Michigan Drivers License Restoration Lawyer

Michigan Drivers License Restoration Lawyer

Having a valid driver’s license is essential for individuals to engage in their daily routines, such as commuting to work, running errands, socializing, and more. Without the ability to legally drive, one faces limitations in performing these ordinary activities.

If you find yourself facing the daunting task of navigating the administrative process to reinstate your driver’s license, know that you don’t have to tackle it alone. At Komorn Law, we understand the complexities involved and are here to provide you with the guidance and support you need.

You know how it feels to be without the ability to drive legally. I don’t think we need to say anymore.

Our experienced team is well-versed in the intricacies of the reinstatement process, ensuring that you have the best chance of successfully regaining your license.

So just call us and talk to us about your situation.  We’ll let you know if and how we can help you. The evaluation is free.

Did You Know

Michigan State Police Legal Updates

MSP Legal Update No. 153 (01/2023)

  • Search & Seizure: The smell of marihuana, standing alone, no longer constitutes probable cause to search for that substance
  • Vehicle Code: Violation for impeding traffic requires evidence the accused’s conduct actually affected the normal flow of traffic.

Legal Update No. 153 (01/2023)


MSP Legal Update No. 150 (01/2022)

  • Vehicle Code: Persons under the age of 21 may be prosecuted for operating a motor vehicle with the presence of marihuana in their system
  • Criminal Law: Ethnic intimidation based on gender includes harassing or intimidating another person because of the actual or perceived gender of that person.

Legal Update No. 150 (01/2022)


Legal Update No. 148 (09/2021)

Statutes: Code of Criminal Procedure amended to prohibit issuance of appearance tickets to a person arrested for an “operating while intoxicated” offense; Juvenile Law: Individuals who are 17 years of age to be treated as juveniles in criminal proceedings rather than automatically being treated as adults; Did You Know: The mere presence of an unidentified cocaine metabolite is insufficient to prove operation of a vehicle with the presence of “any amount” of cocaine in the body.

Legal Update No. 148 (09/2021)


Legal Update No. 147 (03/2021)

Statutes: The Code of Criminal Procedure amended to require persons arrested for certain misdemeanor and ordinance violations not exceeding 1-year in jail to be released from custody upon issuance and service of an appearance ticket; Vehicle Code: The Michigan Vehicle Code amended to eliminate the requirement to provide an audible signal when overtaking another vehicle.

Legal Update No. 147 (03/2021)

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I recently encountered a new traffic light with 4 different signals – I am confused?!?

I recently encountered a new traffic light with 4 different signals – I am confused?!?

Question: I recently encountered a new traffic light with 4 different signals – What am I supposed to do when the light is flashing a yellow arrow?

Answer: The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has recently begun replacing the old flashing red signals for left turn lanes at intersections with a new style of signal that incorporates four lights.

This is what MDOT has to say about the new signals. “Those lights are a flashing yellow arrow which permits a left turn when oncoming traffic is clear (oncoming traffic has a green light), a  steady green arrow allows you to turn left, a steady yellow arrow warns that the left-turn signal is about to turn red and you should prepare to stop, and a steady red arrow which requires you to stop. 

The steady red arrow will be followed by a flashing yellow arrow on the next cycle.”

FAQ compliments of you the taxpayer and the MSP.

Question: I need a lawyer for a Traffic charge I got – Who should I call?

Answer: Komorn Law (248) 357-2550

If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime or DUI.
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How do I treat a dark traffic signal at an intersection?

How do I treat a dark traffic signal at an intersection?

Question: How do I treat a dark traffic signal at an intersection?

Answer: When a signal at an intersection loses power and there are no other traffic control devices (e.g., stop sign, yield sign, temporary signal, temporary sign) or police officers present at that intersection to provide direction, the intersection will be treated as a four way stop. 

MCL 257.649 requires a driver approaching an intersection with a traffic control signal that does not clearly indicate the right of way or is malfunctioning to treat the intersection as a four-way stop by doing the following: 

  • Stop at a clearly marked stop line, or, if there is no clearly marked stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or, if there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. 
  • Yield the right of way to all vehicles in the intersection or approaching on an intersecting road, if those vehicles create an immediate hazard when the driver is moving across or within the intersection. 
  • Exercise ordinary care while proceeding through the intersection. 

