LARA-MMFLA-can a person seeking certification for medical marijuana do so in a dispensary or provisioning center

With the implementation of the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA), can a person seeking certification for medical marijuana do so in a dispensary or provisioning center?


A licensed provisioning center may not allow a physician to conduct a medical examination or issue a medical certification document on their licensed premises to obtain a registry identification card.

Unfortunately, applicants often receive inaccurate information from third parties that result in their application for a registry identification card being delayed or denied. Patients should not allow other individuals or third parties to submit their applications – or any other documents – to the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program (MMMP) as patients will be unable to determine when or if their applications were submitted. In addition, applicants should not allow other individuals or third parties to retain copies of their documents, state-issued driver licenses, personal identification cards, or voter registrations as that increases the possibility of fraud and/or fraudulent submissions.

It is important to note that third-party business operations which tell patients that their application and physician certification serve as a temporary registration card are putting the applicants at risk of possible arrest as a patient or caregiver must present their valid registry identification card and a valid driver license – or government-issued identification card with photo – to law enforcement to be protected from arrest. It is for this reason that the Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation (BMMR) recommends applicants wait until they receive their registry identification card before engaging in the medical use of marihuana.

Individuals should apply directly with the MMMP and may contact the department in one of three ways: online forms can be found at; questions can be emailed to; or patients may call 517-284-6400.


Komorn Law has represented numerous clients through the legal chaos of starting up a business in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Industry.

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