this reason, cases excluding the fruits of unlawful warrantless searches, see, e.g.Boyd v. United States, 116 U. S. 616 (1886) ; Weeks232 U. S. 383 ; Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States, 251 U. S. 385 (1920) ; Mappsupra, say nothing about the appropriateness of exclusion to vindicate the interests protected by the knock-and-announce requirement. Until a valid warrant has issued, citizens are entitled to shield “their persons, houses, papers, and effects,” U. S. Const., Amdt. 4, from the government’s scrutiny. Exclusion of the evidence obtained by a warrantless search vindicates that entitlement. The interests protected by the knock-and-announce requirement are quite different—and do not include the shielding of potential evidence from the government’s eyes.

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    One of those interests is the protection of human life and limb, because an unannounced entry may provoke violence in supposed self-defense by the surprised resident. See, e.g., McDonald v. United States, 335 U. S. 451460–461 (1948) (Jackson, J., concurring). See also Sabbath, 391 U. S., at 589; Miller, 357 U. S., at 313, n. 12. Another interest is the protection of property. Breaking a house (as the old cases typically put it) absent an announcement would penalize someone who “ ‘did not know of the process, of which, if he had notice, it is to be presumed that he would obey it … .’ ” Wilson, 514 U. S., at 931–932 (quoting Semayne’s Case, 5 Co. Rep. 91a, 91b, 77 Eng. Rep. 194, 195–196 (K. B. 1603)). The knock-and-announce rule gives individuals “the opportunity to comply with the law and to avoid the destruction of property occasioned by a forcible entry.”Richards, 520 U. S., at 393, n. 5. See also Banks, 540 U. S., at 41. And thirdly, the knock-and-announce rule protects those elements of privacy and dignity that can be destroyed by a sudden entrance. It gives residents the “opportunity to prepare themselves for” the entry of the police.Richards, 520 U. S., at 393, n. 5. “The brief interlude between announcement and entry with a warrant may be the opportunity that an individual has to pull on clothes or get out of bed.” Ibid. In other words, it assures the opportunity to collect oneself before answering the door.

    What the knock-and-announce rule has never protected, however, is one’s interest in preventing the government from seeing or taking evidence described in a warrant. Since the interests that were violated in this case have nothing to do with the seizure of the evidence, the exclusionary rule is inapplicable.


    Quite apart from the requirement of unattenuated causation, the exclusionary rule has never been applied except “where its deterrence benefits outweigh its ‘substantial social costs,’ ” Scott,524 U. S., at 363 (quoting Leon, 468 U. S., at 907). The costs here are considerable. In addition to the grave adverse consequence that exclusion of relevant incriminating evidence always entails (viz., the risk of releasing dangerous criminals into society), imposing that massive remedy for a knock-and-announce violation would generate a constant flood of alleged failures to observe the rule, and claims that any asserted Richards justification for a no-knock entry, see 520 U. S., at 394, had inadequate support. Cf. United States v. Singleton, 441 F. 3d 290, 293–294 (CA4 2006). The cost of entering this lottery would be small, but the jackpot enormous: suppression of all evidence, amounting in many cases to a get-out-of-jail-free card. Courts would experience as never before the reality that “[t]he exclusionary rule frequently requires extensive litigation to determine whether particular evidence must be excluded.” Scottsupra, at 366. Unlike the warrant or Miranda requirements, compliance with which is readily determined (either there was or was not a warrant; either the Miranda warning was given, or it was not), what constituted a “reasonable wait time” in a particular case, Bankssupra, at 41 (or, for that matter, how many seconds the police in fact waited), or whether there was “reasonable suspicion” of the sort that would invoke the Richards exceptions, is difficult for the trial court to determine and even more difficult for an appellate court to review.

