Meet MiChap

Meet MiChap

Climate and Health Adaptation Program

You must save yourself from yourself.


Our Vision: Michigan’s public health system fosters equitable health and wellbeing as it adapts to the current and future impacts of climate change.

Our Mission: The Michigan Climate and Health Adaptation Program (MICHAP) supports a climate resilient public health system by investigating climate-driven health risks, identifying information for decision-making across sectors, and collaboratively implementing climate adaptation strategies.

MiCHAP Funding Cycles Infographic

Michigan’s new growth plan: Sacrifices must be made for the environment and team.

Last week Michigan Chief Growth Officer Hilary Doe described immigration as the green line in Michigan’s population story, the one number going up, besides prices, inflation, real estate, groceries, taxes, fees, fees for fees, convience fees, registrations, regulatory fees, utilities, interest rates, school loans, etc, etc, etc.

But A SEMCOG report last year found that 14,012 people aged 64 or younger left Southeast Michigan each year between 2010 and 2019, while 14,737 foreigners arrived annually. It’s 2024. It’s a stunning and brave new world – who cares about 2010-2019.

Statewide, immigration “helps offset our out-migration a little bit,” Doe said.

Doh is right… A little bit? Why are they leaving a climate haven is the question and why all of the sudden are Michigan citizens asked to let strangers into their homes to live.

Yes “sponsor” a family. Let’s start at your house.


In 2020, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer created the Office of Global Michigan.

And now that office is asking Michiganders to ignore common sense and serve as sponsors to refugees. Sounds like a win win.

Read more about that here and below


Call our office to see if we can help !!!

Komorn Law

The Division of Environmental Health (DEH) uses the best available science to reduce, eliminate, or prevent public health harm from environmental, chemical, and physical hazards. Learn more about DEH

***If You believe you are in immediate danger, call 911 or Contact Poison Control at 800-222-1222.

For less urgent concerns, call the MDHHS Toxicology and Environmental Health hotline at 800-648-6942, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

DUI for Alcohol or Marijuana or Prescription Drugs - Fight it

Related Articles

Meet MiChap

Meet MiChap

Climate and Health Adaptation ProgramYou must save yourself from yourself.Meet MICHAPOur Vision: Michigan's public health system fosters equitable health and wellbeing as it adapts to the current and future impacts of climate change. Our Mission: The Michigan Climate...

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Michigan Needs You to Open Your HomeIt's a big worldThe Office of Global Michigan works to make Michigan welcoming and inclusive. In alignment with this overarching goal, our office takes the lead in advancing equity and inclusion initiatives throughout the state,...

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Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

The Rights of NatureSeattle settled a lawsuit brought by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe on behalf of salmon harmed by dams on the Skagit River. This is one of the first "rights of nature" cases in the US, and the tribe argued that the lack of fish passage measures violated...

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NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

It's their corner now“This punishment should serve as a clear warning for all unlicensed cannabis stores in the state: we will enforce the law and shut down your operations,” state Attorney General Letitia James saidThe owner of seven unlicensed cannabis shops in New...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

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Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Can I drink alcohol and smoke cannabis if I'm canoeing or kayaking or tubing or paddleboarding or just floating around?While Michigan law doesn't explicitly forbid consuming alcohol on non-motorized vessels like canoes or kayaks, it's strongly discouraged for safety...

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Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Michigan Needs You to Open Your Home

It’s a big world

The Office of Global Michigan works to make Michigan welcoming and inclusive.

In alignment with this overarching goal, our office takes the lead in advancing equity and inclusion initiatives throughout the state, including spearheading programs for the seamless integration of newcomers. Global Michigan’s dedicated teams are focused on empowering immigrant, refugee, underrepresented and marginalized communities across the state to achieve their highest potential. Our aim is to contribute meaningfully to a Michigan that embraces diversity and actively promotes inclusivity, ensuring that opportunities for growth and prosperity are open to all.

Michigan’s new growth plan: Sacrifices must be made for the environment and team.

Last week Michigan Chief Growth Officer Hilary Doe described immigration as the green line in Michigan’s population story, the one number going up.

