Restoring Second Amendment Rights in Michigan

Restoring Second Amendment Rights in Michigan

Restoring Your Gun Rights

As of 4/17/24…There is still a second amendment

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution grants citizens the right to bear arms, a fundamental aspect of American freedoms.

However, in some cases, just like every other right being slowly chipped away you may lose those rights which I guess would not be rights but “granted rights” by the grace of those in power. Certainly some people don’t deserve the right.

For residents of Michigan seeking to restore their firearms privileges, understanding the process and requirements is essential.

In this article, we’ll delve into the steps one can take to regain their Second Amendment rights in Michigan.

Understanding Michigan Law

Michigan’s laws regarding firearm ownership and possession are outlined in the Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL). Specifically, MCL 28.422 details the criteria for obtaining a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) and outlines the procedures for individuals seeking to restore their firearms rights.

You may want to come back and take a look at the law in more detail as this article does not dive too deep.  Your specific situation may not be mentioned here but in the laws.

Causes of Denial

Before delving into the restoration process, it’s crucial to comprehend the common reasons for the denial of firearms rights. Individuals may face denial due to:


  • Criminal Convictions: Felony convictions often result in the loss of firearms rights. This includes offenses such as assault, domestic violence, drug-related crimes, and certain types of theft.
  • Mental Health: Adjudications: Individuals who have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility or have been deemed legally incapacitated may face restrictions on firearms ownership.
  • Domestic Violence Convictions: Convictions related to domestic violence can lead to the loss of Second Amendment rights, particularly if the offense involves the use or attempted use of physical force.
Komorn Law Established 1993

Steps to Restore Second Amendment Rights

1. Expungement of Convictions

For individuals with criminal convictions, pursuing expungement may be the first step towards restoring their firearms rights. Michigan’s recent expungement laws allow for the sealing of certain criminal records, enabling individuals to regain their firearms privileges under specific circumstances. Refer to MCL 780.621 for more information on the expungement process.

2. Petition for Restoration

Those who have lost their firearms rights due to criminal convictions or mental health adjudications can petition the court for restoration. This involves filing a petition with the circuit court in the county of residence. The court will review the individual’s case, considering factors such as rehabilitation, conduct since the conviction, and any mitigating circumstances. Consult MCL 28.425 for detailed information on the restoration process.

3. Compliance with Federal Requirements

In addition to state laws, individuals seeking to restore their firearms rights must also comply with federal regulations. This may include completing background checks and adhering to any federal restrictions on firearms ownership.

Seeking Legal Counsel

Navigating the process of restoring Second Amendment rights can be complex, especially considering the legal intricacies involved. As such, seeking guidance from a qualified attorney specializing in firearms law is highly recommended.

An attorney can provide invaluable assistance, ensuring that individuals understand their rights and obligations under both state and federal law.

Real Questions from Real Calls

Question: The application from the ATF Form 4473 asks if I use any illegal drugs. I have my medical marijuana card and it’s legal in Michigan right? So can I get a gun?

Answer: Unless you are the president’s son if you answered “No” on the form where it asks if you use illegal drugs you would be lying and your gun rights probably taken away and possibl;y charged with a crime.

Marihuana is still illegal federally and still in the public health code and listed as a controlled substance 1 in Michigan.

As it states on the ATF Form 4473 Part 1

Q: Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.

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Did You Know

Michigan State Police Legal Updates

MSP Legal Update No. 153 (01/2023)

  • Search & Seizure: The smell of marihuana, standing alone, no longer constitutes probable cause to search for that substance
  • Vehicle Code: Violation for impeding traffic requires evidence the accused’s conduct actually affected the normal flow of traffic.

Legal Update No. 153 (01/2023)


MSP Legal Update No. 150 (01/2022)

  • Vehicle Code: Persons under the age of 21 may be prosecuted for operating a motor vehicle with the presence of marihuana in their system
  • Criminal Law: Ethnic intimidation based on gender includes harassing or intimidating another person because of the actual or perceived gender of that person.

Legal Update No. 150 (01/2022)


Legal Update No. 148 (09/2021)

Statutes: Code of Criminal Procedure amended to prohibit issuance of appearance tickets to a person arrested for an “operating while intoxicated” offense; Juvenile Law: Individuals who are 17 years of age to be treated as juveniles in criminal proceedings rather than automatically being treated as adults; Did You Know: The mere presence of an unidentified cocaine metabolite is insufficient to prove operation of a vehicle with the presence of “any amount” of cocaine in the body.

Legal Update No. 148 (09/2021)


Legal Update No. 147 (03/2021)

Statutes: The Code of Criminal Procedure amended to require persons arrested for certain misdemeanor and ordinance violations not exceeding 1-year in jail to be released from custody upon issuance and service of an appearance ticket; Vehicle Code: The Michigan Vehicle Code amended to eliminate the requirement to provide an audible signal when overtaking another vehicle.

Legal Update No. 147 (03/2021)

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