Chinese-funded marijuana farms springing up across the U.S.

Chinese-funded marijuana farms springing up across the U.S.

Inside the Chinese-funded and staffed marijuana farms springing up across the U.S.

During a farm inspection, New Mexico state special agents discovered an excessive number of cannabis plants in violation of state laws. Subsequent visits revealed dozens of underfed and shell-shocked Chinese workers on the premises, raising concerns about their wellbeing.

The workers said they had been trafficked to the farm in Torrance County, N.M., were prevented from leaving and never got paid.

They are part of a new pipeline of migrants “leaving” China and making illegal border crossings into the United States via Mexico, and many are taking jobs at hundreds of cannabis farms springing up across the U.S.

Read the rest from a once great and still public funded NPR

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550


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AGs – Ex DEA Leaders for Push Public Hearing On Marijuana Rescheduling

AGs – Ex DEA Leaders for Push Public Hearing On Marijuana Rescheduling

State AGs And Former DEA Leaders Push Agency To Hold Public Hearing On Marijuana Rescheduling Proposal

In a filing with the federal government ahead of a key deadline this week, a group of former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) leaders is asking the agency to hold a public hearing on the proposal to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA)—saying that the move is “likely the most consequential rulemaking DEA has ever attempted.”

A group of 18 state attorneys general also filed a similar request.

“Given the magnitude of the impact of the proposed rule and considering we face an unprecedented drug overdose crisis in this country,” said the group of six former DEA administrators and three former acting administrators, “we write to emphasize that a hearing on this rulemaking is in the public interest.”

“A public hearing is in the public interest, and therefore in the interest of our states,” added the attorneys general, led by South Carolina AG Alan Wilson (R). Others who signed on represent Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming. All are Republicans.

The groups’ asks came ahead of a deadline Thursday to file comments requesting that DEA hold a hearing on the rescheduling proposal.

“As DEA made clear in the Proposed Rule, additional data and rigorous scientific analysis is needed to determine whether marijuana is appropriately placed into Schedule III,” the former drug enforcement officials wrote. “Sifting through the competing claims about marijuana’s pharmacological effects, potential for abuse, and implications for public safety, are best done at a hearing.”

They assert that the rescheduling recommendation “proposes to change the definition of currently accepted medical use, as well as change the way the federal government implements our international treaty obligations.”

read the rest here at Marijuana Moment

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

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Borders and Cannabis and MoneyFerengi Rule of Acquisition #41. Profit is its own reward.If you bring your own cannabis to Canada. How does the Canadian government profit?  They don't so they will punish you if you get caught. It's simple. It's about the money. That is...

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SquattersSquatting, in one definition is the unauthorized occupation of a property, can be a frustrating ordeal for property owners in Michigan. Understanding the relevant laws and procedures is crucial for regaining possession of your property.Squatting vs. Adverse...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

The Rights of Nature

Seattle settled a lawsuit brought by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe on behalf of salmon harmed by dams on the Skagit River. This is one of the first “rights of nature” cases in the US, and the tribe argued that the lack of fish passage measures violated the salmon’s rights. Seattle agreed to include fish passage facilities in its application to renew its license to operate the dams.

Lake Erie Bill of Rights adopted by Toledo, Ohio, in 2019 was intended to protect the lake from pollution. The law gave Lake Erie legal standing and gave Toledo, Ohio, and its residents the right to sue on the lake’s behalf.

Here are some relevant articles:

  • Press Release: City of Seattle Settles “Rights of Nature” Case Filed by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe – Agrees to Create Fish Passage Through Skagit River Dams Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights
  • Seattle settles case involving ‘rights of nature,‘ a theory gaining steam in other countries ABA Journal
Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

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What is the Exclusionary Rule?

What is the Exclusionary Rule?The Exclusionary Rule is a legal principle in the United States that prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution. Specifically, it applies to evidence obtained through an...

