Video kept from family shows police force not drugs killed son

Video kept from family shows police force not drugs killed son

police and paramedics inflicted “inhumane acts of violence”

A mother has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that, while her son was experiencing a seizure in his Tennessee apartment, police and paramedics inflicted “inhumane acts of violence” on the 23-year-old instead of providing the necessary medical treatment, subsequently attempting to conceal their use of deadly force.

The death of Austin Hunter Turner was among over 1,000 cases nationwide documented by an investigation conducted by The Associated Press, each involving instances where police officers employed physical force or weapons intended to stop individuals rather than take their lives.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

The lawsuit, initiated in federal court this week, was prompted by the revelation of police body-camera footage shared with Turner’s parents by AP reporters, footage they were previously unaware existed. This video has led the family to question the official determination that their son died from a drug overdose.

The case underscored a key conclusion from the AP-led investigation revealing that a pervasive absence of accountability exists within the justice system following fatal police encounters that do not involve gunfire.

 Read more of the story here at the Associated Press (don’t believe everything you read there at the AP or anywhere anymore.)

Note: There are more good police than bad. The bad ones make the good ones look bad.

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An experienced attorney can provide guidance on how to navigate interactions with law enforcement while safeguarding your constitutional rights.

Since 1993 our expert legal defense in navigating criminal law matters and protecting your constitutional rights are what we eat for breakfast everyday.

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What could happen when you click the – I agree – box?

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What Are Your Rights Before And After Arrest?

What are your rights before and after arrest?Generally, police require a search warrant to lawfully enter any private premises or to search electronic devices such as your phone or computer. If the police do not possess a search warrant, you are under no obligation to...

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Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Yea. We did that...What it is supposed to beOn February 11, 2021, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that judges cannot prohibit individuals on probation from using medical marijuana if they are registered patients under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)....

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New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

Making laws as fast as possible. Look over here...Not over there.Some of Michigan's new laws in 2025 include minimum wage increases, paid sick time, and automatic voter registration. Minimum wage The minimum wage in Michigan increased to $10.56 per hour on January 1,...

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What could happen when you click the – I agree – box?

What could happen when you click the – I agree – box?

Wrongful death suit against Disney serves as a warning to consumers when clicking ‘I agree’

A wrongful death lawsuit involving Walt Disney Parks and Resorts highlights the critical importance for consumers to meticulously review the fine print before registering for a streaming service or mobile application.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

The family of a New York woman has filed a lawsuit following her tragic death after dining at a restaurant located in Disney Springs, a vibrant outdoor complex in Florida that offers a variety of dining, shopping, and entertainment options, all under the ownership of Disney.

Disney argues that the lawsuit should be dismissed based on the assertion that the plaintiff, the husband of the woman in question, previously signed up for a trial subscription to the Disney+ streaming service which they claim includes a subscriber agreement requiring customers to settle any legal disputes with Disney through arbitration instead of in court.

Such agreements, which users swiftly accept by clicking I agree while downloading an app or a streaming service, are often so biased against the consumer that providing sound legal advice can be quite challenging according to John Davisson, director of litigation at the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

If you agree click here

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When facing legal challenges, particularly in criminal cases, it is advisable to seek legal counsel immediately.

An experienced attorney can provide guidance on how to navigate interactions with law enforcement while safeguarding your constitutional rights.

Since 1993 our expert legal defense in navigating criminal law matters and protecting your constitutional rights are what we eat for breakfast everyday.

Contact Komorn Law PLLC if you’re ready to fight and win.

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What could happen when you click the – I agree – box?

What could happen when you click the – I agree – box?

Wrongful death suit against Disney serves as a warning to consumers when clicking ‘I agree’A wrongful death lawsuit involving Walt Disney Parks and Resorts highlights the critical importance for consumers to meticulously review the fine print before registering for a...

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What Are Your Rights Before And After Arrest?

What Are Your Rights Before And After Arrest?

What are your rights before and after arrest?Generally, police require a search warrant to lawfully enter any private premises or to search electronic devices such as your phone or computer. If the police do not possess a search warrant, you are under no obligation to...

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Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Yea. We did that...What it is supposed to beOn February 11, 2021, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that judges cannot prohibit individuals on probation from using medical marijuana if they are registered patients under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)....

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New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

Making laws as fast as possible. Look over here...Not over there.Some of Michigan's new laws in 2025 include minimum wage increases, paid sick time, and automatic voter registration. Minimum wage The minimum wage in Michigan increased to $10.56 per hour on January 1,...

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4th Circuit says – Assault weapons can be banned

4th Circuit says – Assault weapons can be banned

This case is about whether the Act’s general prohibition on the sale and possession of certain “assault weapons,” are unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.

An en banc federal appeals court upheld Maryland’s ban on assault-style weapons in a 10-5 decision Tuesday.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, ruled that military-style weapons are not shielded by the Second Amendment as they are intended for prolonged combat scenarios and do not align with the requirements for self-defense.