    Another consequence of the incongruent remedy Hudson proposes would be police officers’ refraining from timely entry after knocking and announcing. As we have observed, see supra, at 3, the amount of time they must wait is necessarily uncertain. If the consequences of running afoul of the rule were so massive, officers would be inclined to wait longer than the law requires—producing preventable violence against officers in some cases, and the destruction of evidence in many others. See Gates, 462 U. S., at 258. We deemed these consequences severe enough to produce our unanimous agreement that a mere “reasonable suspicion” that knocking and announcing “under the particular circumstances, would be dangerous or futile, or that it would inhibit the effective investigation of the crime,” will cause the requirement to yield. Richardssupra, at 394.

    Next to these “substantial social costs” we must consider the deterrence benefits, existence of which is a necessary condition for exclusion. (It is not, of course, a sufficient condition: “[I]t does not follow that the Fourth Amendment requires adoption of every proposal that might deter police misconduct.” Calandra, 414 U. S., at 350; see also Leonsupra, at 910.) To begin with, the value of deterrence depends upon the strength of the incentive to commit the forbidden act. Viewed from this perspective, deterrence of knock-and-announce violations is not worth a lot. Violation of the warrant requirement sometimes produces incriminating evidence that could not otherwise be obtained. But ignoring knock-and-announce can realistically be expected to achieve absolutely nothing except the prevention of destruction of evidence and the avoidance of life-threatening resistance by occupants of the premises—dangers which, if there is even “reasonable suspicion” of their existence, suspend the knock-and-announce requirement anyway. Massive deterrence is hardly required.

    It seems to us not even true, as Hudson contends, that without suppression there will be no deterrence of knock-and-announce violations at all. Of course even if this assertion were accurate, it would not necessarily justify suppression. Assuming (as the assertion must) that civil suit is not an effective deterrent, one can think of many forms of police misconduct that are similarly “undeterred.” When, for example, a confessed suspect in the killing of a police officer, arrested (along with incriminating evidence) in a lawful warranted search, is subjected to physical abuse at the station house, would it seriously be suggested that the evidence must be excluded, since that is the only “effective deterrent”? And what, other than civil suit, is the “effective deterrent” of police violation of an already-confessed suspect’s Sixth Amendment rights by denying him prompt access to counsel? Many would regard these violated rights as more significant than the right not to be intruded upon in one’s nightclothes—and yet nothing but “ineffective” civil suit is available as a deterrent. And the police incentive for those violations is arguably greater than the incentive for disregarding the knock-and-announce rule.

We cannot assume that exclusion in this context is necessary deterrence simply because we found that it was necessary deterrence in different contexts and long ago. That would be forcing the public today to pay for the sins and inadequacies of a legal regime that existed almost half a century ago. Dollree Mapp could not turn to 42 U. S. C. §1983 for meaningful relief; Monroe v. Pape, 365 U. S. 167 (1961) , which began the slow but steady expansion of that remedy, was decided the same Term as Mapp. It would be another 17 years before the §1983 remedy was extended to reach the deep pocket of municipalities, Monell v. New York City Dept. of Social Servs., 436 U. S. 658 (1978) . Citizens whose Fourth Amendment rights were violated by federal officers could not bring suit until 10 years after Mapp, with this Court’s decision in Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents, 403 U. S. 388 (1971) .

    Hudson complains that “it would be very hard to find a lawyer to take a case such as this,” Tr. of Oral Arg. 7, but 42 U. S. C. §1988(b) answers this objection. Since some civil-rights violations would yield damages too small to justify the expense of litigation, Congress has authorized attorney’s fees for civil-rights plaintiffs. This remedy was unavailable in the heydays of our exclusionary-rule jurisprudence, because it is tied to the availability of a cause of action. For years after Mapp, “very few lawyers would even consider representation of persons who had civil rights claims against the police,” but now “much has changed. Citizens and lawyers are much more willing to seek relief in the courts for police misconduct.” M. Avery, D. Rudovsky, & K. Blum, Police Misconduct: Law and Litigation, p. v (3d ed. 2005); see generally N. Aron, Liberty and Justice for All: Public Interest Law in the 1980s and Beyond (1989) (describing the growth of public-interest law). The number of public-interest law firms and lawyers who specialize in civil-rights grievances has greatly expanded.