Disregarding in the story… prices, inflation, real estate, groceries, taxes, fees, fees for fees, convience fees, registrations, regulatory fees, utilities, interest rates, school loans, etc, etc, etc.

But A SEMCOG report last year found that 14,012 people aged 64 or younger left Southeast Michigan each year between 2010 and 2019, while 14,737 foreigners arrived annually.

It’s 2024. It’s a stunning and brave new idiocracy – who cares about 2010-2019.

Statewide, immigration “helps offset our out-migration a little bit,” Doe said.

Doh is right… A little bit? Why are they leaving a climate haven is the question and why all of the sudden are Michigan citizens asked to let strangers into their homes to live.

In 2020, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer created the Office of Global Michigan.

And now that office is asking Michiganders to serve as sponsors to refugees. Sounds like a win win?

Read more about that here and below

In the 2024 budget, Michigan lawmakers approved $39,127,500 for the Office of Global Michigan. Only $758,000 of that came from the general fund. The lion’s share, 98%, or $38,369,000, came from the federal government. Michigan is a top-10 state for refugees, according to the Office of Global Michigan.

Michigan has chosen to follow the private sponsorship model of refugee resettlement. That, too, came from the federal government.

Read more about that here

DUI for Alcohol or Marijuana or Prescription Drugs - Fight it

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Meet MiChap

Meet MiChap

Climate and Health Adaptation ProgramYou must save yourself from yourself.Meet MICHAPOur Vision: Michigan's public health system fosters equitable health and wellbeing as it adapts to the current and future impacts of climate change. Our Mission: The Michigan Climate...

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Michigan Needs You to Open Your HomeIt's a big worldThe Office of Global Michigan works to make Michigan welcoming and inclusive. In alignment with this overarching goal, our office takes the lead in advancing equity and inclusion initiatives throughout the state,...

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Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

The Rights of NatureSeattle settled a lawsuit brought by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe on behalf of salmon harmed by dams on the Skagit River. This is one of the first "rights of nature" cases in the US, and the tribe argued that the lack of fish passage measures violated...

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NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

It's their corner now“This punishment should serve as a clear warning for all unlicensed cannabis stores in the state: we will enforce the law and shut down your operations,” state Attorney General Letitia James saidThe owner of seven unlicensed cannabis shops in New...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

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Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Can I drink alcohol and smoke cannabis if I'm canoeing or kayaking or tubing or paddleboarding or just floating around?While Michigan law doesn't explicitly forbid consuming alcohol on non-motorized vessels like canoes or kayaks, it's strongly discouraged for safety...

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Feds discover new methods to distinguish hemp and marijuana to assist crime labs

Feds discover new methods to distinguish hemp and marijuana to assist crime labs

Federally funded researchers have uncovered two methods to divide and diversify the difference between hemp and cannabis to assist to crime labs. 

Because Cannabis is still a crime and Hemp is not…

The Controlled Substance Act of 1970 classified the plant cannabis, which was historically classified as either marijuana or hemp, as an illegal drug, a Schedule I controlled substance with a high potential for abuse and no FDA-approved medical use in the United States.

For more than 50 years, hundreds of thousands of people were arrested and imprisoned for possessing it.

317,793 Americans are arrested annually for possession of marijuana. Easy Target – Easy Money.

The Farm Bill of 2018 changed this straightforward classification of cannabis. The bill legalized the form of cannabis classified as hemp, while the form classified as marijuana remained illegal.

The task of determining the distinction has been assigned to law enforcement and forensic laboratories, a responsibility that has proven to be challenging, time-consuming, and costly.

Federally funded researchers have made significant advancements in accurately distinguishing between marijuana and hemp by precisely analyzing the THC levels found in flower and edibles.

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ), an entity within the “Justice” Department, is actively promoting the results of two research projects that it funded, both centered around cannabis lab testing. These findings are now being shared exclusively with select law enforcement agencies.

The aim of the initiatives was to streamline the testing process in order to address the increasing crime lab backlogs caused by the federal legalization of hemp with up to 0.3 percent THC under the 2018 Farm Bill.

This legalization has complicated cannabis-related cases, and thus the initiatives were implemented to help resolve these challenges.

