Boating in Michigan on Alcohol and Drugs – It’s Illegal

Boating in Michigan on Alcohol and Drugs – It’s Illegal

If it’s got a motor, it’s a BUI

We got lakes, we got boats, we got alcohol, we got cannabis all the fun you can possibly find on a holiday weekend in the summer. Just don’t combine them all or you’ll be calling us or your cousin Vinny. 

Operating a Boat Under the Influence (OUI)

Michigan law strictly prohibits operating a motorboat under the influence of alcohol or drugs, similar to driving under the influence (DUI) laws. This applies to all vessels with a motor, including personal watercraft (PWCs) [MCL 324.80176]. There are two main ways a boater can be considered OUI:

  • Blood Alcohol Content (BAC): A BAC of 0.08% or greater is considered operating under the influence. This is determined by a breath, blood, or urine test administered by a law enforcement officer.
  • Visible Impairment: Regardless of BAC, if an officer observes the boater’s ability to operate the vessel is visibly impaired by alcohol or drugs, they can be arrested for OUI.

Visible Impairment means anything they say it means!!

The consequences of a BUI conviction in Michigan can be severe. A first offense is typically a misdemeanor, punishable by fines, jail time, and the loss of boating privileges. Multiple convictions within ten years escalate the offense to a felony, carrying harsher penalties. Additionally, causing serious injury or death while boating under the influence can result in felony charges with significant prison sentences.

324.80176 Operation of or authorizing operation of motorboat while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substance prohibited; visible impairment; violation as felony; penalty; “serious impairment of a body function” defined; operation by person less than 21 years of age; “any bodily alcohol content” defined; requirements; “operate” defined.

Sec. 80176.

    (1) A person shall not operate a motorboat on the waters of this state if any of the following apply:
    (a) The person is under the influence of alcoholic liquor or a controlled substance, or both.
    (b) The person has a blood alcohol content of 0.08 grams or more per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine.
    (c) The person has in his or her body any amount of a controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under section 7212 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7212, or a rule promulgated under that section, or of a controlled substance described in section 7214(a)(iv) of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7214.

Passengers and Alcohol Consumption

While there is no specific law prohibiting passengers from drinking alcohol on a boat in Michigan, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers. Excessive alcohol consumption can impair judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents or falls overboard. Passengers who are intoxicated may also become loud or disruptive, distracting the operator and jeopardizing the safety of everyone on board.

Here are some safety tips for passengers:

  • Drink responsibly and in moderation.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards.
  • Remain seated while the boat is in motion.
  • Wear a life jacket at all times.

Additional Safety Considerations

Boating safety goes beyond just avoiding alcohol. Here are some other crucial aspects to remember:

  • Boating education: Taking a boating safety course can equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate safely. Michigan requires boaters born after June 30, 1996, to complete a boating safety course to operate a motorboat or PWC
  • Life jackets: Ensure everyone on board has a properly fitting life jacket readily available and consider wearing them at all times.
  • Boating equipment: Have all necessary safety equipment on board, including fire extinguishers, flares, and signaling devices.
  • Weather conditions: Always check the weather forecast before heading out and be prepared for sudden changes.
  • Local regulations: Be aware of any specific boating regulations or restrictions that may apply to the water body you’re on.

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Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Alcohol, Drugs, Kayaking – It could be a problem

Can I drink alcohol and smoke cannabis if I’m canoeing or kayaking or tubing or paddleboarding or just floating around?

While Michigan law doesn’t explicitly forbid consuming alcohol on non-motorized vessels like canoes or kayaks, it’s strongly discouraged for safety reasons. Here’s why:

  • Impaired judgment: Alcohol affects your balance, coordination, and decision-making abilities. Even a small amount can significantly increase your risk of tipping over or making poor choices on the water.

  • Hypothermia risk: Alcohol can interfere with your body’s ability to regulate temperature. Falling into cold water while under the influence can lead to hypothermia much faster.

  • Drowning risk: Impaired judgment and slowed reflexes can make it difficult to react quickly in an emergency situation.

  • Legal consequences: Public intoxication laws might apply if your behavior becomes disruptive or unsafe due to alcohol.

…and public consumption of cannabis is not allowed.

Public consumption is not permitted. Driving under the influence of marijuana is not permitted. Individuals cannot cross state lines with marijuana.

Marijuana in Michigan: What You Need to Know

Law Firm VIctories

Your Rights

Redefining Impairment: Beyond THC Levels in Roadside Testing

Redefining Impairment: Beyond THC Levels in Roadside Testing

Redefining Impairment: Beyond THC Levels in Roadside Testing

In recent developments that promise to reshape our understanding of cannabis use and road safety, a federal government report has cast significant doubt on the efficacy of using THC levels as a benchmark for driver impairment. This revelation comes at a crucial juncture in the evolving discourse around cannabis, challenging long-held assumptions and urging a reevaluation of legal and scientific standards.

The Federal Perspective on THC and Impairment

The crux of the debate centers on the assertion by a researcher from the Justice Department, which signals a pivotal shift in federal stance. The department acknowledges the discrepancies between THC levels in the bloodstream and the actual impairment of an individual, especially among regular cannabis users.

This admission underlines a growing consensus that the current metrics for evaluating cannabis impairment might not only be flawed but fundamentally misaligned with the realities of consumption and its effects on the human body.

Frances Scott, a DOJ physical scientist, highlighted in a recent podcast that research funded by the federal government conclusively shows that THC concentration is not well-correlated with impairment for driving.

This insight is supported by studies indicating that chronic and infrequent marijuana users metabolize THC differently, complicating the establishment of a universal impairment threshold based on THC concentration alone.

