Government Drones in Your Life – Yes, They Made up a Reason

Government Drones in Your Life – Yes, They Made up a Reason

Long Lake Township v. Maxon

The Costs Outweigh Benefits in Exclusionary Rule Application and the Slippery Slope of Fourth Amendment Protections

The recent decision by the Michigan Supreme Court in Long Lake Township v. Maxon represents a significant shift in the application of the exclusionary rule, particularly within the realm of civil enforcement proceedings. The Court held that the exclusionary rule, traditionally applied in criminal cases to deter police misconduct, does not extend to civil cases involving local zoning and nuisance ordinances.

This decision unequivocally reduces Fourth Amendment protections against government surveillance

This decision unequivocally reduces Fourth Amendment protections against government surveillance, raising concerns about privacy rights in an era of advanced technological surveillance methods such as drones.

This ruling highlights a broader trend of diminishing constitutional safeguards, emphasizing the slippery slope that ensues when fundamental rights are gradually eroded.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

What’s the Case?

The case involved Long Lake Township using a drone to take aerial photographs and videos of the Maxons’ property to document alleged zoning violations. The Maxons moved to suppress this evidence, claiming it was obtained through an illegal search.

Although the trial court denied the motion and the appellate court initially sided with the Maxons, the Michigan Supreme Court ultimately decided that the exclusionary rule does not apply in this civil context.

The Court’s analysis focused on balancing the costs and benefits of applying the exclusionary rule, concluding that the societal costs outweighed any potential deterrence of future misconduct.

This decision not only reflects the narrowing scope of Fourth Amendment protections but also raises critical questions about the extent to which citizens’ privacy rights are safeguarded in an era of pervasive surveillance technologies.

The Fourth Amendment: A Historical Perspective

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Historically, the Fourth Amendment has been a cornerstone of American jurisprudence, aimed at protecting citizens from arbitrary government intrusions. Over the years, various landmark cases have shaped its interpretation:

  1. Katz v. United States (1967): The Supreme Court established that the Fourth Amendment protects people, not places, and introduced the “reasonable expectation of privacy” test.
  2. United States v. Jones (2012): The Court held that attaching a GPS device to a vehicle and using it to monitor the vehicle’s movements constitutes a search under the Fourth Amendment.
  3. Carpenter v. United States (2018): The Court ruled that accessing historical cell phone location records constitutes a search, and thus, a warrant is required.

These cases underscore the evolving nature of Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, especially in the face of new technologies that enable more intrusive forms of surveillance.

The Exclusionary Rule: Purpose and Application

The exclusionary rule, established in Weeks v. United States (1914) and applied to the states in Mapp v. Ohio (1961), mandates that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment cannot be used in a court of law. The primary purpose of this rule is to deter police misconduct and to protect the integrity of judicial proceedings by excluding illegally obtained evidence.

However, its application has been primarily limited to criminal cases. The Supreme Court has been reluctant to extend the exclusionary rule to civil cases, as evidenced by decisions in cases like United States v. Janis (1976), where the Court held that the rule does not apply to civil tax proceedings.

Long Lake Township v. Maxon: Case Analysis


  • Long Lake Township filed a complaint against Todd and Heather Maxon, alleging violations of zoning ordinances and nuisance laws by storing junk cars on their property.
  • Unable to view most of the Maxons’ property from the street, the township hired a drone operator to take aerial photographs and videos.
  • The Maxons argued that the drone surveillance constituted an illegal search under the Fourth Amendment and moved to suppress the evidence.

Procedural History:

  • The trial court denied the motion to suppress, stating the drone surveillance did not constitute a search.
  • The Court of Appeals initially reversed this decision, holding that the drone surveillance violated the Fourth Amendment.
  • The Michigan Supreme Court vacated the appellate decision and remanded the case to determine whether the exclusionary rule should apply.
  • On remand, the Court of Appeals held that the exclusionary rule did not apply, and the Michigan Supreme Court affirmed this decision.

Legal Analysis

  1. Fourth Amendment Protections:
  • The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, typically requiring a warrant supported by probable cause.
  • Historically, key cases like Katz v. United States and United States v. Jones have expanded the interpretation of what constitutes a “search” under the Fourth Amendment.
  1. Exclusionary Rule:
  • Established in Weeks v. United States and applied to the states in Mapp v. Ohio, the exclusionary rule prevents evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment from being used in court.
  • Its primary purpose is to deter unlawful police conduct and uphold judicial integrity.
  1. Application to Civil Cases:
  • The Supreme Court has generally limited the exclusionary rule to criminal cases, with few exceptions such as civil asset forfeiture.
  • In United States v. Janis and Immigration & Naturalization Serv v. Lopez-Mendoza, the Court declined to apply the exclusionary rule to civil tax and deportation proceedings, emphasizing the minimal deterrent effect and substantial social costs.
  1. Michigan Supreme Court’s Ruling:
  • The Court applied a balancing test, weighing the costs and benefits of applying the exclusionary rule in this civil context.
  • Costs:
    • Difficulty in enforcing zoning ordinances without the drone evidence.
    • Delay in addressing ongoing violations could harm community interests.
    • Exclusion would hinder the township’s ability to maintain compliance with local laws.
  • Benefits:
    • Potential deterrence of intrusive government surveillance.
    • However, minimal deterrence expected since the exclusionary rule primarily deters police misconduct, not actions by municipal officials in civil contexts.
    • The case did not involve criminal penalties, reducing the relevance of the exclusionary rule.
  1. Distinguishing Factors:
  • The Court differentiated this case from civil asset forfeiture and blood draw cases, noting that the former are quasi-criminal and involve substantial intrusions, respectively.
  • The drone surveillance targeted the Maxons’ yard, an area with less privacy than a home or body, further diminishing the justification for exclusion.


