Ohio Bill Introduced to Allow Each City to Ban Marijuana

Ohio Bill Introduced to Allow Each City to Ban Marijuana

With just over a week until Ohio’s voter-approved marijuana legalization law takes effect, a lawmaker has introduced a bill that would allow individual municipalities to locally ban the use and home cultivation of cannabis in their jurisdictions.

The legislation aims to modify the distribution of state marijuana tax revenue, specifically by decreasing funding allotted to social equity and jobs programs and redirecting it towards law enforcement training.

While Issue 2, approved by voters, specifically banned localities from prohibiting marijuana use, home cultivation, or scientific research, as well as imposing extra local taxes on cannabis products, the current bill aims to eliminate these crucial provisions, which could potentially result in a fragmented set of policies statewide.

Issue 2 currently grants municipalities the option to exclude new recreational cannabis companies from establishing themselves in their area. However, municipalities are unable to prevent existing medical marijuana enterprises from incorporating adult-use operations on-site, even if they express a desire to do so.

The bill as introduced would change how the state would need to appropriate cannabis tax revenue by adding two new funds: one for substance misuse and recovery services and another for law enforcement training.

You can follow the progress of the bill here.


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This post may contain re-posted content, opinions, comments, ads, third party posts, outdated information, posts from disgruntled persons, posts from those with agendas and general internet debauchery. Therefore… before you believe anything on the internet regarding anything and everything – do your research on verified Official Government and State Sites, Call the State Police, Check the State Attorney General Website and Consult an Attorney – and then check it again.

Legislation Brings Needed Changes to Educator Evaluation Laws

Legislation Brings Needed Changes to Educator Evaluation Laws

October 10, 2023

LANSING – Senate Bills 395-396 bring needed changes to Michigan’s time-intensive educator evaluation system and will allow teachers and school administrators to spend more time focused on students, according to the Michigan Department of Education.

“This legislature has accomplished a great deal this session in terms of much-needed investments in education funding and in addressing flaws in education policy,” saidState Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice. “Improving educator evaluation laws will be the next major legislative effort to improve public education for students.”

This effort to improve educator evaluation laws is critical for at least two reasons, both associated with time—for children to learn and teachers to teach, Dr. Rice said.

“First, it is vitally important because we have spent so much time evaluating staff, not to thebenefitof children but rather at theexpenseof time that could and should have been spent educating children,” Dr. Rice said. “Bottom line–we need to pour more time into teaching children.”

The second reason according to Dr. Rice is that the state legislature will likely not revisit this topic for several years. “What we do on this topic now will affect our children for a decade,” he said.

The bills before the Senate Education Committee would provide the opportunity for effective teachers to be formally evaluated every three years instead of annually or biennially, but would permit more frequent evaluation if necessary; and provide school administrators time to have a more significant focus on the needs of inexperienced and otherwise struggling staff who require more assistance to become effective teachers of children.

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Dr. Rice said that the committee is making strong progress in improving educator evaluations in Michigan, and that he appreciated the continued work being done in having a measure of student growth or student learning objective included in the educator evaluation process. 

“Although the state summative assessments should never have been part of educator evaluations and should be removed from the evaluation process, we believe strongly that some portion of educator evaluations should be associated with a student growth or student learning objective measure, locally determined between teacher and administrator, based on the teachers’ subjects, grade levels, and individual goals,” Dr. Rice said.

“This is a matter of student growth as well as the professional growth of educators,” he said. “We have to get it right.” 

The Senate Education Committee heard testimony on Senate Bills 395-396 today and is expected to take action on the legislation soon. 

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It’s not hard to be accused of being a Menace in Michigan

It’s not hard to be accused of being a Menace in Michigan

“You are a menace, you’re talking louder than me, you don’t agree with me and now you’re pointing at me with gun fingers. I feel threatened! I’m calling the police”.

All over a minor disagreement – probably about paper or plastic.

Police arrive and can only do what they do best. Arrest the person who didn’t call first or who isn’t performing better as the victim.

You are now charged with Michigan law MCL 750-411h and/or MCL 750-540.

You are a menace to society and will be treated as such.