    Hudson points out that few published decisions to date announce huge awards for knock-and-announce violations. But this is an unhelpful statistic. Even if we thought that only large damages would deter police misconduct (and that police somehow are deterred by “damages” but indifferent to the prospect of large §1988 attorney’s fees), we do not know how many claims have been settled, or indeed how many violations have occurred that produced anything more than nominal injury. It is clear, at least, that the lower courts are allowing colorable knock-and-announce suits to go forward, unimpeded by assertions of qualified immunity. See, e.g.Green v. Butler, 420 F. 3d 689, 700–701 (CA7 2005) (denying qualified immunity in a knock-and-announce civil suit); Holland ex rel. Overdorff v. Harrington, 268 F. 3d 1179, 1193–1196 (CA10 2001) (same); Mena v. Simi Valley, 226 F. 3d 1031, 1041–1042 (CA9 2000) (same); Gould v. Davis, 165 F. 3d 265, 270–271 (CA4 1998) (same). As far as we know, civil liability is an effective deterrent here, as we have assumed it is in other contexts. See, e.g.Correctional Services Corp. v. Malesko, 534 U. S. 6170 (2001) (“[T]he threat of litigation and liability will adequately deter federal officers for Bivens purposes no matter that they may enjoy qualified immunity” (as violators of knock-and-announce do not)); see also Nix v. Williams, 467 U. S. 431446 (1984) .

    Another development over the past half-century that deters civil-rights violations is the increasing professionalism of police forces, including a new emphasis on internal police discipline. Even as long ago as 1980 we felt it proper to “assume” that unlawful police behavior would “be dealt with appropriately” by the authorities, United States v. Payner, 447 U. S. 727 , n. 5 (1980), but we now have increasing evidence that police forces across the United States take the constitutional rights of citizens seriously. There have been “wide-ranging reforms in the education, training, and supervision of police officers.” S. Walker, Taming the System: The Control of Discretion in Criminal Justice 1950–1990, p. 51 (1993). Numerous sources are now available to teach officers and their supervisors what is required of them under this Court’s cases, how to respect constitutional guarantees in various situations, and how to craft an effective regime for internal discipline. See, e.g., D. Waksman & D. Goodman, The Search and Seizure Handbook (2d ed. 2006); A. Stone & S. DeLuca, Police Administration: An Introduction (2d ed. 1994); E. Thibault, L. Lynch, & R. McBridge, Proactive Police Management (4th ed. 1998). Failure to teach and enforce constitutional requirements exposes municipalities to financial liability. See Canton v. Harris, 489 U. S. 378388 (1989) . Moreover, modern police forces are staffed with professionals; it is not credible to assert that internal discipline, which can limit successful careers, will not have a deterrent effect. There is also evidence that the increasing use of various forms of citizen review can enhance police accountability.

    In sum, the social costs of applying the exclusionary rule to knock-and-announce violations are considerable; the incentive to such violations is minimal to begin with, and the extant deterrences against them are substantial—incomparably greater than the factors deterringwarrantless entries when Mapp was decided. Resort to the massive remedy of suppressing evidence of guilt is unjustified.


    A trio of cases—Segura v. United States, 468 U. S. 796 (1984) ; New York v. Harris, 495 U. S. 14(1990) ; and United States v. Ramirez, 523 U. S. 65 (1998) —confirms our conclusion that suppression is unwarranted in this case.

    Like today’s case, Segura involved a concededly illegal entry. Police conducting a drug crime investigation waited for Segura outside an apartment building; when he arrived, he denied living there. The police arrested him and brought him to the apartment where they suspected illegal activity. An officer knocked. When someone inside opened the door, the police entered, taking Segura with them. They had neither a warrant nor consent to enter, and they did not announce themselves as police—an entry as illegal as can be. Officers then stayed in the apartment for 19 hours awaiting a search warrant. 468 U. S., at 800–801; id., at 818–819 (Stevens, J., dissenting). Once alerted that the search warrant had been obtained, the police—still inside, having secured the premises so that no evidence could be removed—conducted a search. Id., at 801. We refused to exclude the resulting evidence. We recognized that only the evidence gained from the particular violation could be excluded, see id., at 799, 804–805, and therefore distinguished the effects of the illegal entry from the effects of the legal search: “None of the information on which the warrant was secured was derived from or related in any way to the initial entry into petitioners’ apartment . . . .” Id., at 814. It was therefore “beyond dispute that the information possessed by the agents before they entered the apartment constituted an independent source for the discovery and seizure of the evidence now challenged.” Ibid.

