Federal class action lawsuit filed against MSP crime labs over marijuana reporting policy

Federal class action lawsuit filed against MSP crime labs over marijuana reporting policy

DETROIT — Attorneys filed a federal class action lawsuit against the Michigan State Police crime labs this week, claiming its current marijuana reporting policy violates due process and Fourth Amendment rights and demanding it be thrown out for good.


This suit would have statewide impact, directly affecting the some 180,000 registered medical marijuana patients and anyone caught with marijuana in Michigan.  Attorneys Michael Komorn and Tim Daniels filed the suit Tuesday with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Detroit Division.


They write the crime labs intentionally misreport marijuana as synthetic, as we saw in the Max Lorincz case in Ottawa County.  A judge threw out his felony drug charge 16 months into the case; meanwhile, Lorincz’s 6-year-old son spent 18 months in foster care.


Lorincz is one of the four plaintiffs in the complaint.


But it goes further, writing that the 2013 marijuana policy in the labs was “made in an attempt to strip medical marijuana patients of their rights and immunities, charge or threaten to charge citizens with greater crimes than they might have committed, obtain plea deals and increase proceeds from drug forfeiture.”


“The fact that it continues to go on,” said Komorn, “it’s an outrage; it’s not science. The Michigan Medical Marijuana [Program] was supposed to be a shield, not a sword.”


Last fall, the MSP Forensic Science Division Director Captain Gregoire Michaud, whoquietly retired this May, made a presentation for the Wayne County Criminal Defense Bar.  Michaud had said out of the crime labs’ $60 million budget, 40 percent was spent on testing marijuana.   He said this caseload volume impeded their work on investigating other cases, specifically testing rape kits statewide.

Komorn reiterated this suit is working to dismiss this policy in the labs and rearrange the state police’s priorities.


“That’s one of the things that I’m hoping comes out of this, is that we turn the focus away from and onto the more, that we would all agree, serious crimes that we need full-on police investigation attention,” said Komorn.


The MSP Public Affairs Manager Shanon Banner told FOX 17 Wednesday they will not comment on a pending case, defaulting to their Nov. 2015 statement.


Later this year, the state police labs are up for their renewal of their international accreditation with the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board. It is likely the MSP’s crime labs’ marijuana misreporting allegations will be challenged during this process.


Read the lawsuit in full here.











Judge dismisses felony charges against Michigan man in medical pot case

Judge dismisses felony charges against Michigan man in medical pot case

A Michigan man has been living a nightmare. He lost custody of his son after a felony marijuana bust, even though he has a valid medical marijuana card.


Max Lorincz is fighting to clear his name after he was accused of possessing synthetic marijuana. His bizarre case has revealed how politics might influence pot prosecutions in Michigan.


Lorincz claims he suffers from a debilitating back injury. He says when he traded prescription drugs for this edible candy containing marijuana his symptoms got better.

But it was a small amount of hash oil that landed Lorincz in the weeds.


Police found it when paramedics came to his house on an unrelated medical emergency. Prosecutors charged Lorincz with a felony after the state crime lab determined his hash oil came from an “origin unknown,” implying it is synthetic.


Michigan’s medical marijuana law says only leaves and flowers are legal, and concentrates are a crime.


“I’ve had to go back to the narcotic pain medications, and it’s just terrible,” said Lorincz.


Lorincz tells Crime Watch Daily Grand Rapids affiliate WXMI as his case wound its way through the system, he was forced to go back on powerful painkillers.



“The doctors are telling me one thing, the judge is saying another, and when I followed my doctor’s recommendations, that’s when my health started to get better,” Lorincz said. “Going back and following what the judge is saying, my health’s just been deteriorating ever since.”


Max Lorincz says what was worse was losing custody of his 6-year-old boy. In court a social worker testified against Lorincz, saying his use of marijuana, even if it is legal, may make him an unfit parent.


“This is a political decision,” said Lorincz’s lawyer Michael Komorn.

Komorn claims prosecutors influence the state lab to misreport results so they can get more convictions.


“What is unique about this case is they are relying on the lab to report these substances so they can escalate these crimes from misdemeanors to felonies,” said Komorn.

A former lab director says Komorn’s claims are true.