When you say to the police this person was physically assaulting (MCL 750-81) you as you were trying to leave and blocked you in unlawfully imprisoning ( MCL 750-349b) you with their car (considered a dangerous weapon). The so called victim just screams louder as the performance escalates…

The police now add the charge of resisting arrest MCL 750-81d cause you objected and questioned the reason for your arrest and then you stepped left instead of right disobeying their command.

You’re lucky they didn’t throw more charges at you. Makes easier to get you to plead to a lower charge. Less work.

You are now listed as a threat to law enforcement prompting extreme measures and cautions when you have another encounter. You are a menace.

BTW the “victim” is recording everything to post on their you tube and tik-tok to generate hits which generates cash. You are now a menace and a comodity to be shared and humiliated by the world.  Your photo is on their gofundme page seeking emotional safespace donations to get away for a few days and bury this nightmare with a bunch of alcohol by the pool.

You get scolded by the system and told “you should have just walked away, got in your car and left.”

You did and it’s all on tape. You were being filmed, assaulted and blocked from leaving by a nutball claiming they are the victim.

Good job menace – Your now an internet sensation and everybody hates you.

Meanwhile dealing with the courts and law enforcement trying to get documentation and evidence – the “just say no generation” is saying “NO” to your rights or “it’s an ongoing investigation”.

They deny FOIA requests, overcharge for everything and charge for services and documents you thought your tax dollars paid for and just making your life more difficult.

Lesson learned about the system.

You are a menace. What’s a menace to do? Submit and Obey and be labeled a menace in the document vault forever.

Hey menace… Make it easy and plead out. Pay the victim restitution, fines, service fees, convenience fees, the fees to cover the cost of fees, electronic transfer fees, court fees and parking fees.  Don’t worry about work loss, your fuel costs, finding a babysitter. Admit guilt and move on menace.

Pleading leads to a life sentance of being a menace

Fight back

If you don’t want to submit and plead and want to fight for your rights.  Call us here at Komorn Law (248) 357-2550.

We have defended these cases and similar with positive outcomes.

The only thing an opponent respects is strength.

TIP – Shut up, tape everything and stream it if you can. Leave ASAP. When the police come they are going to take whatever you got and turn it into evidence against you. Especially your words.

Being a Menace in Michigan – FAQs 

Menacing is a crime in Michigan that involves intentionally placing another person in fear of serious physical harm. It can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances of the offense.

What is menacing?

Menacing is defined in Michigan law as intentionally placing another person in reasonable fear of serious physical harm. This can be done through words, gestures, or actions. For example, menacing could include:

  • Threatening to harm someone
  • Displaying a weapon in a threatening manner
  • Following someone in a way that makes them feel unsafe
  • Sending threatening messages or emails

What are the penalties for menacing?

Menacing is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. However, if the menacing is aggravated, it can be charged as a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. Aggravated menacing is defined as menacing that is committed:

  • Against a protected person, such as a police officer, firefighter, or healthcare worker
  • With a dangerous weapon
  • By someone who has been previously convicted of a crime of violence

What should I do if I am being menaced?

If you are being menaced, the most important thing is to stay safe. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If you are not in immediate danger, but you are still feeling threatened, you should report the menacing to the police. You should also keep a record of all threats and incidents of menacing, so that you can have evidence to support your case if you need to go to court.

Links to Michigan laws regarding menacing:

Q: What is the difference between menacing and assault?

A: Assault is the act of intentionally threatening or attempting to harm someone. Menacing is the act of intentionally placing someone in fear of serious physical harm. The key difference is that assault requires a threat or attempt to harm someone, while menacing only requires that someone be placed in fear of harm.

Q: What is the difference between menacing and stalking?

A: Stalking is a pattern of behavior that is intended to harass, intimidate, or threaten someone. Menacing can be a part of stalking, but it is not the same thing. Stalking is a more serious crime, and it can be charged even if the victim is not in immediate fear of harm.

Q: I am being menaced by my ex-partner. What can I do?

A: If you are being menaced by your ex-partner, you should report the menacing to the police and seek a restraining order. A restraining order can prohibit your ex-partner from contacting you or coming near you. You may also want to consider moving to a new location or changing your phone number.

Q: I am being menaced by a stranger. What can I do?

