Legal Definitions A through C



A jury verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty, or the finding of a judge that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction.

Active judge

A judge in the full-time service of the court. Compare to senior judge.

Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)

The federal agency responsible for collecting court statistics, administering the federal courts’ budget, and performing many other administrative and programmatic functions, under the direction and supervision of the Judicial Conference of the United States.


A term used to describe evidence that may be considered by a jury or judge in civil and criminal cases.

Adversary proceeding

A lawsuit arising in or related to a bankruptcy case that begins by filing a complaint with the court, that is, a “trial” that takes place within the context of a bankruptcy case.


A written or printed statement made under oath.


In the practice of the court of appeals, it means that the court of appeals has concluded that the lower court decision is correct and will stand as rendered by the lower court.

Alternate juror

A juror selected in the same manner as a regular juror who hears all the evidence but does not help decide the case unless called on to replace a regular juror.

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

A procedure for settling a dispute outside the courtroom. Most forms of ADR are not binding, and involve referral of the case to a neutral party such as an arbitrator or mediator.

Amicus curiae

Latin for “friend of the court.” It is advice formally offered to the court in a brief filed by an entity interested in, but not a party to, the case.


The formal written statement by a defendant in a civil case that responds to a complaint, articulating the grounds for defense.Appeal

A request made after a trial by a party that has lost on one or more issues that a higher court review the decision to determine if it was correct. To make such a request is “to appeal” or “to take an appeal.” One who appeals is called the “appellant;” the other party is the “appellee.”


The party who appeals a district court’s decision, usually seeking reversal of that decision.Appellate

About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the judgment of a lower court (trial court) or tribunal. For example, the U.S. circuit courts of appeals review the decisions of the U.S. district courts.


The party who opposes an appellant’s appeal, and who seeks to persuade the appeals court to affirm the district court’s decision.


A proceeding in which a criminal defendant is brought into court, told of the charges in an indictment or information, and asked to plead guilty or not guilty.

Article III judge

A federal judge who is appointed for life, during “good behavior,” under Article III of the Constitution. Article III judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.


Property of all kinds, including real and personal, tangible and intangible.


An agreement to continue performing duties under a contract or lease.

Automatic stay

An injunction that automatically stops lawsuits, foreclosures, garnishments, and most collection activities against the debtor the moment a bankruptcy petition is filed.



The release, prior to trial, of a person accused of a crime, under specified conditions designed to assure that person’s appearance in court when required. Also, can refer to the amount of bond money posted as a financial condition of pretrial release.


A legal procedure for dealing with debt problems of individuals and businesses; specifically, a case filed under one of the chapters of title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code).

Bankruptcy administrator

An officer of the Judiciary serving in the judicial districts of Alabama and North Carolina who, like the United States trustee, is responsible for supervising the administration of bankruptcy cases, estates, and trustees; monitoring plans and disclosure statements; monitoring creditors’ committees; monitoring fee applications; and performing other statutory duties.

Bankruptcy code

The informal name for title 11 of the United States Code (11 U.S.C. §§ 101-1330), the federal bankruptcy law.

Bankruptcy court

The bankruptcy judges in regular active service in each district; a unit of the district court.

Bankruptcy estate

All interests of the debtor in property at the time of the bankruptcy filing. The estate technically becomes the temporary legal owner of all of the debtor’s property.

Bankruptcy judge

A judicial officer of the United States district court who is the court official with decision-making power over federal bankruptcy cases.

Bankruptcy petition

A formal request for the protection of the federal bankruptcy laws. (There is an official form for bankruptcy petitions.)

Bankruptcy trustee

A private individual or corporation appointed in all Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases to represent the interests of the bankruptcy estate and the debtor’s creditors.

Bench trial

A trial without a jury, in which the judge serves as the fact-finder.


A written statement submitted in a trial or appellate proceeding that explains one side’s legal and factual arguments.

