Can I be arrested for DUI riding my bike high in Michigan?

Recreational Cannabis is “legal” in Michigan.

Can I be arrested for riding my bike high in Michigan?

First… What is the definition of a bicycle?

MCL 257.4 defines a “bicycle” as:

“…a device propelled by human power upon which a person may ride, having either 2 or 3 wheels in a tandem or tricycle arrangement, all of which are over 14 inches in diameter.”

Does a bicyclist have to obey the same traffic laws as a motorist?

Yes, with exceptions.  MCL 257.657 states:

“Each person riding a bicycle…upon a roadway has all of the rights and is subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this chapter, except as to special regulations in this article and except as to the provisions of this chapter which by their nature do not have application.”

Can you be charged with a DUI or biking high while riding your bicycle?

No. Although it is dangerous to ride while intoxicated, a bicycle is not a motor vehicle according to state law. DUI applies only to motor vehicle operators.

Other laws will be weaponized against you however, such as disorderly conduct.

DUI Charges?
Sometimes it’s cheaper in the long run to fight them
Call to Fight for your Rights (248) 357-2550

By the way…

Is it legal to use a cell phone or text while riding a bicycle?

Only if the cell phone is in hands-free mode. MCL 257.661 states:

“A person operating a bicycle…shall not carry any package, bundle, or article that prevents the driver from keeping both hands upon the handlebars of the vehicle.”

The Michigan Point System

Each traffic violation has a point value, which is set by law in the Michigan Vehicle Code.

Read about it here

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