What’s Really Wrong With Forfeiture – The Bigger Issue

What’s Really Wrong With Forfeiture – The Bigger Issue

What’s Really Wrong With Forfeiture – The Bigger Issue


With all these articles and talk about forfeiture reform and blah, blah, blah.  The bigger issue has been overlooked.

Ok so they take some of your belongings they assume were purchased with some kind of illegal funds.  Like the leaf blower you got from your dads house after he passed. Like the TV that was given to you by your brother because he bought a new one and was going to throw it out anyway.  Like the children’s toys that were presents from relatives and friends.  Need I say more.

The system does not have to prove how the items were obtained.  It’s a cash grab.  They sell it back to you or auction it off.  I can’t imagine the items that are taken and in you know whose… garages and homes.

Ready for the worst of it…This part should really keep you up at night.

When they take your computer and other electronic storage products like back up hard drives and such.  They are taking personal and private information and selling it on ebay, craigslist, taking it home or whatever.

On most peoples computers they have business, banking, family history, irreplaceable photos, medical, taxes, personal thoughts, and other peoples information, etc…the list goes on and on.

Do you really believe they take the time to ensure that that information is deleted.  Assume not – just like the system assumed you were guilty.

That is your personal information and other people’s information (who have nothing to do with anything the system assumes) that is now in the hands of a stranger who’s going to do what they may with it.

The legal system doesn’t really have to prove anything.  Prosecutors just throw all the charges they can at you till you are too financially drained to defend yourself and you give up and you plead out. Then you have to continue fighting it out in civil court.

Bottom line is…It’s a money making scheme and you are screwed unless you can continue the fight. In the end – you still lose.

One could go on and on about this. But the picture is pretty clear with the short version.  Seems today’s politicians and police use forfeiture anyway they can so it benefits them and not society as a whole.

Something has to change………………



Top Pot Researcher Weighs in on Long-Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Top Pot Researcher Weighs in on Long-Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Just had to place this article as it was without blog banter.  Go ahead and read it.


Allegations from anti-pot proponents that cannabis use by adults causes serious harms are unwarranted and unproven. So says one of the nation’s leading marijuana researchers.   Speaking recently to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Dr. Igor Grant acknowledged, “There is no evidence for long-term damaging effects in adults.”   He ought to know. Over his professional tenure, Grant has authored several peer-review journal articles specific to the health effects of cannabis, including a 2003 report which concluded that the long-term heavy use of pot was not associated with the “substantial, systematic, and detrimental effect of cannabis use on neuropsychological performance.”   Grant also served as the director of the University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research, during which time he oversaw the completion of a number of FDA-approved clinical trials assessing the safety and efficacy of whole-smoked marijuana. In 2012, he co-authored a summary of these trials for the scientific journal Open Neurology.

“Based on evidence currently available the Schedule I classification is not tenable; it is not accurate that cannabis has no medical value, or that information on safety is lacking,” the article concluded.   Speaking at this year’s AAAS meeting, Grant said that smoking cannabis long-term  is associated with bronchitis. But he cautioned that purported links between cannabis and the onset of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia have yet to be established. He also warned that allegations that cannabis harms the brain “are very weak at the moment.”   Grant further acknowledged that the present Schedule I classification of the plant  is inappropriate and severely hampers investigators from studying its effects.

“In the U.S. there are certainly a number of hurdles and processes one has to go through, and I think this does inhibit ordinary investigators who don’t have the means or the knowledge or the staying power to get through the system,” he said.   On February 11, a federal judge for the Ninth Circuit heard closing arguments  in a motion challenging the constitutionality of marijuana’s Schedule I classification. The case marks the first time since 1973 that a federal judge has weighed evidence in regard to whether there exists a “rational basis” for the government to maintain the plant’s prohibitive status The judge is anticipated to rule on the matter by mid-March.

(Photo Courtesy of  Science Daily)


Comment…aahhh…”politics and scientific facts”