Burden of proof

The duty to prove disputed facts. In civil cases, a plaintiff generally has the burden of proving his or her case. In criminal cases, the government has the burden of proving the defendant’s guilt. (See standard of proof.)

Business bankruptcy

A bankruptcy case in which the debtor is a business or an individual involved in business and the debts are for business purposes.


Capital offense

A crime punishable by death.Case file

A complete collection of every document filed in court in a case.

Case law

The law as established in previous court decisions. A synonym for legal precedent. Akin to common law, which springs from tradition and judicial decisions.


The number of cases handled by a judge or a court.

Cause of action

A legal claim.


The offices of a judge and his or her staff.

Chapter 11

A reorganization bankruptcy, usually involving a corporation or partnership. A Chapter 11 debtor usually proposes a plan of reorganization to keep its business alive and pay creditors over time. Individuals or people in business can also seek relief in Chapter 11.

Chapter 12

The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code providing for adjustment of debts of a “family farmer” or “family fisherman,” as the terms are defined in the Bankruptcy Code.

Chapter 13

The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code providing for the adjustment of debts of an individual with regular income, often referred to as a “wage-earner” plan. Chapter 13 allows a debtor to keep property and use his or her disposable income to pay debts over time, usually three to five years.

Chapter 13 trustee

A person appointed to administer a Chapter 13 case. A Chapter 13 trustee’s responsibilities are similar to those of a Chapter 7 trustee; however, a Chapter 13 trustee has the additional responsibilities of overseeing the debtor’s plan, receiving payments from debtors, and disbursing plan payments to creditors.

Chapter 15

The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code dealing with cases of cross-border insolvency.

Chapter 7

The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code providing for “liquidation,” that is, the sale of a debtor’s nonexempt property and the distribution of the proceeds to creditors. In order to be eligible for Chapter 7, the debtor must satisfy a “means test.” The court will evaluate the debtor’s income and expenses to determine if the debtor may proceed under Chapter 7.

Chapter 7 trustee

A person appointed in a Chapter 7 case to represent the interests of the bankruptcy estate and the creditors. The trustee’s responsibilities include reviewing the debtor’s petition and schedules, liquidating the property of the estate, and making distributions to creditors. The trustee may also bring actions against creditors or the debtor to recover property of the bankruptcy estate.

Chapter 9

The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code providing for reorganization of municipalities (which includes cities and towns, as well as villages, counties, taxing districts, municipal utilities, and school districts).

Chief judge

The judge who has primary responsibility for the administration of a court; chief judges are determined by seniority


A creditor’s assertion of a right to payment from a debtor or the debtor’s property.

Class action

A lawsuit in which one or more members of a large group, or class, of individuals or other entities sue on behalf of the entire class. The district court must find that the claims of the class members contain questions of law or fact in common before the lawsuit can proceed as a class action.

Clerk of court

The court officer who oversees administrative functions, especially managing the flow of cases through the court. The clerk’s office is often called a court’s central nervous system.


Property that is promised as security for the satisfaction of a debt.

Common law

The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States, which relies on the articulation of legal principles in a historical succession of judicial decisions. Common law principles can be changed by legislation.

Community service

A special condition the court imposes that requires an individual to work – without pay – for a civic or nonprofit organization.


A written statement that begins a civil lawsuit, in which the plaintiff details the claims against the defendant.

Concurrent sentence

Prison terms for two or more offenses to be served at the same time, rather than one after the other. Example: Two five-year sentences and one three-year sentence, if served concurrently, result in a maximum of five years behind bars.


Approval of a plan of reorganization by a bankruptcy judge.

Consecutive sentence

Prison terms for two or more offenses to be served one after the other. Example: Two five-year sentences and one three-year sentence, if served consecutively, result in a maximum of 13 years behind bars.

Consumer bankruptcy

A bankruptcy case filed to reduce or eliminate debts that are primarily consumer debts.

Consumer debts

Debts incurred for personal, as opposed to business, needs.