A: If you are being menaced by a stranger, you should stay safe and report the menacing to the police. You should also try to get a description of the stranger, so that the police can look for them. If you are followed, try to go to a public place or call 911.

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Disturbing the Peace – Laws and Penalties in Michigan

Disturbing the Peace – Laws and Penalties in Michigan

What are the laws and penalties of disturbing the peace in Michigan?

Have you ever been in a situation where someone’s behavior was so disruptive that it made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe? Maybe it was someone yelling loudly in public, creating a disturbance at a party, or engaging in violent behavior. These types of behaviors are considered to be disturbing the peace and can result in serious legal consequences. In Michigan, there are laws in place to protect individuals from these types of disruptions. This article will discuss the types of behaviors that violate disturbing the peace laws and the penalties associated with them.

Law enforcement on the scene will make the determination of whether you are “disturbing the peace” a typical catch all charge or lowered charge negotiated down from a higher criminal allegation.

Types of Behaviors that Violate Disturbing the Peace Laws

According to Michigan law, disturbing the peace is defined as any act that disturbs or disrupts the public peace. This can include a wide range of behaviors such as:

Loud Noises

Loud noises are one of the most common forms of disturbing the peace. This can include anything from shouting or screaming loudly in public to playing loud music late at night. It’s important to note that while some noise may be unavoidable, excessive noise can be deemed as disruptive and may lead to legal action.

Noise Ordinances

Many cities and towns have specific noise ordinances in place to regulate loud noises within residential areas. These ordinances typically prohibit loud noises after a certain time period (usually 10 pm) and may also limit how much noise is allowed during specific hours.

Fighting or Physical Altercations

Any type of physical altercation or fighting can be considered disturbing the peace under Michigan law. This includes both verbal altercations that escalate into physical violence as well as fights that were premeditated.

Potential Consequences

The penalties for fighting or physical altercations vary depending on various factors like whether any injuries occurred, whether weapons were used, and if minors were involved. The penalties range from misdemeanors with potential fines up to $500 and/or up to 90 days imprisonment for simple assault charges to felonies carrying up to life imprisonment for more severe offenses like aggravated assault with intent to commit murder.

Disrupting Public Meetings

Public meetings such as city council meetings or community gatherings are intended for individuals to express their opinions respectfully without being interrupted by others’ unwelcome behavior.

Potential Consequences

If an individual disrupts a public meeting by using inappropriate language, making excessive noise, interrupting speakers repeatedly, etc., they may face charges for disturbing public meetings which carries possible jail time and fines up to $5000.

Disorderly Conduct

Disorderly conduct refers to any type of behavior deemed disorderly by law enforcement officials such as drunkenness causing a disturbance in public places or obscene language while walking down a street.

Potential Consequences

Individuals convicted under disorderly conduct charges may face up-to 90 days imprisonment or potential fines up-to $500 depending on severity.

Penalties Associated with Violating Disturbing the Peace Laws

The penalties associated with violating disturbing the peace laws vary widely depending on several factors such as prior criminal record and severity of crime committed; age ranges also play an important role when sentencing juveniles/young adults who violate these laws.

In Michigan:

For first-time offenders who engage in minor disturbances likely pay fines ranging from $50-$200.
Repeat violators will face harsher sentences including jail terms up-to 93 days imprisonment.
If minors are involved then there is an increased possibility for juvenile detention centers.


Disturbing the peace laws exist across states across America because they’re designed solely keeping citizens’ safety interests intact while not letting anyone else cause discomfort due to unruly behavior regardless of circumstances behind said unacceptable actions. Noise-related violations are by far some common disruptions; however, fighting & altercations at events involving large crowds also pose problems frequently. Likewise, breaking municipal rules during official functions could spark debates; disrupting social settings through disorderly conduct makes matters worse altogether.

Therefore, it’s essential everyone abides by state-mandated regulations about disturbing-the-peace policies failing which one could face legal consequences outlined above. Hopefully, this article has shed light on what constitutes disturbing-the-peace scenarios & the necessary steps required for avoiding them altogether!

If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime, DUI or Drugged Driving. Call Komorn Law and turn your defense into an offense.
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Michigan Laws

State Michigan Legislature – Michigan Compiled Laws

Check the state MCL website here for any updates and of course consult an Attorney.