If the search in Segura could be “wholly unrelated to the prior entry,” ibid., when the only entry was warrantless, it would be bizarre to treat more harshly the actions in this case, where the only entry was with a warrant. If the probable cause backing a warrant that was issued later in timecould be an “independent source” for a search that proceeded after the officers illegally entered and waited, a search warrant obtained before going in must have at least this much effect.1

    In the second case, Harris, the police violated the defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights by arresting him at home without a warrant, contrary to Payton v. New York, 445 U. S. 573 (1980) . Once taken to the station house, he gave an incriminating statement. See 495 U. S., at 15–16. We refused to exclude it. Like the illegal entry which led to discovery of the evidence in today’s case, the illegal arrest in Harris began a process that culminated in acquisition of the evidence sought to be excluded. While Harris’s statement was “the product of an arrest and being in custody,” it “was not the fruit of the fact that the arrest was made in the house rather than someplace else.” Id., at 20. Likewise here: While acquisition of the gun and drugs was the product of a search pursuant to warrant, it was not the fruit of the fact that the entry was not preceded by knock and announce.2

    United States v. Ramirez, supra, involved a claim that police entry violated the Fourth Amendment because it was effected by breaking a window. We ultimately concluded that the property destruction was, under all the circumstances, reasonable, but in the course of our discussion we unanimously said the following: “[D]estruction of property in the course of a search may violate the Fourth Amendment , even though the entry itself is lawful and the fruits of the search are not subject to suppression.” Id., at 71. Had the breaking of the window been unreasonable, the Court said, it would have been necessary to determine whether there had been a “sufficient causal relationship between the breaking of the window and the discovery of the guns to warrant suppression of the evidence.” Id., at 72, n. 3. What clearer expression could there be of the proposition that an impermissible manner of entry does not necessarily trigger the exclusionary rule?

*  *  *

    For the foregoing reasons we affirm the judgment of the Michigan Court of Appeals.

It is so ordered.


1 Justice Breyer’s insistence that the warrant in Segura was “obtained independently without use of any information found during the illegal entry,” post, at 14 (dissenting opinion), entirely fails to distinguish it from the warrant in the present case. Similarly inapposite is his appeal to Justice Frankfurter’s statement in Wolf v. Colorado, 338 U. S. 2528 (1949) , that the “knock at the door, … as a prelude to a search, without authority of law … [is] inconsistent with the conception of human rights enshrined in [our] history,” see post, at 17. “How much the more offensive,” Justice Breyer asserts, “when the search takes place without any knock at all,” ibid. But a no-knock entry “without authority of law” (i.e., without a search warrant) describes not this case, but Segura—where the evidence was admitted anyway. Justice Breyer’s assertion that Segura, unlike our decision in the present case, had no effect on deterrence, see post, at 23, does not comport with the views of the Segura dissent. See, e.g., 468 U. S., at 817 (Stevens, J., dissenting) (“The Court’s disposition, I fear, will provide government agents with an affirmative incentive to engage in unconstitutional violations of the privacy of the home”).

2 Harris undermines two key points of the dissent. First, the claim that “whether the interests underlying the knock-and-announce rule are implicated in any given case is, in a sense, beside the point,” post, at 18. This is flatly refuted by Harris’s plain statement that the reason for a rule must govern the sanctions for the rule’s violation. 495 U. S., at 17, 20; see also supra, at 6. Second, the dissent’s attempt to turn Harris into a vindication of the sanctity of the home, see post, at 24. The whole point of the case was that a confession that police obtained by illegally removing a man from the sanctity of his home was admissible against him.

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