Contingent claim

A claim that may be owed by the debtor under certain circumstances, e.g., where the debtor is a cosigner on another person’s loan and that person fails to pay.


An agreement between two or more people that creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing.


A judgment of guilt against a criminal defendant.


Legal advice; a term also used to refer to the lawyers in a case.


An allegation in an indictment or information, charging a defendant with a crime. An indictment or information may contain allegations that the defendant committed more than one crime. Each allegation is referred to as a count.


Government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes. Judges sometimes use “court” to refer to themselves in the third person, as in “the court has read the briefs.”

Court reporter

A person who makes a word-for-word record of what is said in court, generally by using a stenographic machine, shorthand or audio recording, and then produces a transcript of the proceedings upon request.

Credit counseling

Generally refers to two events in individual bankruptcy cases: (1) the “individual or group briefing” from a nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency that individual debtors must attend prior to filing under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code; and (2) the “instructional course in personal financial management” in chapters 7 and 13 that an individual debtor must complete before a discharge is entered. There are exceptions to both requirements for certain categories of debtors, exigent circumstances, or if the U.S. trustee or bankruptcy administrator have determined that there are insufficient approved credit counseling agencies available to provide the necessary counseling.


A person to whom or business to which the debtor owes money or that claims to be owed money by the debtor.

Law Enforcement Stop by Uninvited?

Law Enforcement Stop by Uninvited?

If your house or business has been raided for cannabis related crimes by uninvited law enforcement employees. There are new laws that protect you and new laws regarding forfeiture. Here is a quick list of things you should do and should not do.

Say Nothing

  • Say nothing – The more you say the deeper you go.
  • Say nothing – They are still going to tear your place apart, destroy and take your stuff anyway.
  • Say nothing – Let them threaten you all they want.
  • Say nothing – The police and justice system are not your friends and anything you say will be used against you.
  • Say nothing – Don’t help them convict you.
  • Say nothing – Whatever they promise is a lie. They are allowed to lie to you. You are not allowed to lie to them.
  • Say nothing – They may tell you they know it all. But they are usually fishing. Don’t fill in the blanks.
  • Say nothing – Ask anyone who has said something and they will most likely tell you they should not have said anything

Hire Experience

  • Hire an Attorney experienced in the cannabis realm who knows it inside and out ASAP.
  • If you want to fight for your freedom and future then be prepared to pay. It is usually cheaper in the long run.
  • If you plea or fall in line with the justice money raking machine. You could be forever in indentured to them.
  • The system was designed for your to fail at the whim of a few to keep the lights on and staff employed.
  • Don’t become one of the sheep and follow the herd.
  • Hire a Lawyer ready and experienced to take it to trial and the supreme court if necessary.
Police Raid - SWAT - Drug Raids

Research Us

Here’s just some news media we have been featured in

Cannabis Now

Michigan State Police Stop Cannabis Blood Tests

Michael Komorn, an attorney specializing in criminal defense and cannabis law, said that evidence of THC in blood tests is frequently used to prosecute…

Sep 8, 2022


More than 3000 cases may have been impacted by …

Today when he got the notice from the lab Wednesday, Komorn was on his way to … “I am notifying my entire staff and other law enforcement partners of the…

Aug 31, 2022

Michigan State Police halt blood tests for marijuana over …

Michael Komorn, a Farmington Hills-based attorney who also specializes in marijuana law and criminal defense, said the issue could call into questions…

Aug 26, 2022

Lansing State Journal

FOIA helps attorneys, citizens shine a light on unclear …

One example is from about 10 years ago when attorney Michael Komorn … We worked with another law firm, the Rockind Law Firm in Birmingham to pursue and…

Mar 13, 2022

Detroit Free Press

Michigan appeals court OKs marijuana as medicine for probationers

Is marijuana truly a medicine or just a street drug masquerading as medicine? A ruling by the Michigan Court of Appeals Court validates medical use.