Have your rights been violated?
Have your driving priviledges been revoked?
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Second Amendment rights taken away?
Have you been charged with a crime?

Call our office to see if we can help
Komorn Law  248-357-2550

Current testing methods are unable to accurately determine the exact amount of THC in a sample, as stated in the recent update by NIJ. However, the researchers they have funded have achieved a significant breakthrough.

Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and direct analysis in real time-high-resolution mass spectrometry (DART-HRMS), they are now able to isolate the THC content, along with other cannabinoids.

This discovery marks a significant advancement in our ability to analyze and understand the composition of cannabis samples.

In the government, everything is go spend more money and if that doesn’t work, it’s go spend more money and if that doesn’t work spend more money and so on and so on.

DUI for Alcohol or Marijuana or Prescription Drugs - Fight it

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Meet MiChap

Meet MiChap

Climate and Health Adaptation ProgramYou must save yourself from yourself.Meet MICHAPOur Vision: Michigan's public health system fosters equitable health and wellbeing as it adapts to the current and future impacts of climate change. Our Mission: The Michigan Climate...

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Michigan Needs You to Open Your HomeIt's a big worldThe Office of Global Michigan works to make Michigan welcoming and inclusive. In alignment with this overarching goal, our office takes the lead in advancing equity and inclusion initiatives throughout the state,...

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Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

The Rights of NatureSeattle settled a lawsuit brought by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe on behalf of salmon harmed by dams on the Skagit River. This is one of the first "rights of nature" cases in the US, and the tribe argued that the lack of fish passage measures violated...

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NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

It's their corner now“This punishment should serve as a clear warning for all unlicensed cannabis stores in the state: we will enforce the law and shut down your operations,” state Attorney General Letitia James saidThe owner of seven unlicensed cannabis shops in New...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

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Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Can I drink alcohol and smoke cannabis if I'm canoeing or kayaking or tubing or paddleboarding or just floating around?While Michigan law doesn't explicitly forbid consuming alcohol on non-motorized vessels like canoes or kayaks, it's strongly discouraged for safety...

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Michigan: No Evidence of Widespread Discriminatory Policing Practices

Michigan: No Evidence of Widespread Discriminatory Policing Practices

No Evidence of Widespread Discriminatory Policing Practices

Never Ending Quest

To assess the department’s traffic enforcement policies and programs, CNA conducted an extensive 18-month evaluation that used document reviews, targeted interviews, focus groups, ride-alongs and quantitative data analysis. CNA’s report, which the MSP commissioned as part of its five-point plan announced in January 2022 to address racial disparities in its traffic stops, focused on how the department recruits, hires, instructs, trains and supervises troopers, as well as the organizational factors relevant to traffic enforcement and equitable policing.

Have your rights been violated?
Have your driving priviledges been revoked?
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Second Amendment rights taken away?
Have you been charged with a crime?

Call our office to see if we can help
Komorn Law  248-357-2550

“As a law enforcement agency, we are committed to fair and equitable policing,” stated Col. James F. Grady II, director of the MSP. “Although previous research conducted by the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University has identified the presence of racial and ethnic disparities in MSP traffic stops, the reasons for such disparities remain unknown. Discriminatory behavior is not an acceptable practice within this agency and anyone engaging in it will be addressed through training, discipline or termination, dependent on the circumstances of the incident. Today, as always, we reaffirm our commitment to the highest standards of anti-discrimination education and training and always look to serve Michigan to the best of our ability.”

CNA’s report includes 54 findings and associated recommendations. Some of the findings and recommendations highlight strong policies and positive programs that, in the opinion of CNA, the MSP should maintain and build upon, while other findings and recommendations emphasize policies and programs that require greater attention and improvement.

The MSP has fully reviewed the report and provided a response to each finding and recommendation. To access MSP’s response and a copy of the report go here.

Source: News Release

In the government, everything is ‘Go spend more money’ and if that doesn’t work, it’s ‘Go spend more money.’

DUI for Alcohol or Marijuana or Prescription Drugs - Fight it

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Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Michigan Needs You to Open Your HomeIt's a big worldThe Office of Global Michigan works to make Michigan welcoming and inclusive. In alignment with this overarching goal, our office takes the lead in advancing equity and inclusion initiatives throughout the state,...