Act 328 of 1931

750.167 Disorderly person; subsequent violations by person convicted of refusing or neglecting to support family; breastfeeding or expressing breast milk exempt.

Sec. 167.

(1) A person is a disorderly person if the person is any of the following:

(a) A person of sufficient ability who refuses or neglects to support his or her family.

(b) A common prostitute.

(c) A window peeper.

(d) A person who engages in an illegal occupation or business.

(e) A person who is intoxicated in a public place and who is either endangering directly the safety of another person or of property or is acting in a manner that causes a public disturbance.

(f) A person who is engaged in indecent or obscene conduct in a public place.

(g) A vagrant.

(h) A person found begging in a public place.

(i) A person found loitering in a house of ill fame or prostitution or place where prostitution or lewdness is practiced, encouraged, or allowed.

(j) A person who knowingly loiters in or about a place where an illegal occupation or business is being conducted.

(k) A person who loiters in or about a police station, police headquarters building, county jail, hospital, court building, or other public building or place for the purpose of soliciting employment of legal services or the services of sureties upon criminal recognizances.

(l) A person who is found jostling or roughly crowding people unnecessarily in a public place.

(2) If a person who has been convicted of refusing or neglecting to support his or her family under this section is charged with subsequent violations within a period of 2 years, that person shall be prosecuted as a second offender or third and subsequent offender as provided in section 168, if the family of that person is then receiving public relief or support.

(3) A mother’s breastfeeding of a child or expressing breast milk does not constitute indecent or obscene conduct under subsection (1) regardless of whether or not her areola or nipple is visible during or incidental to the breastfeeding or expressing of breast milk.

750.168 Disorderly person; penalty.

Sec. 168.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a person convicted of being a disorderly person is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both.

(2) A person convicted of being a disorderly person under section 167d is guilty of a felony punishable as follows:

(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.

(b) If the person was previously convicted of violating section 167d, by imprisonment for not more than 4 years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both.

328-1931-XXIX – CHAPTER XXIX DISTURBING MEETINGS (750.169…750.170)

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Delta-8 in Michigan

Delta-8 in Michigan

Delta-8 is a cannabis compound that has become popular because of its similarity to delta-9. Both delta-8 and delta-9 are cannabinoids and are similar in both their names and their chemical structures. THC is the part of the marijuana plant that produces the “high” associated with marijuana; the scientific name for THC is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or delta-9 THC, or just delta-9. Delta-8 is short for delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, or delta-8 THC. Delta-8 causes effects for users similar to regular delta-9.

Delta-8 occurs naturally in small quantities in cannabis, however most of the commercially available delta-8 has been synthesized through a conversion process that uses a variety of chemicals to convert hemp-derived CBD into delta-8.

Delta-8 – like delta-9 (regular THC) – binds to the body’s endocannabinoid system, which causes a user to feel high. Chemically, delta-8 and delta-9 are similar in that they both have a double bond in their structures. Both cannabinoids have a chain of carbon atoms, but delta-8 has the double bond on the eighth carbon, whereas delta-9 has it on the ninth carbon. This double bond is thought to produce the intoxicating effects that make the user feel high. Delta-8 binds to the endocannabinoid system in a slightly different fashion because of the location of its double bond. This is what is thought to make delta-8 much less potent than regular THC. However, more research needs to be done on delta-8 and how it interacts with the body.

It is important to note that delta-9 is naturally occurring in relatively high concentrations in marijuana flower while delta-8 is naturally occurring in marijuana flower but in very low concentrations. When you see a delta-9 concentrate product, the cannabinoids in that product were likely extracted directly from the cannabis plant (marijuana) and concentrated. However, when you see a delta-8 concentrate product, the cannabinoids in that product were likely synthetized and concentrated through a chemical process. Nearly all delta-8 THC is derived from CBD which has been extracted from federally legal hemp, not cannabis, which is why it is currently sold in many states where cannabis is illegal.

Delta-9 marijuana products are produced from cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant and are strictly regulated and subject to stringent testing standards. Conversely, delta-8 products are created using unregulated, chemically synthesized cannabinoids that are, often, entirely untested. Because of this clandestine synthesis process, delta-8 products can contain harmful additives and byproducts.

