Charged with DUI from Cannabis and this Ends up on the Report
So you got pulled over and charged with DUI from Cannabis use and this ends up on the report 11-Nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-COOH-THC or THC-COOH) as part of the test results. What is it??
Here’s what they say
11-Nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-COOH-THC or THC-COOH), often referred to as 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC or THC-11-oic acid, is the main secondary metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is formed in the body after cannabis is consumed.
11-COOH-THC is formed in the body by oxidation of the active metabolite 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC) by liver enzymes. It is then metabolized further by conjugation with glucuronide, forming a water-soluble congener which can be more easily excreted by the body.
11-COOH-THC has a long half-life in the body of up to several days (or even weeks in very heavy users), making it the main metabolite tested for blood or urine testing for cannabis use.
Fight your DUI case and move on – Call Komorn Law 248-357-2550 – For all driving cases.
Some jurisdictions where cannabis use is decriminalized or permitted under some circumstances use such tests when determining whether drivers were legally intoxicated and therefore unfit to drive, with the comparative levels of THC, 11-OH-THC and 11-COOH-THC being used to derive a “blood cannabis level” analogous to the blood alcohol level used in prosecuting impaired drivers.
While 11-COOH-THC does not have any psychoactive effects in its own right, it may still have a role in the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis, and has also been shown to moderate the effects of THC itself which may help explain the difference in subjective effects seen between occasional and regular users of cannabis.
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Komorn Law 248-357-2550
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