CDAM Presentation – Case and Law Links

Below you will find links to documents that may or may not be part of the CDAM presentation (In Alphabetical Order).

0 – CDAM Slide Show Document Link List
0 Komorn Law – CDAM – Attachment PDF
AG Dana Nessel eyes tweaks to recreational marijuana law
Controlled Substance List
Definition of Marijuana Amended
Drug driving’ on the rise in Macomb and Michigan
Forfeiture 2020 MSP Asset Report
Forfeiture Laws – Michigan
Forfeiture Laws (Section Links)
Forfeiture mcl-333-7523
Forfeiture mcl-333-7523a
Gonzalez, Michael – Order and Opinion
House Bill 5301 (Michigan)
House Bill 5301 Legal Analysis (Michigan)
Impaired Driving Safety Commission – Report
Industrial Hemp Act (mcl 220-of-2020)
Industrial Hemp Act (Section Links)
Industrial Hemp Act Definitions mcl-333-29103
Marijuana Definitions Updated – (Amended Definitions)
Marijuana Regulatory Agency  Delta-8 Update (MRA)
Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA – Amended Definitions)
Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA)
Michigan Criminal_Jury_Instructions
Michigan Legislative Bills Affecting the MMFLA
Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (Amended Definitions)
Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (Sections Links)
Michigan Medical Marihuna Act (MMMA)
Michigan Regulate and Tax Marihuana Act (MRTMA Sections Links)
Michigan Regulate and Tax Marihuana Act (MRTMA)
Michigan Seed Law
Michigan Seed Law FAQ
Oakes- Prop 1 Motion- Redacted
Oakes, Nathan – Lapeer – Opinion
People v Feezel – MSC
People v Tasselmyer, COA Case No. 353404
People v Thue, COA Case No. 353978
Perry, M – Opinion
Public Health Code – Amended Definition
Stecker, Ken –  Letter 1
Ter Beek v. City of Wyoming
Trial Court Funding Commission Final Report_Final_Report_9-6-2019
U.S. v. U.S. District Court for the E. District of Michigan – You Tube Link

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