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Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

Seattle settles case involving – the rights of nature

The Rights of NatureSeattle settled a lawsuit brought by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe on behalf of salmon harmed by dams on the Skagit River. This is one of the first "rights of nature" cases in the US, and the tribe argued that the lack of fish passage measures violated...

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NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

It's their corner now“This punishment should serve as a clear warning for all unlicensed cannabis stores in the state: we will enforce the law and shut down your operations,” state Attorney General Letitia James saidThe owner of seven unlicensed cannabis shops in New...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

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Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Can I drink alcohol and smoke cannabis if I'm canoeing or kayaking or tubing or paddleboarding or just floating around?While Michigan law doesn't explicitly forbid consuming alcohol on non-motorized vessels like canoes or kayaks, it's strongly discouraged for safety...

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The Feds Wastes at Least $247 Billion of your Money Each Year

The Feds Wastes at Least $247 Billion of your Money Each Year

Your Tax Dollars at Work

The U.S. government wastes billions of taxpayer dollars every year.

Nothing New

Improper payments, which refers to erroneous government disbursements, pose a significant financial burden on the United States.

$247 billion in 2022, according to the Government Accountability Office.

The U.S. government has lost almost $2.4 trillion by GAO estimates in simple payment errors over the last 20 years.

“The government has just lost, as if you dropped it on the sidewalk, trillions and trillions of dollars over the last few decades,” said Richard Stern, a budget and spending expert from the Heritage Foundation. “That is money that was stolen from hardworking Americans to just simply get wasted.”

Oh…but that’s not all.

Oversight reports from nonprofits and lawmakers like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., claim billions more are being wasted every year — from spending $1.7 billion maintaining empty government buildings to accidentally investing $28 million on forest camouflage uniforms to be used in the deserts of Afghanistan.

Hey you… The guy that ordered the wrong uniforms from China. You’re fired and give back your commission!

Dr. Rand Paul Releases 2023 ‘Festivus’ Report on Government Waste

Duplicated programs are another cause for concern.

“The Government Accountability Office every year issues a report on duplicative and overlapping programs and every year they find more and more of these programs,” according to Tom Schatz, president of Citizens Against Government Waste.

The problems mainly stem from the way our government tries to solve an issue, according to critics.

“In the federal government, everything is ‘Go spend more money’ and if that doesn’t work, it’s ‘Go spend more money.’”

Have your rights been violated?
Have your driving priviledges been revoked?
Has your professional license been suspended?
Second Amendment rights taken away?
Have you been charged with a crime?

Call our office to see if we can help
Komorn Law  248-357-2550

Seems like thay aren’t accountable for anything. Just a title like the rest.

DUI for Alcohol or Marijuana or Prescription Drugs - Fight it

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Climate and Health Adaptation ProgramYou must save yourself from yourself.Meet MICHAPOur Vision: Michigan's public health system fosters equitable health and wellbeing as it adapts to the current and future impacts of climate change. Our Mission: The Michigan Climate...

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Meet The Office of Global Michigan

Michigan Needs You to Open Your HomeIt's a big worldThe Office of Global Michigan works to make Michigan welcoming and inclusive. In alignment with this overarching goal, our office takes the lead in advancing equity and inclusion initiatives throughout the state,...

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NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

NY judge fines unlicensed cannabis shops $15 million

It's their corner now“This punishment should serve as a clear warning for all unlicensed cannabis stores in the state: we will enforce the law and shut down your operations,” state Attorney General Letitia James saidThe owner of seven unlicensed cannabis shops in New...

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Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Vehicle Forfeiture in Canada – The Process of Taking

Thank You... and have a nice day eh!Disclaimer: We are not Attorneys in Canada.  This is an article of information obtained from various sources and presented here. We can only assume they are accurate.  If you ever find a reason to go to Canada and need a lawyer...we...

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Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Can I drink alcohol and smoke cannabis if I'm canoeing or kayaking or tubing or paddleboarding or just floating around?While Michigan law doesn't explicitly forbid consuming alcohol on non-motorized vessels like canoes or kayaks, it's strongly discouraged for safety...

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