A Great Day for Medical Marijuana Patients



Aggressive Legal Defense
All Criminal Allegations / DUI / Drugs
Since 1993

If you have been on probation… you know the rules. No consuming illegal drugs especially marijuana. But according to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act your doctor recommended use of medical marijuana in the State of Michigan… if you are a qualified patient you can not be penalized.

“A qualifying patient who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card is not subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege…” the act states

“Therefore, a court cannot revoke probation upon the use of medical marijuana that otherwise complies with the terms of the MMMA.”

Lead trial attorney and advocate for marijuana law reform Michael Komorn was retained to challenge the probation rule. Komorn is the type of lawyer to take on issue an like this and dive into the foxhole beside his client and fight.

In the end it turned out to be a good day for all Michigan Medical Marijuana patients as the Court of Appeals opinion granted that Michigan judges can’t stop medical marijuana use by probationers.

The fight is far from over…

More details about the case in the links down below. Make sure you read the linked news articles too.

Don’t forget Marijuana is still illegal federally as of this date.

Don’t Challenge the System Alone To Secure Your Use.

Contact Us 248-357-2550 to notify and defend your right to utilize your doctor recommended Medical Marijuana. It will be less costly and easier than doing it from jail.

Komorn Law has been aggressive in fighting for the
rights and reform for marijuana laws for over 25+ years.

“There is no better attorney or law firm to represent a client regarding patients, caregivers or businesses out there.  They are the experts, they are the clear champions, they are the ones you need in the trench beside you when you’re out gunned by the prosecution” Steve

More Details About The Case

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