–  Define self defense and what is one defending, a home, a family. a city, a nation and against whom, a single person, a mob, an invasion? –

Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III authored the majority opinion, with the support of eight other justices, while a tenth justice expressed agreement with the outcome.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

The 4th Circuit previously upheld the Maryland law in a 2017 decision, but the U.S. Supreme Court rejected part of the appeals court’s approach when it ruled in a different 2022 case, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, according to the appeals court.

In the new decision, Wilkinson concluded that the 2013 Maryland law

“fits comfortably within our nation’s tradition of firearms regulation.”

The Fourth Circuit ruled in favor of the state, agreeing that AR-15-style weapons are military-style firearms that are not protected by the Second Amendment

even though the second amendment states

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Maryland enacted its assault weapons ban in 2013 after a shooter used a semi-automatic rifle in the 2012 mass killing of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

The 2013 law is an example of states regulating “excessively dangerous weapons” when their “incompatibility with a lawful and safe society becomes apparent,” he wrote.

In his dissent, Judge Julius N. Richardson said the Second Amendment “is not a second-class right subject to the whimsical discretion of federal judges. Its mandate is absolute and, applied here, unequivocal.” His dissent was joined by four other judges.

Read more here

ABA Journal

What’s going on out there…

Meanwhile back at the ranch…

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When facing legal challenges, particularly in criminal cases, it is advisable to seek legal counsel immediately.

An experienced attorney can provide guidance on how to navigate interactions with law enforcement while safeguarding your constitutional rights.

Since 1993 our expert legal defense in navigating criminal law matters and protecting your constitutional rights are what we eat for breakfast everyday.

Contact Komorn Law PLLC if you’re ready to fight and win.

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What could happen when you click the – I agree – box?

Wrongful death suit against Disney serves as a warning to consumers when clicking ‘I agree’A wrongful death lawsuit involving Walt Disney Parks and Resorts highlights the critical importance for consumers to meticulously review the fine print before registering for a...

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What Are Your Rights Before And After Arrest?

What Are Your Rights Before And After Arrest?

What are your rights before and after arrest?Generally, police require a search warrant to lawfully enter any private premises or to search electronic devices such as your phone or computer. If the police do not possess a search warrant, you are under no obligation to...

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Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Yea. We did that...What it is supposed to beOn February 11, 2021, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that judges cannot prohibit individuals on probation from using medical marijuana if they are registered patients under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)....

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New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

Making laws as fast as possible. Look over here...Not over there.Some of Michigan's new laws in 2025 include minimum wage increases, paid sick time, and automatic voter registration. Minimum wage The minimum wage in Michigan increased to $10.56 per hour on January 1,...

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SCOTUS – Justices uphold laws targeting homelessness

SCOTUS – Justices uphold laws targeting homelessness

Does not amount to “cruel and unusual punishment” under the Eighth Amendment

The Supreme Court has affirmed the validity of ordinances in a southwest Oregon city that restrict individuals experiencing homelessness from utilizing blankets, pillows, or cardboard boxes as protective measures against the elements while sleeping within city limits. In a decision reached by a 6-3 vote, the justices sided with the city of Grants Pass, asserting that the ordinances serve to prohibit camping on public property for all individuals and do not infringe upon the Constitution’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

Writing for the majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch contended that the Eighth Amendment, which bans cruel and unusual punishment, “serves many important functions, but it does not authorize federal judges” to “dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy.”

Instead, he suggested, such a task should fall to the American people.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissented, in an opinion joined by Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson. She argued that the majority’s ruling “focuses almost exclusively on the needs of local government and leaves the most vulnerable in our society with an impossible choice: Either stay awake or be arrested.”

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

In Grants Pass, a city with a population of just under 40,000, as many as 600 individuals experience homelessness on any given night, prompting the city’s decision in 2013 to intensify the enforcement of existing laws that prohibit the use of blankets, pillows, and cardboard boxes for sleeping within city limits.

Violators are subject to significant fines starting at 295 dollars, which can increase to 537.60 dollars if not paid promptly. Receiving two citations may result in local police issuing a ban from city property and anyone who disregards this order can be charged with criminal trespass, which may lead to penalties of up to 30 days imprisonment and a fine of 1250 dollars.

Holding: The enforcement of generally applicable laws regulating camping on public property does not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment” prohibited by the Eighth Amendment.

Judgment: Reversed and remanded, 6-3, in an opinion by Justice Gorsuch on June 28, 2024. Justice Thomas filed a concurring opinion. Justice Sotomayor filed a dissenting opinion, in which Justices Kagan and Jackson joined.

Recommended Citation: Amy Howe, Justices uphold laws targeting homelessness with criminal penaltiesSCOTUS blog (Jun. 28, 2024, 1:48 PM),

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When facing legal challenges, particularly in criminal cases, it is advisable to seek legal counsel immediately.