The “four-way stop” rules do not apply to the following:

  • An intersection that is controlled by a traffic control signal that is flashing yellow unless certain events occur, including, but not limited to, activation by an emergency vehicle.
  • A traffic control signal that is located in a school zone and is flashing yellow only during prescribed periods of time. 

FAQ compliments of you the taxpayer and the MSP. Also please note the traffic light pictured has not gone out yet and is still working.

Question: I need a lawyer for a Traffic charge I got – Who should I call?

Answer: Komorn Law (248) 357-2550

If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime or DUI.
Call Komorn Law Call Now 248-357-2550

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Can I have open alcohol in a trailer that is being pulled on the road?

Can I have open alcohol in a trailer that is being pulled on the road?

Question: Can I have open alcohol in a trailer or camper that is being pulled on the road?

Answer:  In most instances transporting or possession of open intoxicants in a vehicle is not permitted.  

MCL 257.624a states in part, “a person who is an operator or occupant shall not transport or possess alcoholic liquor in a container that is open or uncapped or upon which the seal is broken within the passenger compartment of a vehicle upon a highway, or within the passenger compartment of a moving vehicle in any place open to the general public or generally accessible to motor vehicles, including an area designated for the parking of vehicles…”

There are limited exceptions in cases where the transportation of an open or uncapped alcoholic liquor in the passenger compartment of a vehicle are permitted.

They include times when the vehicle does not have a trunk or separate area from the passenger compartment, and the container is in a locked glove compartment, behind the last upright seat, or in an area not normally occupied by the operator. There are additional exceptions in the case of a chartered vehicle such as a limousine or chartered bus.

FAQ compliments of you the taxpayer and the MSP

Question: I need a lawyer for a DUI charge I got. Who should I call?

Answer: Komorn Law (248) 357-2550

If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime or DUI.
Call Komorn Law Call Now 248-357-2550

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How do I get a Copy of my Driving Record in Michigan?

How do I get a Copy of my Driving Record in Michigan?

To obtain your certified complete driving record, you can visit your local Secretary of State (SOS) office, request it online, or order it by mail. The cost for obtaining this record is $12.

To purchase a certified copy of your driving record online:

  • Create an account through MiLogin and authenticate your information on our website.
  • Your record will only be visible for 7 days.
  • Pay with a credit or debit card (additional fees apply) or e-check/bank account number.
  • Fee: $12

Ensure that you specifically request your certified complete record, as edited versions may not provide the necessary information. A complete record will have the number “42” on the second line of the upper left corner.

Once you have your driving record, carefully review everything below the section labeled “End of Record History.”

This section contains important and vital information about anything that must be addressed before your license can be reinstated. It includes details such as dates, locations, specific offenses, and suspension dates, if applicable.

Here is the link to purchase your driving record from the SOS. Right Here–> Get a copy of your driving record.

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Driving Record (FAQs)

How do I make corrections to my driving record?

If you see discrepancies on your driving record, you will need to contact the listed court for tickets and the listed police department for accidents. Corrections will then be sent to the Michigan Department of State to update your record. If you need to discuss other details of your record, call the Driver Records Activity Unit at 517-636-6406.

How long is my driving record available for viewing online?

The link for your electronic driving record in Michigan is only accessible for 7 days. During the seven-day period, you may view your electronic driver record as many times as you need to by logging in and choosing the option to View Transaction History. It is recommend you save your documents to your computer or device so that you may conveniently view the record at any time.

Do I need a certified copy of my driving record?

If you are purchasing your driving record for your own reference, you may not need a certified record. If you are purchasing a copy of your record for a court case, or for an employer, check with the person requesting the record to verify what type of record is needed and if it needs to be certified.

NOTE: All driving records purchased in Secretary of State offices are certified records.

Can I purchase a driving record for another person?

In most cases, Michigan residents can only purchase their own records. The following exceptions are allowed by law:

Commercial and governmental agency users
The Michigan Department of State allows commercial and governmental users to obtain driver’s license, vehicle, mobile home, watercraft, and recreational vehicle records under certain specified conditions.

Driving Record Subscription Service
The Driving Record Subscription Service provides organizations with the driving records of their employees on an annual basis, or whenever there are violations, restrictions, suspensions, or revocations posted to the driving record.

