Justice Department Submits Proposal to Reschedule Marijuana

Justice Department Submits Proposal to Reschedule Marijuana

Proposed Rule Seeks to Move Marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, Emphasizing its Currently Accepted Medical Use in Treatment in the United States

The Justice Department announced today that the Attorney General has initiated a formal rulemaking process to consider reclassifying marijuana from a schedule I to schedule III drug under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

After all… it’s an election year.

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Marijuana has been classified as a schedule I drug since Congress enacted the CSA in 1970. On Oct. 6, 2022, President Biden requested a scientific review of marijuana’s federal scheduling from the Attorney General and the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

After receiving HHS’s recommendations last August, the Attorney General sought the legal advice of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) on questions relevant to this rulemaking. Taking into consideration HHS’ medical and scientific determinations, as well as OLC’s legal advice, the Attorney General exercised his authority under the law to initiate the rulemaking process to transfer marijuana to schedule III.

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The rescheduling of a controlled substance follows a formal rulemaking procedure that requires notice to the public, and an opportunity for comment and an administrative hearing.

Throughout this process, the Drug Enforcement Administration will gather and carefully consider input from the public to determine the appropriate schedule for marijuana. Until a final rule is published, marijuana will continue to be classified as a schedule I controlled substance.

The notice of proposed rulemaking submitted by the Department can be viewed here, and the OLC memorandum regarding questions related to the potential rescheduling of marijuana can be found here.

Learn more about the rulemaking process here

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The Legal Significance of Marijuana Reclassification

The Legal Significance of Marijuana Reclassification

The Impact of Marijuana Reclassification on Legal Landscape

On May 6, 2024, the DEA made a groundbreaking decision, accepting the US Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendation to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III controlled substance. This move marks a significant shift in federal drug policy, potentially altering the legal framework surrounding cannabis cultivation, distribution, and use.

Reclassification from Schedule I to Schedule III places marijuana alongside substances like acetaminophen with codeine, ketamine, and testosterone, removing it from the category that includes heroin, LSD, and ecstasy. While federal legalization isn’t on the table, this reclassification acknowledges marijuana’s accepted medical use and low potential for abuse.

However, this change doesn’t impact state marijuana laws in the 24 states, two territories, and Washington D.C. that have legalized adult recreational use or the 38 states permitting medical cannabis. But it does offer substantial tax breaks for businesses involved in marijuana production and sales. Under the current Internal Revenue Code, businesses selling Schedule I substances can’t deduct business expenses, but reclassification would allow for significant tax savings, potentially reaching hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

Cannabis Legal Defense

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Komorn Law 248-357-2550

Moreover, reclassification opens doors for cannabis companies to access major stock exchanges, attracting investment capital for further growth. Yet, it doesn’t address banking industry challenges. Federal illegality prohibits cannabis businesses from utilizing deposit accounts and other financial services, leaving many operating solely in cash due to banks’ reluctance to engage with them.

Despite reclassification, cannabis remains illegal under federal law, leading to financial service limitations and unresolved conflicts between state and federal laws. For instance, Michigan legalized recreational marijuana, but employers still hold the right to refuse employment or discharge individuals for violating workplace drug policies, unaffected by federal reclassification.

“I guess reclassification to a three is a good start.  It’s better than a one” said Attorney Michael Komorn

The shift to Schedule III also raises regulatory concerns, potentially subjecting medical marijuana to increased FDA oversight, affecting licensing and distribution protocols. However, it doesn’t resolve issues like lack of bankruptcy protection or federal trademark registrations for state cannabis companies.

Cannabis businesses remain ineligible for federal bankruptcy protection due to their violation of the Controlled Substances Act, a hurdle unaffected by rescheduling. Likewise, federal trademark registrations are unavailable due to cannabis’ federal illegality, leaving companies vulnerable to trademark infringement and legal disputes.

While reclassification signifies growing recognition of cannabis companies, its effects are pending. The proposal must undergo review by the Office of Management and Budget, followed by publication in the Federal Register and a 60-day public comment period, possibly leading to further review by an Administrative Law Judge.

The reclassification of marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III represents a significant step towards legitimizing cannabis businesses and altering the legal landscape. However, its full impact remains uncertain, pending further regulatory and legal developments.

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A historic cannabis shift is one of the latest election year moves

A historic cannabis shift is one of the latest election year moves

AP Story

President Joe Biden may potentially ban TikTok, but he aims to offer young individuals, who largely influence this widely-used social media platform, a more lenient government regulation regarding marijuana.

Facing a decline in support from an important left-leaning voting group, Biden has implemented various strategies aimed at garnering appeal among younger voters, a crucial demographic for his upcoming re-election in November.

His recent decision to reclassify marijuana as a less harmful substance aligns with his ongoing efforts to bring about positive change. This move follows his commendable act of canceling student loans for an additional 206,000 borrowers, demonstrating his commitment to addressing pressing issues. Furthermore, his unwavering support for abortion rights remains a cornerstone of his re-election campaign.

Read more here at the AP News: Biden’s historic marijuana shift is his latest election year move for young voters

Our Kids are Dying of Drug Overdoses

Our Kids are Dying of Drug Overdoses


From May 2022 to May 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported an alarming 37 percent increase in American lives lost due to overdoses, totaling over 112,000 fatalities.

This staggering surge highlights the urgent need for effective measures to address this crisis, emphasizing the crucial role of prevention and intervention in combating this devastating trend.

The vast majority of those who perished were adults, but drug overdoses are claiming the lives of young Americans at an alarming rate. The number of fatalities skyrocketed from 31 in July 2019 to 87 in May 2021, marking a period of unprecedented statistics.

When analyzing data for Americans aged 10 to 19 years old, the CDC discovered a similar trend to that seen in adults: a majority of adolescent deaths caused by drug overdoses are males.

However, among these fatalities, there is a larger proportion of girls compared to women.

More boys in the tween and teenage age group are dying from drug overdoses compared to girls, with the number being more than double.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Another significant distinction is the underlying cause behind these tragic overdose cases.

Among adults, individuals who engage in polydrug use face a higher risk of fatal overdose compared to those consuming a single substance.

The most prevalent combinations involve the concurrent use of fentanyl with another opioid, such as a prescription medication, or fentanyl combined with a stimulant like cocaine or methamphetamine.

Fentanyl is frequently attributed as the root cause.

Fentanyl is the primary cause of fatal overdoses among adolescents. Fentanyl is involved in 84 percent of fatal overdoses among teens, and it constitutes 56 percent of all overdoses.

Fentanyl is an incredibly potent opioid, surpassing the strength of morphine by an estimated 100 times. This makes it a powerful drug often used in hospital settings. However, it is crucial to note that teens and tweens generally possess a limited tolerance to opioids due to their lack of exposure, and fentanyl’s heightened potency greatly increases the risk of overdose for this demographic.

Many young people unknowingly consume fentanyl when they mistakenly consume counterfeit pills that they think are prescription opioids, stimulants, or other illicit drugs that have been adulterated with this substance.

This inadvertent use can increase the risk of overdose, as individuals who are unaware they are consuming fentanyl are less likely to have naloxone or fentanyl test strips readily available for reversing an overdose.

In 67% of adolescent overdose deaths, there was an opportunity for bystanders to intervene, yet it was only in less than half of those cases that Naloxone was administered.

Only 10% of teenagers and pre-teens who succumbed to a drug overdose had sought treatment for substance abuse, while just 14% had previously encountered a nonfatal overdose.

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