Feb 15, 2021

Michigan roadside drug testing pilot program expands to all counties

The expanded pilot program began Oct. 1, the Michigan State Police said in a news release.

Oct 2, 2019

New laws, weak cases prompt Michigan attorney general to dismiss marijuana charges

Citing new laws and weak cases, Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel is dismissing charges against four people in two pending marijuana cases,…

Feb 25, 2019

Detroit Free Press

Couple considers lawsuit after pot charges dismissed

A Port Huron Township couple whose marijuana charges were dismissed last month is considering civil action against the county.

Apr 5, 2016

The Weed Blog

When Marijuana Forensic Science Becomes A Puppet For Police

Formal complaints have been filed in federal court against the Michigan State Police Crime Laboratory by criminal defense attorneys who want an.

Jan 8, 2016

The Intercept

Michigan Medical Marijuana Scandal

Attorneys and medical marijuana advocates accuse Michigan prosecutors of pressuring the state’s crime lab to falsely classify the origins of THC found in…

Nov 14, 2015

FOX 17

Emails spell out alleged scandal in state crime lab testing, falsely reporting marijuana

OTTAWA COUNTY, Mich. – First uncovered by FOX 17, more on an alleged scandal in how state crime labs are testing and reporting marijuana, namely marijuana…

Oct 29, 2015

ABC News

Walmart Fires Cancer Patient with Prescription for Medical Marijuana

Even though Michigan resident Joseph Casias had a prescription from his doctor for medical marijuana, he was fired after a positive test for the substance…

Mar 17, 2010

Drug Recognition Evaluator Testimony Not Valid after COA Opinion

Drug Recognition Evaluator Testimony Not Valid after COA Opinion

Komorn Law in conjunction with Rudoi Law and the Michigan Association of OWI Attorneys filed an amicus brief in support of the Defendant-Appellant, who was being prosecuted in the lower court for ”operating while intoxicated by marijuana.” 

With the filing of the amicus brief in this appeal, the expert testimony of a DRE – in driving while intoxicated or impaired cases – can no longer be used in court. 

In this case the prosecutor and lower court relied on the testimony of an expert DRE (drug recognition evaluator) to prosecute this case. 

Appeals Court Agreed with the Defendant

The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled on this case agreed with the defendant and the amicus filing by Komorn Law and Rudoi Law that the DRE protocol for determining a subject’s level of impairment ‘has not been validated’.

The Court Further Stated That

“There simply is no evidence in this record to support that the DRE protocol can reliably be used to detect the degree or level of intoxication caused by marijuana and determine whether that level of intoxication has made the person unable to safely drive a motor vehicle”. 

Expert DRE testimony was inadmissible under MRE 702

The court ruled that the proposed expert DRE testimony was inadmissible under MRE 702 and reversed and remanded the case for further proceedings consistent with their opinion.

With the filing of the amicus brief in this appeal, the testimony of a DRE as an expert in driving while intoxicated or impaired cases can no longer be used in court. 

Komorn Law

Attorney Michael Komorn has been on the frontline of legal defense in cannabis law, DUI, OWI, criminal defense casework and continues to lead the way in discrediting invalidated investigative methods used by law enforcement in determining a defendant’s innocence or guilt for his clients. If you’re looking to hire a true fighting lawyer… you have found him. Contact Komorn Law for a free case evaluation

Read the documents here

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This post may contain re-posted content, opinions, comments, ads, third party posts, outdated information, posts from disgruntled persons, posts from those with agendas and general internet BS. Therefore…Before you believe anything on the internet regarding anything – do your research on Official Government and State Sites, Call the Michigan State Police, Check the State Attorney General Website and Consult an Attorney – Use Your Brain.

News Scrape November 2022

News Scrape November 2022

Search Results


Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorneys

Featured Attorney

Award winning Attorney Michael Komorn owner and Trial Attorney for his firm Komorn Law PLLC is based out of Farmington Hills, Michigan.  Know for his tenacity in the courtroom and endless energy to fight, Michael travels throughout the state defending clients in all types of criminal cases, DUI and drug casework.