“So it was in my experience, it was just a nonstop political game that really got frustrating and it wore down the morale of our staff, and quite honestly it wore me down,” said John Collins, a former lab director.


Collins quit his job as director of the state lab after he says he was pressured to produce results that favored the prosecution.


“Our laboratories are not in the prosecution business, they’re not in the conviction business, they’re in the science business,” said Collins.


The Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Association is denying those claims from Lorincz and his attorney.


As for Max Lorincz, he’s now off the hook. A judge dismissed the felony charge, saying there was no evidence to prove the hash oil was synthetic.


Lorincz and his wife are reunited with their son.


“It’s like a hundred pounds has been lifted off my chest,” said Lorincz. “It’s like our entire life was put on hold the entire time he was gone.


“We’ll try and have as many positive memories as we can to make up the gap but there’s definitely nothing that makes up for the time that we lost, that’s for sure,” said Lorincz.

Attorney questions possible padlocking of medical marijuana facility

Attorney questions possible padlocking of medical marijuana facility

CLIO, MI – The attorney for the owner of a medical marijuana facility faced with the possibility being padlocked for a year questions why prosecutors are trying to have the business declared a nuisance.

Attorney Michael Komorn said he doesn’t understand why prosecutors are trying to close the Clio Caregiver Connection as a nuisance even though the community hasn’t come forward with complaints.

“It appears that the main allegation regarding ‘a nuisance’ comes from the drug task force and not the local police agency or community leaders or citizens,” Komorn said.

Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton filed a nuisance ordinance violation March 3 against the business after an investigation by the Flint Area Narcotics Group alleged the business at 105. N. Mill St. was acting outside of the state’s medical marijuana act.

FANG began its investigation into the facility Sept. 22, after receiving information that the facility was acting as a dispensary, according to the violation complaint.

“It appears as if FANG and FANG alone are the persons complaining of the behavior and will testify about that behavior justifying any injunctions,” Komorn said. “Instead, FANG warrants an injunction for their behavior, and the complaint of nuisance in this case.”

State law allows officials to padlock a property for up to a year over complaints of drug dealing.

Three separate controlled purchases of marijuana were conducted at the business, according to the complaint. The purchaser was a medical marijuana patient, but no person present at the facility was the registered caregiver for the buyer, the complaint claims.

State law allows individuals to serve as caregivers for medical marijuana patients, allowing them to possess up to 2.5 ounces of useable marijuana or 12 marijuana plants for each of their registered patients. Caregivers are allowed to have up to five registered patients.

Search warrants were obtained for the facility and executed Feb. 18. Officials claim they discovered multiple jars of marijuana in cases listed for sale, edible marijuana items, THC wax, suspected psychedelic mushroom cultivation, suspected LSD tabs in the business owner’s vehicle, 12 marijuana plants and $860, according to the complaint.

Komorn also took issue with Leyton filing the complaint, claiming it contradicts prior statements from the prosecutor.

“The restraining order action seems absurd in light of David Leyton’s declaration that he will only review cases where the ‘community’ brings it to him or his office,” Komorn said.

Leyton said Komorn took his statements out of context, and said he would review any case brought to him by law enforcement.

A temporary restraining order was issued this month against the business by Genesee Circuit Judge Archie Hayman after authorities alleged the business continued operating even after the warrants were executed.

On Monday, March 28, Hayman agreed to continue the restraining order until a hearing is held on the padlocking of the business.

The business’s owner did not appear in court for Monday’s hearing. His name is not being released because he has not yet been arraigned on the suspected crimes.

The case will return to court April 25 when Hayman will be asked to decide if the business can be padlocked for up to a year.


By Gary Ridley | gridley@mlive.com | March 31, 2016

Federal class action lawsuit filed against MSP crime labs over marijuana reporting policy

Medical marijuana patients reunited with son after lengthy court battles, unfounded drug charges

SPRING LAKE, Mich. — After 18 months, a Spring Lake family’s son is out of foster care and reunited with his parents.  Yet the fight to be together, through court battles and serious drug charges despite being card-carrying medical marijuana patients, still haunts them.
Fox 17 Max Lorencz Case - Komorn Law
Thursday, Max Lorincz’s son Dante, 6, picked out his favorite toys from a basket in the family’s living room, handing one to FOX 17 saying, “this is my dad’s favorite.”