If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime or DUI.
Call Komorn Law Call Now 248-357-2550

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In a legal environment that continues to evolve, it is essential to stay informed and seek guidance from knowledgeable professionals. Before acting on any information you find on the internet, this website, any linked website, any referring website or any verbal or written information consult a licensed attorney. Contact Komorn Law today to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you in navigating the complexities of Michigan’s laws. Consult an Attorney – Remember you’re on the internet.

Driving Privileges in Michigan

Driving Privileges in Michigan

Driving is an essential part of everyday life for many Michigan residents. Whether it’s commuting to work, running errands, or simply exploring the state’s many attractions, having a valid driver’s license is crucial.

However, driving privileges in Michigan come with a set of rules, regulations, and requirements that every driver must adhere to. In this article, we will provide an overview of the driving privileges in Michigan, including the types of licenses and endorsements available, how to obtain and renew a license, the consequences of violating traffic laws, and the graduated driver licensing program for teen drivers.

Overview of Driving Privileges in Michigan


Driving is a necessary part of life for many people in Michigan. However, driving privileges in Michigan require drivers to meet certain eligibility requirements, carry a valid license, and follow certain rules and regulations. It is essential to understand Michigan’s driving privileges and the processes involved in acquiring and maintaining a driver’s license.

Importance of Understanding Driving Privileges in Michigan

Knowing the requirements for driving in Michigan is vital to ensure safety on the roads and avoid legal consequences. Understanding Michigan’s driving privileges ensures that drivers are aware of what is expected of them when obtaining and maintaining a license. It is also essential to understand driving privileges to avoid penalties or revocation of driving privileges due to non-compliance with state laws.

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Types of Licenses and Endorsements in Michigan

Standard Michigan Driver’s License

The standard Michigan driver’s license allows individuals to operate passenger vehicles, light trucks, and vans. Michigan residents can obtain a standard driver’s license by passing a written test, a driving test, and demonstrating their ability to follow traffic laws.

Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)

Drivers seeking to operate commercial vehicles, such as large trucks or buses, must obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL). CDL applicants must pass a series of written and driving tests specific to commercial driving.

Motorcycle Endorsement

Individuals who want to operate a motorcycle must obtain a motorcycle endorsement. This requires passing a written test and a skills test that demonstrates the ability to safely operate a motorcycle.

Applying for a Michigan Driver’s License

Eligibility Requirements

To apply for a Michigan driver’s license, applicants must be at least 16 years old, have a valid Social Security Number, and pass a vision screening and knowledge test.

Required Documents

Applicants must bring specific documents to the Secretary of State’s office to prove their identity, residency, and legal presence in the United States.

Written and Road Tests

Applicants must pass a written test and a practical road test to obtain a driver’s license. The written test covers traffic laws and safe driving practices, and the road test assesses the driver’s ability to operate a vehicle safely.

Michigan Driver’s License Renewal and Replacement Process

Renewal Requirements

Michigan drivers must renew their license every four years. To renew a driver’s license, drivers must pass a vision screening and pay a fee.

Renewal Options

Michigan drivers can choose to renew their license in person, by mail, or online. Renewal options may vary based on eligibility criteria and driving record.

Replacement Process

If a Michigan driver loses or damages their license, they can apply for a replacement at the Secretary of State’s office. To obtain a replacement license, drivers must present identification documents and pay a fee.

Michigan Driver’s License Suspension and Revocation

Reasons for Suspension and Revocation

In Michigan, your driver’s license can be suspended or revoked for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include driving under the influence (DUI), failing to pay child support, accumulating too many points on your driving record, driving without insurance, and being involved in a hit-and-run accident.

Consequences of Suspension and Revocation

When your license is suspended or revoked, you are not allowed to drive legally until it is reinstated. If you are caught driving while your license is suspended or revoked, you can face serious consequences, including fines, jail time, and even further license suspension or revocation. Additionally, having a suspended or revoked license can make it difficult to obtain car insurance or even keep your job if it requires driving.

Reinstatement Process

To reinstate your license in Michigan, you typically need to complete any necessary requirements related to the reason for your suspension or revocation, such as paying fines, completing a driver’s education course, or even attending a court hearing. Once you have met these requirements, you can then apply to have your license reinstated.