Michael has deep activist and advocacy roots in the cannabis community fighting for the rights of medical marijuana patients, caregivers and corporations.

If you are looking for a defense lawyer to go on the offense – then you want to hire this attorney. Learn More

Nov 21, 2022

Adding CBD oil to food and drinks is illegal, Michigan officials say

It doesn’t make the subject matter into an illegality,” said Michael Komorn, a lawyer and president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana…

Mar 30, 2019

WXYZ Detroit

Michigan State Police stops marijuana blood testing over accuracy concerns with results

Local attorney Michael Komorn says he’s been fighting the state lab about many of his clients’ THC blood test results for years.

Aug 26, 2022

WXYZ Detroit

More than 3000 cases may have been impacted by …

… Attorney Michael Komorn, who specializes in marijuana cases. … Today when he got the notice from the lab Wednesday, Komorn was on his…

Aug 31, 2022

CannaJam festival returns to Ypsilanti with music, munchies and, of course, marijuana

Organizer Michael Komorn, an attorney whose firm works in cannabis licensing, said events like CannaJam help pave the way for cannabis use…

Oct 4, 2022

Lansing State Journal

FOIA helps attorneys, citizens shine a light on unclear …

One example is from about 10 years ago when attorney Michael Komorn unearthed emails that revealed that the Michigan State Police forensic…

Mar 13, 2022

Detroit News

Attorney General Nessel to speak at 50th anniversary Ann …

… Nature Michigan organization; Students for Sensible Drug Policy’s Matthew Dargay; and attorneys Matthew Abel and Michael Komorn.

Mar 22, 2022

Marijuana retailer drops lawsuit against Ypsilanti

… an outside attorney specializing in marijuana-related litigation, Michael Komorn and his firm Komorn Law, to assist with the litigation.

Apr 9, 2022

Cannabis Now

Michigan State Police Stop Cannabis Blood Tests

Michael Komorn, an attorney specializing in criminal defense and cannabis law, said that evidence of THC in blood tests is frequently used…

Sep 7, 2022

Detroit Free Press

Michigan appeals court OKs marijuana as medicine for …

… overwhelming approval of the law, it took 12 years for Michigan courts to fully recognize the law’s protections, said Michael Komorn,…

Feb 15, 2021

Livingston Daily

Nearly 5-year-old marijuana case involving Howell Twp. man …

Michael Komorn, Berry’s attorney, said he was glad the case was over after the state charged his client with “some of the most serious…

Aug 6, 2020

Traverse City Record-Eagle

Bellaire apartment manager sentenced to jail for obstructing …

Michael Komorn, a Farmington Hills-based attorney versed in cannabis law and who argued Thue’s case in 13th Circuit court and in front of…

Feb 15, 2022

‘Canna Jam’ festival offers music, comedy and marijuana in an Ypsilanti park

… use is acceptable and not a taboo,” said organizer Michael Komorn, … the stigma of cannabis use in social situations, Komorn said.

Oct 7, 2021


Marijuana Festival Saturday In Ypsilanti | News/Talk/Sports …

The organizer is attorney Michael Komorn, he says the goal is to show the positive impact of marijuana consumption in social settings.

Oct 8, 2021

Deadline Detroit

‘Canna Jam:’ Ypsilanti hosts an all-day weed festival next …

Bloomfield Hills attorney Michael Komorn slaps a cachy slogan on a Canna Jam Festival he organized: “Normalizing cannabis one event at a…

Oct 3, 2021

Defense attorneys say drivers should refuse Michigan’s new roadside drug tests

… said Michael Komorn, a Farmington Hills-based drugged- and drunk-driving attorney, who also specializes in marijuana law.