Piece by piece, Max and his family are putting their lives back together.

Fox 17 Max Lorencz Case - Komorn Law
“It’s like 100 pounds being lifted off my chest,” Lorincz said. “It’s like our entire life was put on hold the entire time he was gone.”

Dante was ripped away from the couple after Max was charged with a felony for possession of “synthetic THC.” Between family and criminal court cases, it’s an experience they call hellish.

“It’s not something I’d wish on my worst enemy, the experience we went through,” Lorincz said.

“[Dante] is 6 now, almost 7, you know he’s his own little person at this point. But before, he was just coming into his own, and we missed that entire portion of his life.”

It is a bizarre case FOX 17 first uncovered: the judge handling the criminal case ultimately threw out the charge 16 months later.

September 2014 it all started when police found a thumbprint of hash oil at Lorincz’s home during an unrelated medical emergency. That lead to a felony charge for a charge the judge later ruled unfounded: possession of “synthetic THC.”

Fox 17 MSP Crime Lab Falsifying Reports_KomornLaw 12
A previous, now controversial Michigan State Police policy change in the state’s crime labs requires forensic scientists to write “origin unknown” when testing marijuana without plant matter visible.

Fast-forward 16 months, a judge drops Lorincz’s felony. But the court battles continued in family court for Lorincz and his wife to regain custody of Dante for another two months against Bethany Christian Services.

Only FOX 17 cameras were in court for several permanency planning review hearings including last November during this exchange between Lorincz’s Attorney Michael Komorn and the Bethany Christian Services caseworker:

Fox 17 Max Lorencz Case - Komorn Law

“What is it, other than [Lorincz’s] use of marijuana, that creates bad parenting?” asked Komorn of the caseworker.

She testified, “Marijuana is a psychoactive substance, and being under the influence doesn’t allow you to be in the most clear mind for your child.”

This woman was the third of five total caseworkers now in the 18-month family court case representing Bethany Christian Services. The agency threatened to petition for permanent removal of Dante from his parents.

In this November hearing, the judge already allowed Lorincz, a legal card holder, to continue use of medical marijuana. The caseworker here on the stand testified that marijuana, even legally used for medical conditions, may make an unfit parent. This was a sticking point in many of these permanency planning review hearings, but ultimately she testified BCS had no evidence to prove drug abuse.

Komorn continued to ask her, “One of the reasons for you to recommend the permanent removal is because of drug substance issues, am I right?”

To which the caseworker said, “Yes.” Komorn continued with, “Ok, and we’ve already clarified that there are no drug substance issues at all regarding my client [Lorincz], am I right?”

She testified, “Yes, yes.”

Now, weeks later, another slap in the face for the Lorincz family: a billboard popping up several blocks from their home on 144th Avenue, with the face of Attorney Chris Wirth, who advocated for their son, working against them in their custody fight.

Fox 17 Max Lorencz Case - Komorn Law

Lorincz and his family are moving on, but he continues to call for clarified medical marijuana patient rights in Michigan, for the medicine he says saved his life.

“2009 when he [Dante] was being born, he was born in Butterworth Hospital, I was dying of liver failure in Blodgett Hospital across town. It was due to my doctor prescribing too much medication,” Lorincz said.

And the 18 months Lorincz spent legally removed from his son, he reminded, they will never get back.

“We’ll try and make as many positive memories as we can to make up the gap,” Lorincz said. “But there’s definitely nothing that’ll replace the time that we lost, that’s for sure.”

The Lorincz’s have started this GoFundMe page, asking for any help to cover their expenses at this time.

Komorn Law Secures Release Of Lorincz Child From CPS in Marijuana Custody Case

Komorn Law Secures Release Of Lorincz Child From CPS in Marijuana Custody Case

“This is one of those cases in an attorney’s career that is not easily forgotten, and is a reminder to me of the reason I became an attorney.”

– Michael Komorn, attorney from Komorn Law and recipient of the Michigan Bar Association Right to Counsel Award for 2015.


SPRING LAKE- Max Lorincz and his wife will have custody of their six-year old son returned to them by court order in a Michigan case that made national headlines over a dispute with the State Police Crime Lab over marijuana testing.