The ruling in Long Lake Township v. Maxon marks a significant development in Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, particularly concerning the balance between individual privacy rights and government interests in civil enforcement. While the decision may streamline the enforcement of local ordinances, it raises critical questions about the erosion of constitutional protections in the face of advancing surveillance technologies. As drone usage becomes more prevalent, the legal community must grapple with these complex issues to ensure that fundamental privacy rights are not unduly compromised.

This case highlights the ongoing tension between technological advancements and constitutional safeguards, underscoring the need for vigilant judicial oversight and robust legal advocacy to protect individual liberties.

What all that means in one long sentence:  The Court held that the exclusionary rule, traditionally applied in criminal cases to deter police misconduct, does not extend to civil cases involving local zoning and nuisance ordinances.

At Komorn Law, we specialize in navigating the complex landscape of constitutional law. This recent Supreme Court decision illustrates the nuanced legal analyses and strategic thinking that we bring to our practice, ensuring that our clients receive informed and effective representation.

Our commitment to understanding and influencing the trajectory of legal standards helps us advocate for a balanced approach to individual rights and public safety.

And now for something completely different….

US Supreme Court Decision 7-1-24

Supreme Court Decision 23-939 Trump v. United States (07-01-2024) (PDF)

The nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority; he is also entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts; there is no immunity for unofficial acts.


What is the Exclusionary Rule?

What is the Exclusionary Rule?

What is the Exclusionary Rule?The Exclusionary Rule is a legal principle in the United States that prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution. Specifically, it applies to evidence obtained through an...

read more

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Oakland County Sheriff’s deputy fatally shot in ‘ambush’ while following stolen car

A deputy investigating a stolen car was shot to death Saturday night in Detroit in what Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard called an ambush.

Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputy Bradley Reckling, a detective, was following a stolen vehicle when several individuals exited the vehicle and shot Reckling in the head and chest, according to the agency’s preliminary investigation.

Reckling was following the 2022 Chevy Equinox after it was reported stolen earlier in the day from Red Oaks Waterpark in Madison Heights, Bouchard said at a Sunday news conference.

The sheriff office’s auto theft unit was looped in to look for the Equinox. Reckling was actively searching for and located the vehicle in Detroit and followed it in an unmarked vehicle. Two other detectives were nearby in their own vehicles.

The Equinox eventually stopped, individuals exited the vehicle and fired upon Reckling,” Bouchard said.

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Read the rest here at the Detroit Free Press

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City by City —> Here

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

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This drug will eat your flesh turn your skin green and it’s in Michigan

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This illicit drug will eat your flesh, turn your skin green, scaly and it’s in Michigan

We did not post any pictures depicting the results of abuse because it is horrifying. If you must see – Google for images of Krokodil.

Authorities are warning to be cautious of desomorphine, also known as krokodil, a semi-synthetic opioid that mirrors the effects of heroin and is notorious for causing users to develop scaly, green, and decaying skin.

Last week, the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office drug task force seized over 42 grams of powdered desomorphine during a search warrant execution related to cocaine sales in East China Township.

Previously, local, state and federal authorities sounded the alarm on xylazine, another flesh-eating drug that is infiltrating street drugs. A non-opioid, xylazine is most often mixed with fentanyl, which is then mixed into whatever passes for heroin. Last year, Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard reported that about 85% of the fentanyl his department seizes is mixed with xylazine. Because xylazine it is not an opioid, it is impervious to Narcan (generic: naloxone).

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Some Info from the Dept of “Justice” —> DESOMORPHINE

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Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

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$700 Million Settlement Against Johnson and Johnson – What’s Your Cut?

$700 Million Settlement Against Johnson and Johnson – What’s Your Cut?

Attorney General Nessel Reaches $700 Million Settlement Against Johnson and Johnson

Your mom and your dad have been covering you with Johnson and Johnson powder since you were a baby. There was always a cloud of powder in the air as they slapped it on you.

It got all over your face and hands and you both carried it throughout the house.  You could taste it because it got in your mouth from breathing it in.  You’ve been using it all your life, you still have some in your closet. You still use it today.

What’s your cut of the $700 Million and why didn’t they ban it from use long ago? 

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Here is the news release from the government.

Attorney General Nessel Reaches $700 Million Settlement Against Johnson and Johnson

June 11, 2024

LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and 42 other attorneys general reached a $700 million nationwide settlement to resolve allegations related to the marketing of Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and body powder products that contained talc.