Jan 13, 2020

Detroit Free Press

Couple considers lawsuit after pot charges dismissed

The Shattucks’ lawyer, Michael Komorn, agreed. “I don’t think that people who would look at this case would say it’s fair that a child had…

Apr 5, 2016

South Bend Tribune

New laws in Michigan shake up the marijuana industry

“You’ve got a lot of moving parts taking place,” said Michael Komorn, a Detroit lawyer and president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana…

Jan 16, 2017

The Detroit News

Charges dropped against 6 in $1M marijuana raid in Detroit

A defense attorney in the case, Michael Komorn, said the facility was granted a temporary operation’s certification from the city,…

Jul 31, 2018

Michigan roadside drug testing pilot program expands to all counties

Attorney Michael Komorn of Komorn Law in Farmington Hills questioned the testing pilot program, saying it is based on “junk science” and the…

Oct 2, 2019

Crain’s Detroit

Saturday’s Canna Jam to be Southeast Michigan’s first …

Festival organizer Michael Komorn, of Farmington Hills-based … Komorn’s licensed cannabis event organizer business is Creative Rec Events.

Oct 6, 2021

Recreational weed may spark up Michigan’s medical marijuana industry

“It cannot be described as anything but a failure,” said Michael Komorn, president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association,…

Jan 9, 2019

New laws, weak cases prompt Michigan attorney general to dismiss marijuana charges

“We’re delighted to hear that the attorney general had the courage to dismiss against the Sochackis,” said Michael Komorn, lawyer for Matt…

Feb 25, 2019

The Detroit News

Medical marijuana enforcement hazy as state forms rules

Michael Caldwell, State Police commander for the region, … the groundwork for huge profits in the marijuana industry, said Michael Komorn,…

Nov 20, 2017

Detroit Free Press

Charges dismissed after marijuana evidence destroyed

On cross examination, defense attorney Michael Komorn, who represents Berry, asked Wolf if he was familiar with a Michigan law that states a…

Oct 27, 2016

Lansing State Journal

How hard is it to get a medical marijuana card in Michigan?

Michael Komorn, an attorney and president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association, an advocacy group, said insurance companies often…

Apr 23, 2018

The Detroit News

Holy Moly Donut Shop laundered drug cash, feds say

“I’d say of all the gin joints to walk into, if they walked into this one, there must be a reason,” said attorney Michael Komorn,…

Oct 5, 2018

Livingston Daily

Judge: Man’s statement to police in marijuana case stands

Defense attorney Michael Komorn said two officers who testified were not credible witnesses because they did not record – via videotape or…

Feb 1, 2017

Positive roadside drug tests wrong nearly 24% of the time in Michigan pilot, data shows

… defense attorney Michael Nichols, who handles drugged-driving cases. … said Michael Komorn, a Farmington Hills-based drugged- and…


Mar 30, 2021

The Intercept

Michigan Medical Marijuana Scandal

The emails were obtained by Michael Komorn, lead lawyer for Max Lorincz, a medical marijuana patient who lost custody of his child and now…


Nov 14, 2015

Michigan “The Voice” finalist sentenced on drug charge

… prescription for the narcotic that he was found with, and it had lapsed, as that sometimes happens,” said Attorney Michael Komorn.


Feb 4, 2019

CNN Business

The first country to legalize pot is taking it slow

… said Michael Komorn, a criminal defense lawyer and president of the … the role of an international leader in this field, Komorn said.


Sep 16, 2018

Detroit Free Press

Detroit police make arrests at marijuana dispensary

… added Southfield attorney Michael Komorn, president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association. But without such regulation in place,…


Jul 14, 2015

Skeptics question accuracy of Michigan’s new roadside drug …

Michael Komorn joins other skeptics who are questioning the accuracy of the tests, according to The Associated Press.


Nov 28, 2017


Leafly Investigation: The Great Cannabis Crime Lab Frame-Up

Defense attorney Michael Komorn suspected the “policy change” could put the state’s 180,000 medical cannabis patients at risk.