An experienced attorney can provide guidance on how to navigate interactions with law enforcement while safeguarding your constitutional rights.

Since 1993 our expert legal defense in navigating criminal law matters and protecting your constitutional rights are what we eat for breakfast everyday.

Contact Komorn Law PLLC if you’re ready to fight and win.

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Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Yea. We did that...What it is supposed to beOn February 11, 2021, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that judges cannot prohibit individuals on probation from using medical marijuana if they are registered patients under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)....

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New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

Making laws as fast as possible. Look over here...Not over there.Some of Michigan's new laws in 2025 include minimum wage increases, paid sick time, and automatic voter registration. Minimum wage The minimum wage in Michigan increased to $10.56 per hour on January 1,...

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The Takings Clauses of the United States and Michigan

The Takings Clauses of the United States and Michigan

These clauses protect property rights and maintain a balance between public needs and individual ownership

The Takings Clauses of the United States and Michigan Constitutions are pivotal components of property law, ensuring that private property is not seized by the government without fair compensation. These clauses protect property rights and maintain a balance between public needs and individual ownership.

United States Constitution: The Fifth Amendment

The Takings Clause is embedded in the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states, “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” This clause has two primary components: public use and just compensation.

Public Use: The government can only take private property if it is for a public purpose. Historically, this meant projects like highways, schools, or public buildings. However, the interpretation has broadened over time. The landmark case Kelo v. City of New London (2005) expanded public use to include economic development, where the government justified the taking by claiming it would benefit the community economically​ (Michigan Public)​.

Just Compensation: The government must provide fair market value for the property taken. This is determined through an appraisal process, though disputes can arise regarding the value. The aim is to ensure the property owner is not financially disadvantaged by the taking.

Michigan Constitution: Article X, Section 2

The Michigan Constitution mirrors the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause with some distinct nuances. Article X, Section 2 states, “Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation therefor being first made or secured in a manner prescribed by law.”

Public Use: Michigan adheres to the federal standard of public use but has specific state-level interpretations and applications. Following the Hathcock v. Wayne County (2004) decision, Michigan imposed stricter limitations on takings for economic development compared to the broader interpretation allowed by Kelo at the federal level. Hathcock overturned previous rulings that permitted takings for economic development unless the project served a clear public interest, such as addressing blight​ (Michigan Public)​.

Just Compensation: Similar to the federal standard, Michigan requires fair market value compensation. The state also provides for additional compensation mechanisms, including potential reimbursement for relocation expenses in certain cases.

Legal and Social Implications

The Takings Clauses aim to protect individuals from the loss of property without proper cause or reimbursement, balancing individual rights with community needs. These clauses ensure that while the government can perform functions beneficial to the public, it cannot arbitrarily or unfairly deprive individuals of their property.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Controversies and Challenges

Broad Interpretation of Public Use: Cases like Kelo have sparked debates on the limits of public use, with critics arguing that broad interpretations can lead to abuse, where private property is taken for private development under the guise of public benefit.

Determination of Just Compensation: Disputes often arise over what constitutes fair market value, with property owners frequently contesting government appraisals.

State vs. Federal Standards: States can impose stricter standards than those set by federal rulings, as seen in Michigan’s response to economic development takings post-Hathcock. This creates a patchwork of interpretations and applications across the country, affecting property rights differently depending on the state.

Recent Developments

The Michigan Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Rafaeli, LLC v. Oakland County emphasized that surplus proceeds from tax-foreclosed property sales should return to former homeowners, underscoring the protection against governmental overreach and unjust enrichment. This ruling aligns with the principles of the Takings Clauses, ensuring fair treatment and compensation for property owners​ (Michigan Public)​.


The Takings Clauses of the United States and Michigan Constitutions serve as vital safeguards for property rights, mandating that any governmental taking of private property must be for a public use and with just compensation. These clauses continue to evolve through judicial interpretations and legislative adjustments, reflecting ongoing efforts to balance public interests with private property rights.

Legal Counsel and Your Rights

When facing legal challenges, particularly in criminal cases, it is advisable to seek legal counsel immediately.

An experienced attorney can provide guidance on how to navigate interactions with law enforcement while safeguarding your constitutional rights.

Since 1993 our expert legal defense in navigating criminal law matters and protecting your constitutional rights are what we eat for breakfast everyday.

Contact Komorn Law PLLC if you’re ready to fight and win.

Research us and then call us.

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Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Michigan Probationers Allowed Medical Marijuana

Yea. We did that...What it is supposed to beOn February 11, 2021, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that judges cannot prohibit individuals on probation from using medical marijuana if they are registered patients under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)....

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New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

New Michigan Laws Going Into Effect 2025

Making laws as fast as possible. Look over here...Not over there.Some of Michigan's new laws in 2025 include minimum wage increases, paid sick time, and automatic voter registration. Minimum wage The minimum wage in Michigan increased to $10.56 per hour on January 1,...

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