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I am going to Canada – Can I bring my cannabis?

Borders and Cannabis and MoneyFerengi Rule of Acquisition #41. Profit is its own reward.If you bring your own cannabis to Canada. How does the Canadian government profit?  They don't so they will punish you if you get caught. It's simple. It's about the money. That is...

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Squatters in Michigan

SquattersSquatting, in one definition is the unauthorized occupation of a property, can be a frustrating ordeal for property owners in Michigan. Understanding the relevant laws and procedures is crucial for regaining possession of your property.Squatting vs. Adverse...

Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

It’s their corner now

“This punishment should serve as a clear warning for all unlicensed cannabis stores in the state: we will enforce the law and shut down your operations,” state Attorney General Letitia James said

The owner of seven unlicensed cannabis shops in New York, known for hosting an Easter egg hunt as part of their promotions, has been fined over $15 million by state officials for repeatedly disregarding orders to cease operations without proper approval.

A state Supreme Court justice in Lyons, New York, levied a fine against David Tulley on Wednesday. Acting Justice Richard Healy ordered Tulley to pay 90% of his gross sales from February 2022 to May 2023, along with $10,000 for each day he operated without licenses.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

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What is the Exclusionary Rule?

What is the Exclusionary Rule?

What is the Exclusionary Rule?The Exclusionary Rule is a legal principle in the United States that prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution. Specifically, it applies to evidence obtained through an...

I am going to Canada – Can I bring my cannabis?

I am going to Canada – Can I bring my cannabis?

Borders and Cannabis and MoneyFerengi Rule of Acquisition #41. Profit is its own reward.If you bring your own cannabis to Canada. How does the Canadian government profit?  They don't so they will punish you if you get caught. It's simple. It's about the money. That is...

Squatters in Michigan

Squatters in Michigan

SquattersSquatting, in one definition is the unauthorized occupation of a property, can be a frustrating ordeal for property owners in Michigan. Understanding the relevant laws and procedures is crucial for regaining possession of your property.Squatting vs. Adverse...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

When Cannabis Businesses Are No Longer Subject to IRS 280E

When Cannabis Businesses Are No Longer Subject to IRS 280E

IRS 280E and Cannabis Businesses

What is IRS Section 280E?

Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code restricts businesses from deducting typical business expenses from their gross income related to the distribution of Schedule I or II substances per the Controlled Substances Act.

But you still have to pay taxes on it.

Komorn Law PLLC: Your Partner in Strategic Growth

At Komorn Law PLLC, we understand the importance of aligning business strategies with the latest regulatory and tax developments. Our expertise in cannabis law enables us to provide tailored advice that anticipates shifts in the regulatory landscape and leverages them for our clients’ benefit. We encourage cannabis businesses to consult with our team to navigate these changes effectively, ensuring they are positioned to capitalize on new opportunities in a more favorable legal environment.

Strategic Tax Planning for Cannabis Businesses in the New Regulatory Era

As legal professionals at Komorn Law PLLC deeply engaged with the evolving landscape of cannabis law, we are at the forefront of advising and representing businesses navigating these changes.

The recent recommendation by Attorney General Merrick Garland to reclassify cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule III controlled substance marks a pivotal shift, promising significant legal and financial implications for the industry.

Decoding the Reclassification Benefits

Cannabis, currently grouped with substances like heroin under Schedule I, has faced disproportionately stringent regulations. This reclassification to Schedule III, which includes less stringently controlled substances such as ketamine and testosterone, rectifies a longstanding regulatory misalignment. It acknowledges cannabis’s lower risk compared to many Schedule II drugs that have contributed to widespread public health issues.