Michigan Points System and Traffic Violations

How the Points System Works

In Michigan, drivers accumulates points on their driving record for various traffic violations, such as speeding, running a stop sign, or driving under the influence. If you accumulate too many points within a certain period of time, your license can be suspended or revoked. The number of points you receive for each violation varies, with more serious violations resulting in more points.

Common Traffic Violations in Michigan

Some of the most common traffic violations in Michigan include speeding, reckless driving, driving with an expired license, failing to yield, and driving under the influence. It is important to follow all traffic laws and regulations to avoid accumulating points on your driving record.

Paying Fines and Contesting Tickets

If you receive a traffic ticket in Michigan, you typically have the option to pay the fine or contest the ticket in court. If you choose to contest the ticket, you will have the opportunity to plead not guilty and present evidence to support your case.

Michigan DUI and OWI Laws and Penalties

Legal Alcohol Content (BAC) Limits

In Michigan, it is illegal to operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. For drivers under the age of 21, the legal limit is lower at 0.02%.

Penalties for DUI and OWI in Michigan

If you are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) or operating while intoxicated (OWI) in Michigan, you can face serious penalties, including fines, jail time, community service, and license suspension or revocation. The severity of the penalties depends on a variety of factors, such as your BAC, whether it is your first offense, and if anyone was injured or killed as a result of your actions.

License Suspension and Revocation for DUI and OWI

If you are convicted of DUI or OWI in Michigan, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended or revoked. The length of the suspension or revocation depends on the specific circumstances of your case, such as your BAC at the time of the offense and whether it is your first or subsequent offense.

Michigan Graduated Driver Licensing System for Teen Drivers

Overview of Michigan’s Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Program

Michigan’s Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program is designed to help teen drivers gain valuable experience and skills under certain restrictions before obtaining a full driver’s license. The program consists of three stages: level 1, level 2, and level 3.

GDL Requirements and Restrictions

During level 1 of the GDL program, teen drivers must be supervised by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old and has held their license for at least 3 years. During level 2, teen drivers can drive alone, but with restrictions, such as not driving between midnight and 5 a.m. During level 3, teen drivers have full driving privileges.

GDL Progression and Full License Issuance

To progress through the GDL program, teen drivers must complete certain requirements, such as driving a certain number of hours and passing both a written and driving test. Once they have completed all requirements and reached level 3, they can apply for a full driver’s license.In summary, understanding the driving privileges in Michigan is key to maintaining a safe and lawful driving experience. By knowing the various types of licenses and endorsements, the application and renewal processes, and the consequences of violating traffic laws, drivers can ensure they are operating their vehicles legally and responsibly. Additionally, the graduated driver licensing program for teen drivers serves as an important tool for promoting safe driving habits and preparing new drivers for the road. By following the rules and regulations outlined in this article, drivers can protect their driving privileges and keep themselves and others safe on the road.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Michigan points system for traffic violations?

The Michigan points system assigns points to a driver’s record for certain traffic violations. The number of points assigned varies depending on the severity of the violation. If a driver accumulates too many points within a certain period, their license may be suspended or revoked.

What are the penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) or operating while intoxicated (OWI) in Michigan?

The penalties for DUI or OWI in Michigan vary depending on the circumstances of the offense, such as the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) level and whether there were any injuries or fatalities. Penalties can include fines, license suspension or revocation, community service, and even jail time.

Can I renew my Michigan driver’s license online?

Yes, most Michigan drivers are eligible to renew their driver’s license online through the Secretary of State’s official website. However, certain eligibility requirements must be met, such as having a valid Social Security number on file and not having any outstanding traffic violations or warrants.

What is the graduated driver licensing program in Michigan?

The graduated driver licensing (GDL) program in Michigan is a three-stage program designed to gradually introduce new drivers to the responsibilities of driving. The program includes a learner’s permit stage, an intermediate stage, and a full-privilege stage, with each stage gradually allowing more driving privileges and fewer restrictions. The GDL program is designed to help reduce the number of teen driver accidents and fatalities.

If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime or DUI.
Call Komorn Law Call Now 248-357-2550

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In a legal environment that continues to evolve, it is essential to stay informed and seek guidance from knowledgeable professionals. Before acting on any information you find on the internet, this website, any linked website, any referring website or any verbal or written information consult a licensed attorney. Contact Komorn Law today to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you in navigating the complexities of Michigan’s laws. Consult an Attorney – Remember you’re on the internet.