Side effects of delta-8 may be similar to those of delta-9, including dry mouth, red eyes, getting the munchies, short-term memory, paranoia, or anxiety. Delta-8 hasn’t been studied extensively and more research is needed on the effects it has on the mind and body.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration has – in a proposed rule that is not yet final – indirectly classified delta-8 as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, which would make it federally illegal. The state of Michigan recently passed legislation that classified delta-8 as marijuana and therefore the production, distribution, and sale of delta-8 will now be regulated by the state’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA).

Effective October 11, 2021, it is illegal for businesses to sell delta-8 without proper licensing from the MRA. Members of the public can report unlicensed commercial production or sale of delta-8 to the MRA by emailing MRA-Enforcement@michigan.gov.

The MRA has created a one-page document with information about delta-8 and has made it available on the website here.


On the Controlled Substance List – Federally

Not federally legal anymore according to DEA on Feb 13, 2023 – Read about it here

Could change again. You know how the goal post keeps getting moved these days. Before you act on any information from the internet cnsult a human attorney and pay that attorney to tell you the right thing.

5 Things to Know about Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol – Delta-8 THC

Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as delta-8 THC, is a psychoactive substance found in the Cannabis sativa plant, of which marijuana and hemp are two varieties. Delta-8 THC is one of over 100 cannabinoids produced naturally by the cannabis plant but is not found in significant amounts in the cannabis plant. As a result, concentrated amounts of delta-8 THC are typically manufactured from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD). 

It is important for consumers to be aware that delta-8 THC products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA for safe use in any context. They may be marketed in ways that put the public health at risk and should especially be kept out of reach of children and pets. 

Read the rest here


If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime, DUI or Drugged Driving. Call Komorn Law and turn your defense into an offense.
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Police found my friend’s drugs in my car-What do I do?

Police found my friend’s drugs in my car-What do I do?

When you’re pulled over by the police and your friend throws their stash under your seat. Are they still your friend? That’s up to you. But at the moment you probably are going to take the fall, pay the price and have your life turned inside out and upside down. The justice system is hungry… and it eats money to keep it fat.

In Michigan, if drugs are discovered in your car, you as the driver are responsible for them. Under Michigan law it is assumed that you have control of any property that may be present inside your vehicle, you could be arrested and charged with possession.

While you cannot always control what a passenger brings into your vehicle, you can still get into trouble if they have an illegal substance on their person. Even if you are in possession of the illegal drugs, you can still be charged with constructive possession

To Consent or not to Consent

A police officer cannot search your car without either your consent or reasonable suspicion. If a search was conducted unlawfully, the evidence might be suppressed, which would be to your advantage and possibly lead to the drug case being dismissed.

Although they may do so without your consent, the best preventive measure is to never consent to a police search of your vehicle. But if they already have discovered a friend’s drugs in your car, it’s crucial that you remain silent and refuse to give any interviews or statements without your lawyer present.

Admit Nothing

The majority of the time, when police have reason to believe you knew drugs were in your car, it’s because you confessed to knowing. Don’t make any admissions!

Police frequently act as though they are trying to help you or even say things that will make you think that cooperating with them might be advantageous for you. Always keep in mind that the police are not your friends and that admitting that you were aware that drugs were present will not help your case.

Even if the drugs in your car actually belong to a friend and you had nothing to do with their possession, the police must link you to their possession in order to arrest you.

If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime, DUI or Drugged Driving. Call Komorn Law and turn your defense into an offense.
Call Now 248-357-2550

Don’t Take the Fall

Whether or not you knew that a friend’s drugs were in your car—and even if you didn’t—you could still be arrested. You must act to defend yourself because the drugs were discovered in a vehicle that is yours.

Prosecutors frequently hear the justification that “the drugs were someone else’s” because people are frequently stopped by police and claim that any drugs found in their vehicles were not theirs despite the fact that they were. “

The most crucial action you should take if the police find your friend’s drugs is to gather all the information and speak with an experienced Michigan criminal defense attorney.

Drug Possession and Criminal Defense Lawyer offers aggressive defense against DUI, Driving While High, Marijuana, Medical Marijuana and all criminal charges in Oakland County, Macomb County, Lapeer County, Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Grand Rapids, Lansing and The entire State of Michigan. Michigan.gov

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