For cannabis businesses, the most immediate benefit of this shift is the potential alleviation from the severe limitations imposed by Internal Revenue Code Section 280E. Currently, businesses involved with Schedule I substances are denied the ability to deduct typical business expenses, drastically increasing their tax burden. The reclassification promises to normalize tax treatments, significantly reducing effective tax rates and enhancing overall business profitability.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Navigating Beyond IRC 280E

While overcoming IRC 280E is a significant victory, it is just one piece of the tax puzzle for cannabis businesses. Many such businesses operate as C corporations, subjecting them to a flat 21% federal income tax rate on profits, with an additional tax on dividends paid to shareholders. This double taxation framework can lead to an effective tax rate nearing 44.8% at the federal level alone, not including potential state and local taxes.

Given the inherent tax challenges in the C corporation structure, especially regarding asset sales, Komorn Law PLLC advises a strategic reassessment of business structures. The sale of assets by a C corporation incurs federal, state, and local taxes on gains, followed by further taxation of the distributed dividends, compounding the financial burden.

Advising on Strategic Business Realignments

With the regulatory changes on the horizon, it’s critical for cannabis businesses to reevaluate their entity structure. Transitioning from a C corporation to an S corporation or a partnership offers several advantages, primarily the elimination of double taxation on distributions. This can be significantly more tax-efficient, particularly when considering the sale or transfer of business assets.

For businesses anticipating an increase in value following the reclassification, it is crucial to implement these structural changes before this appreciation occurs. Such proactive adjustments can optimize tax efficiencies and enhance the business’s long-term financial health.

Contact Komorn Law for More Insight

At Komorn Law we specialize in cannabis law, providing strategic advice that anticipates regulatory shifts and leverages them for our clients’ advantage.

Consult with our team to navigate changes effectively and position yourself to capitalize on new opportunities in a more favorable legal environment.

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What is the Exclusionary Rule?

What is the Exclusionary Rule?

What is the Exclusionary Rule?The Exclusionary Rule is a legal principle in the United States that prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution. Specifically, it applies to evidence obtained through an...

I am going to Canada – Can I bring my cannabis?

I am going to Canada – Can I bring my cannabis?

Borders and Cannabis and MoneyFerengi Rule of Acquisition #41. Profit is its own reward.If you bring your own cannabis to Canada. How does the Canadian government profit?  They don't so they will punish you if you get caught. It's simple. It's about the money. That is...

Squatters in Michigan

Squatters in Michigan

SquattersSquatting, in one definition is the unauthorized occupation of a property, can be a frustrating ordeal for property owners in Michigan. Understanding the relevant laws and procedures is crucial for regaining possession of your property.Squatting vs. Adverse...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

THC Associated with Increase of Survival Time in Palliative Cancer

THC Associated with Increase of Survival Time in Palliative Cancer

Summary from the official government website (Link Below)

The Use of Tetrahydrocannabinol Is Associated with an Increase in Survival Time in Palliative Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study

The study, conducted by researchers in Germany, analyzed data from the palliative treatment documentation of over 9,000 patients from five ambulatory palliative care teams. The researchers divided the patients into three groups: those who did not receive THC, those who received a low dose of THC (less than or equal to 4.7mg per day), and those who received a higher dose of THC (greater than or equal to 4.7mg per day). They then compared survival rates between the groups.

The analysis revealed that THC use was associated with a statistically significant increase in survival time, but only for patients who received a daily dose exceeding the median amount of 4.7mg. In this group, patients lived an average of 15 days longer compared to those who did not receive THC.

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 (248) 357-2550

Key takeaway: This study suggests that THC may offer a survival benefit for ambulatory palliative care patients, but only at higher doses. More research is needed to confirm these findings and to explore the underlying mechanisms.

Additional considerations:

  • The study was observational and cannot definitively prove that THC caused the observed increase in survival time. Other factors may have played a role.
  • The optimal dosage of THC for palliative care patients is still being investigated.
  • THC use can have side effects, and it is important to weigh the potential risks and benefits when considering it as a treatment option.

Further readings:

Source: NIH

When you need to go on the offense – to put the prosecution on defense
Komorn Law (248) 357-2550.