The consent judgment (PDF) filed in this lawsuit addresses allegations that Johnson & Johnson deceptively promoted and misled consumers in advertisements related to the safety and purity of some of its talc powder products. As part of the lawsuit, Johnson & Johnson has agreed to stop the manufacture and sale of its baby powder and body powder products that contain talc in the United States.

“Product safety should be a top priority for every company in every sector, but especially an historic, trusted brand selling baby care products,” said Nessel. “Misleading Michigan consumers will not be tolerated, no matter how large or well-known the corporate perpetrator. We will stand up for consumer safety in our state, and I’m appreciative for our many bipartisan partners on this litigation throughout the country.”

Johnson & Johnson sold such products for more than 100 years. After the coalition of states began investigating, the company stopped distributing and selling these products in the United States and more recently ended global sales. While this lawsuit targeted the deceptive marketing of these products, numerous other lawsuits filed by private plaintiffs in class actions raised allegations that talc causes serious health issues including mesothelioma and ovarian cancer.

Under the consent judgment, Johnson & Johnson:

  • Has ceased and not resumed the manufacturing, marketing, promotion, sale, and distribution of all baby and body powder products and cosmetic powder products that contain talcum powder, including, but not limited to, Johnson’s Baby Powder and Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower (“Covered Products”) in the United States.
  • Shall permanently stop the manufacture of any Covered Products in the United States either directly, or indirectly through any third party.
  • Shall permanently stop the marketing and promotion of any Covered Products in the United States either directly, or indirectly through any third party.
  • Shall permanently stop the sale or distribution of any Covered Products in the United States either directly, or indirectly through any third party.

As part of the settlement, Michigan will receive $20,615,040.58. This settlement is pending judicial approval.

Michigan is joined on the multistate settlement by the attorneys general of Texas, Florida, and North Carolina, as well as Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Read it Consent Judgement PDF

  • Where does the money go?
  • Are you eligible for some of that government windfall?
  • How do you prove that you used the powder and the link to your disease?
  • Got a lifetime of receipts?
  • Got pictures of you using it daily?

Here are some possible answers at

The answer is millions of consumers will pay more for products and J&J will make it up in a year and probably another robbery just occured.

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Bloomfield Hills Doctor Convicted of $6M Medicare Fraud Scheme

Bloomfield Hills Doctor Convicted of $6M Medicare Fraud Scheme


For Immediate Release

A federal jury convicted a Michigan doctor today for causing the submission of over $6.3 million in fraudulent claims to Medicare for medically unnecessary orthotic braces ordered through a telemarketing scheme.

According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Sophie Toya, M.D., 55, of Bloomfield Hills, signed thousands of prescriptions for orthotic braces for over 2,500 Medicare patients during a six-month period. Toya was not the treating physician for any of these patients and, instead, was connected with some of the patients over the telephone through a telemarketing scheme and spoke to the patients briefly before signing orthotic brace prescriptions for them. For other patients, Toya signed prescriptions without having any contact with them.

In one instance, Toya prescribed a lower back brace, right and left shoulder braces, a right wrist brace, right and left knee braces, and right and left ankle braces for a single Medicare patient. Toya also prescribed multiple braces for undercover agents posing as five different Medicare patients after speaking to each agent for less than a minute over the telephone.

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 (248) 357-2550

The evidence presented at trial showed that Toya could not possibly have diagnosed the patients or determined that the braces were medically necessary for them. Nonetheless, Toya signed medical records and prescriptions for braces that falsely represented that the braces were medically necessary and that she diagnosed the beneficiaries, had a plan of care for them, and recommended that they receive certain additional treatment.

Toya’s false prescriptions were used by brace supply companies to bill Medicare more than $6.3 million.

Toya was paid approximately $120,000 in exchange for signing the fraudulent prescriptions.

The jury convicted Toya of one count of health care fraud and five counts of false statements relating to health care matters. She is scheduled to be sentenced on Aug. 15 and faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for health care fraud and five years in prison on each of the false statements relating to health care matters counts.

A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Only 120k out of 6.3 million!! Looks like the scammer got scammed. But who really got scammed – You did…Once again. —> Punishment will probably be a good job in politics raising campaign funds.

When you need to go on the offense – to put the prosecution on defense
Komorn Law (248) 357-2550.

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School district says marijuana-related incidents on the rise

School district reports an increase in marijuana-related incidents at schools and calls on leaders to take action.

The Detroit Public Schools Community District has observed a substantial rise in the use of marijuana edibles and vape pens within schools. In light of this concerning trend, the district is appealing to local, state, and federal leaders to promptly implement a policy addressing this issue.

In an email sent on Thursday, Superintendent Nikolai Vitti reports a significant increase in drug-related incidents within the district. Between 2019 and 2021, there were 289 recorded incidents. However, the number has surged to 1,735 between 2021 and 2023, emphasizing the urgent need for attention and immediate action to address this concerning issue.

The email reportedly reached ot to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, city council members, and Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow.

Cannabis Legal Defense

Commercial – Private – Criminal Charges

Komorn Law 248-357-2550