Oct 6, 2016

Adding CBD oil to food and drinks is illegal, Michigan officials say

It doesn’t make the subject matter into an illegality,” said Michael Komorn, a lawyer and president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana…


Mar 30, 2019

’Voice’ finalist Laith Al-Saadi avoids jail time in drug case

Attorney Michael Komorn, who defended Al-Saadi, said the musician previously had a doctor’s prescription for hydrocodone and “it ran out.”.


Feb 21, 2019

Michigan’s unreliable breathalyzers back in service with little explanation

Defense Attorney Michael Komorn, a Farmington Hills-based drugged- and drunken-driving attorney, who also specializes in marijuana law,…


Feb 13, 2020

Clio medical marijuana facility could be padlocked for year …

… Farmington Hills-based Michael Komorn. Komorn could not be immediately reached for comment. After the nuisance complaint was filed,…


Mar 28, 2016

Detroit Free Press

‘The Voice’ Season 10 finalist Laith Al-Saadi caught with drugs

On Wednesday Al-Saadi’s lawyer, Michael Komorn, released a statement claiming the musician is dealing with “chronic pain” and the drugs were…


Mar 1, 2018

Michigan Radio

Medical marijuana lawyers want state crime lab moved out of …

But we accept it, because that’s how it is,” said attorney Michael Komorn, who specializes in defending medical marijuana patients.


Dec 28, 2015

Michigan’s suspected drunk drivers face blood draws during breathalyzer ‘fraud’ investigation

… said Michael Komorn, a Farmington Hills-based drugged- and drunk-driving attorney, who also specializes in marijuana law.


Jan 15, 2020

Macomb Daily

‘Bizarre night’ in Warren ends with prosecutors dropping charges

Lang and the other defense attorneys, also including Vince Manzella and Michael Komorn, said a video that surfaced vindicates their clients.


Nov 21, 2020


Hemp farmers see ‘low-hanging fruit,’ uncertainty amid CBD …

Michael Komorn, a Detroit-based attorney with the Michigan chapter of the Hemp Industries Association, says enforcing these types of laws…


Aug 4, 2019

Michigan Radio

Marijuana business owners say they’re being robbed by police

Berry’s attorney Michael Komorn said police are profiting by targeting legal marijuana businesses. “It’s a financial incentive.


Nov 2, 2018

Former ‘The Voice’ finalist Laith Al-Saadi arrested in northern …

Michael Komorn, Al-Saadi’s attorney, released a statement on his client’s behalf, stating that the drugs were for medical purposes only.


Feb 26, 2018

Michigan judges can’t stop medical marijuana use by probationers, court rules

Komorn took the case to the Court of Appeals. Michael E. Thue THC CBD tattoos. Michael E. Thue of Center for Compassion in Traverse…


Feb 12, 2021

Tri-County Times

More than 100,000 Michiganders have medical marijuana …

Michael Komorn, a Michigan lawyer who represents medical marijuana users, said that any right will have abusers. Komorn believes medical…


Oct 2, 2013

ABC News

Walmart Fires Cancer Patient with Prescription for Medical …

Michigan attorney Michael Komorn, who has represented several clients in medical marijuana cases and does for the Michigan Medical Marijuana…


Mar 17, 2010

Detroit Metro Times

Ann Arbor musician and The Voice finalist faces felony …

Al-Saadi’s lawyer, Michael Komorn, released a statement on Wednesday, Feb. 28 claiming Al-Saadi suffers from chronic pain and suggesting the…


Feb 28, 2018

Detroit Free Press

Pot for kids? Some parents say it’s good medicine

… on May 27 of a third petition, said Michael Komorn, a Southfield attorney and president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association.


Jul 18, 2015

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn "Michael is your best choice when you need a lawyer whose strategies and appetite to win in the court system are what he lives for." Michael A. Komorn, Esq. Lead Trial Attorney Komorn Law, PLLC30903 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 240Farmington Hills,...