Dante, the Lorincz’s son, was removed from his Spring Lake home after investigators charged Max with possession of synthetic marijuana- a felony in Michigan. Lorincz is a registered medical marijuana patient and has always claimed that the substance found by police during a search of his home- a “smear” of substance, so small it’s weight could not be quantified- was medicinal and derived from a natural plant source.


The case began not from an investigation into Lorincz, but with a 911 call from Max to get medical help for a family emergency not related to marijuana. While assisting with the emergency, police accidentally discovered the smear of suspicious substance and began criminal proceedings.




In building a case, attorney Michael Komorn and investigators from his office probed the Crime Lab on the policies and procedures that lead to the determination of synthetic marijuana in this case. They discovered a hotbed of controversy, including prosecutors coaching scientists to produce results that favored the prosecution in court cases. Emails from representatives of the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan to heads of the Lab were revealed, as were protests from scientists forced to change how they report their science for political advantage- changes that brought dire criminal consequences for the citizens whose samples were being evaluated.


“The lab technician in Lorincz’s case testified that he has been testing tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, for 25 years. THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, also present in synthetics. However, a recent policy change means the technicians have to write “origin unknown” when testing this type of THC on lab reports,” reported Fox News in 2015.


The change in reporting was directly derived from the prosecutor-initiated procedures- and that was enough information to put doubt in the mind of the judge. The lab was not proving the substance was synthetic, they were inferring it, and that does not meet the standard of evidence for courtroom procedures.


Based in a large part on these revelations about evidence handling, Komorn Law secured a dismissal of felony charges in the Lorincz case on January 22. “The judge got it right: the law is very clear on this, and any prosecutor that proceeds under a theory (of synthetic THC), as this office did here, is flat-out wrong,” Komorn told Fox News at the time. “(Prosecutors) should be stopped from doing that… all defense lawyers should know that it’s an inappropriate charge.”


“The wheels of justice grind slowly but exceedingly fine,” said Jeff Frazier of Komorn Law, one of the people directly responsible for exposing the inappropriate influence used by prosecutors in the Crime Lab scientific method.


After the charge was dismissed Komorn Law fought to reunite the family. “Getting Max’s son back was the last and most difficult piece of the puzzle,” Komorn told The Compassion Chronicles. “To me the CPS case reflects an equally broken and corrupt agency within our government.”


Bethany Christian Services (BCS), who has been paid by the state’s Child Protective Services (CPS) to take over the foster care of the young Lorincx child, contested the boy’s return, saying the case had been going on for so long the familial bond had been broken and it was in Dante’s best interest to remain under their guidance.


“Even after we eradicated the allegations of the removal, and dispelled the myth that Max’s status as a medical marijuana patient was not evidence of harm to the child, the agency, prosecutor and guardian ad litem seemingly dug in deeper.”


Once the criminal charges were no longer justification for the continued removal of Dante from the Lorincz home, BCS made other ridiculous claims to explain why the child could not be returned to his parents: he plays lots of video games, his family is poor and his mother is ill.


Court hearings revealed that the behavior shown by Bethany Christian Services, including asking the child himself to choose between his parents and other living options, were contradictory to state procedure regarding foster care. BCS was removed as supervising agency of the Lorincx child by court order, which opened the door to having him returned home.


“It seemed as if every time we made some progress, the agency, the prosecutor came up with some other, unrelated complaint or reason to oppose reunification. We were fortunate that the Court agreed with us, and determined the ( say anything to win) allegations of being poor, his wife’s mental illness, and playing video games are not grounds for removal,” said Komorn.


Bernard Jocuns is a criminal defense attorney from Lapeer has been following the case. “It angers me that professionals that the public are supposed to trust are responsible for this miscarriage of justice. The Michigan Court Rules and Rules of Evidence are in place to provide parity to prosecution and defense (attorneys).”


“It is scary to think what would be happening to Max now, had he not caught the ear of a prominent criminal defense attorney who was willing to take his case pro-bono ,” said Jamie Lowell, a Board member of the MILegalize organization.


The decision was delivered on March 25; it could take several days before Max’s son is returned home to him.


“Yesterday’s ruling ended the 17 month nightmare for the Lorincz family, but it does not end this matter,” Komorn said today. “Komorn Law intends to pursue and exercise every single possible legal recourse available to us, to make this family whole again.”


A listing of Komorn Law Blog updates on the case can be found at:
