The Use of Electronic Devices to Commit Crimes in Michigan
Yes that means your cellphone…
Computer” means any connected, directly interoperable or interactive device, equipment, or facility that uses a computer program or other instructions to perform specific operations including logical, arithmetic, or memory functions with or on computer data or a computer program and that can store, retrieve, alter, or communicate the results of the operations to a person, computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network. Computer includes a computer game device or a cellular telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or other handheld device.
Michigan Laws on Electronic Crimes
Michigan has enacted various laws that address offenses involving the use of electronic devices.
For instance, Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 750.145d covers crimes involving the use of a computer to commit certain illegal activities.
According to this law, a person who uses a computer, smartphone, or any electronic device to commit or attempt to commit a crime can face serious consequences.
The legal system classifies offenses according to the severity of the crime committed using electronic devices with potential charges varying from misdemeanors to felonies based on the specific circumstances of the offense and the extent of harm inflicted on the victim.
Charges and Penalties
The severity of the charges and penalties for using electronic devices to commit crimes in Michigan depends on the underlying crime being committed.
If the crime is minor, like harassment, the person could face a misdemeanor charge.
However, if the offense involves serious crimes, like identity theft, fraud, or exploitation, it can result in felony charges.
Here are some possible penalties under Michigan law:
- Misdemeanor: A person convicted of a misdemeanor for using an electronic device to commit a crime could face up to 1 year in jail, fines, and potentially probation.
- Felony: If the crime is a felony, the penalties are much more severe. A felony conviction can result in imprisonment for up to 20 years and significant fines.
For more information on the specific laws and penalties regarding cybercrimes in Michigan, you can visit the Michigan Legislature’s website and review MCL 750.145d
Use You Right To Remain Silent
If you have been accused or charged with a crime.
Say nothing to anyone. Talk to us first.
Our firm is experienced in both State and Federal courts defending clients.
When someone is charged with using an electronic device to commit a crime in Michigan, there are several possible defenses they can raise. These defenses can help prove innocence or reduce the severity of the charges. Below are some common defenses that may be used in cases involving electronic or cybercrimes:
Lack of Intent
One of the strongest defenses in electronic crime cases is arguing that there was no criminal intent.
Many cybercrimes, like fraud or hacking, require proof that the defendant intended to commit the crime. If it can be shown that the person did not mean to break the law or was unaware of their actions, they may avoid conviction.
For example, someone may accidentally access someone else’s computer or data without realizing it’s a crime. In such cases, the lack of intent can be a strong defense.
Mistaken Identity
In some cases, a person may be wrongfully accused of committing a cybercrime simply because their electronic device or account was involved.
Cybercrime investigations can be complex, and sometimes, hackers or other criminals use fake identities or stolen devices to hide their true identity.
A person could be wrongly accused if their IP address or device was hijacked by someone else.
Proving that someone else had access to the device or network can help establish a mistaken identity defense.
Insufficient Evidence
For a conviction, the prosecution must provide solid evidence linking the defendant to the crime.
In electronic crimes, there is often a need for technical evidence, such as computer logs, internet activity, or digital communications.
If the evidence is weak, incomplete, or improperly gathered (for example, without a valid warrant), the defense can argue that there isn’t enough proof to convict the accused.
Challenging the quality of evidence or the methods used to gather it is another common defense.
In some situations, the alleged victim may have given consent to the defendant’s actions. For example, if someone is accused of accessing private data, but the owner of the data had authorized it, this could be a valid defense. If the person being accused had permission to use the computer, access files, or make certain transactions, this can be presented in court as a defense.
Entrapment occurs when law enforcement officers or government agents induce a person to commit a crime they wouldn’t have otherwise committed.
If the defense can prove that the police pressured the accused into carrying out an illegal act using an electronic device, entrapment can be a defense. However, this defense only works if the defendant can prove they would not have committed the crime without the influence of law enforcement.
Duress or Coercion
A person might commit a crime because they were forced or threatened to do so by someone else.
If the defendant can show that they were acting under duress—for example, being blackmailed or physically threatened to carry out a cybercrime—they might be able to avoid punishment or receive a lesser sentence.
Age or Mental Capacity
A defendant may claim that they did not have the mental capacity to understand the consequences of their actions due to their age, mental illness, or a cognitive disorder.
This defense can be used if the accused is a minor or suffers from a condition that affects their ability to form intent or comprehend the seriousness of their actions.
But in the End
Your phone is your phone and you probably called your Mom with it. Your computer is your computer and you have probably sent emails and surfed the web with it.
As for the system putting things on your computer as evidence. One can not say that it hasn’t been done before and it’s always possible.
Better call a fighting lawyer and prepare to pay for it. Could be more cost effective for your future and cheaper than sitting in jail. You don’t make money there. They do.
Note: This article provides a general overview and does not substitute for legal advice. Anyone charged with a CSC offense should consult an attorney for specific legal guidance.
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