The Scientific Challenge of THC Impairment Testing

The scientific community has long grappled with the complexities of THC impairment testing. Unlike alcohol, where a .08 blood alcohol content level can serve as a clear marker for impairment, THC’s effects are not as straightforwardly quantifiable.

This complexity is reflected in studies such as those by Hound Labs (2022) and research by Sewell (2019), which explore alternative testing methods and question the correlation between THC blood levels and crash risk, respectively.

This divergence from a simple, numerical standard for impairment necessitates a broader exploration of impairment testing methods.

The Department of Justice, while continuing to research a marijuana breathalyzer, is also exploring alternatives like saliva swabs and assessments of eye functioning, aiming to devise a more accurate measure of impairment.

The Path Forward: Rethinking Impairment Measurement

The acknowledgment of the inadequacy of THC levels as an impairment standard necessitates a reevaluation of how impairment is measured, particularly in the context of driving.

The development of technology like the DRUID app, which assesses impairment through a variety of cognitive and motor tasks, represents a step towards creating more objective benchmarks for marijuana impairment.

However, widespread implementation and acceptance of such technologies in law enforcement practices remain in the nascent stages.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Legal and Social Implications

The evolving understanding of THC and impairment has profound legal and social implications. As the federal government and researchers work towards establishing a more nuanced approach to evaluating impairment, there’s a pressing need for legal frameworks that reflect these complexities.

The push for an objective standard for marijuana impairment, as seen in recent legislative efforts, underscores the urgency of this issue.

Furthermore, this shift towards a more evidence-based approach to impairment testing holds the promise of creating a more just and equitable legal system.

By moving away from a one-size-fits-all standard based on THC levels, there’s potential to mitigate the risk of unjustly penalizing individuals, particularly those who use cannabis for medical purposes, based on an arbitrary metric.

Federal Government’s Admission

The federal government’s admission that THC levels do not reliably indicate impairment marks a significant step forward in our understanding of cannabis and its effects on driving safety.

This acknowledgment not only challenges existing paradigms but also opens the door to a more informed and nuanced approach to road safety and law enforcement.

As research continues and new technologies emerge, there’s hope for the development of impairment testing methods that accurately reflect an individual’s ability to drive safely, paving the way for fairer legal standards and safer roads for everyone.

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An Independent Review of the Intoxilyzer 9000

An Independent Review of the Intoxilyzer 9000

An Independent Review of the Intoxilyzer 9000

Part 1 – Residual mouth alcohol detection

Counterpoint Volume 2; Issue 2 – Article 3 (August 2017)

An article in the Core Skills III-2 Module

Jan Semenoff, BA, EMA
Forensic Criminalist

The opportunity to conduct an independent analysis and performance review of a new breath alcohol testing device is rare, particularly the higher-end, evidentiary-level units.

Access to these technologies is stringently controlled by both their manufacturers and the police and government agencies that control them.

Additionally, state agencies are often reluctant to publish the results of their official assessments and analysis of the devices.

When given the opportunity to perform such a review on a new Intoxilyzer 9000, I designed a series of experiments to quickly analyze the overall performance of the device.

I attended the device’s location with colleague Tom Workman (1948 – 2019) to determine its suitability and reliability in a number of key areas, including:

  • Overall design and ease of use
  • Accuracy in determining in vitro [2] BrAC levels using a simulator
  • The ability of the device to determine the presence of Fresh Mouth Alcohol using a Residual
  • Alcohol Detection System (RADS) or the so-called “slope detector”.
  • Reliability in reporting BrAC [3] readings that are highly specific to ethanol
  • The effect of Radio Frequency Interference on the device [4]​

​This article will provide a general overview of the operational characteristics of the Intoxilyzer 9000. We will additionally look at the apparent accuracy of the device using simulator readings, and examine the ability of the device to “flag” false positive reading caused by fresh mouth alcohol contamination.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Read the rest of Part One here

Parts two and three are in the drop down menu at the site but not easy to notice. The links are below if you have trouble.

Part Two and Part Three will examine the unit’s specificity towards ethanol detection and its ability to identify the presence of an interferent chemical, and the capacity of the device to detect Radio Frequency Interference.

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How accurate are field sobriety tests (FSTs) in identifying acute Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) impairment?


In this randomized clinical trial of 184 cannabis users randomized to THC or placebo, law enforcement officers classified 81.0% and 49.2%, respectively, as FST impaired, and officers suspected that 99.2% of FST-impaired participants received THC. Driving simulator performance was associated with select FSTs.


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If you are interested in learning more detail about this evaluation go here to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Meanwhile… until they figure it out, if you get a DUI for being under the influence of cannabis, although legal, you will need an experienced attorney to fight for you in the court system. If you want to fight call our office. If you don’t, well then settle for what they dish out and accept that you can’t go back and change the outcome. 

Have you been arrested or charged with DUI?

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This post may contain re-posted content, opinions, comments, ads, third party posts, outdated information, posts from disgruntled persons, posts from those with agendas and general internet BS. Therefore…Before you believe anything on the internet regarding anything – do your research on Official Government and State Sites, Call the Michigan State Police, Check the State Attorney General Website and Consult an Attorney – Use Your Brain.

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THC Detection in Blood: A Comprehensive Review

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THC Detection in Blood: A Comprehensive Review

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, can remain detectable in the blood for several days or even weeks after use. This is due to the fact that THC is highly fat-soluble, meaning that it dissolves easily in fat cells. Once THC is absorbed into the bloodstream, it is distributed throughout the body, including the fat cells. When THC reaches the brain, it binds to cannabinoid receptors, producing the intoxicating effects associated with marijuana use.

As the intoxicating effects of THC wear off, it is released from the brain and redistributed to other tissues, including the fat cells. THC can be stored in fat cells for weeks or even months, and it is released slowly back into the bloodstream over time. This means that a blood test for THC can detect past marijuana use, even if the individual is no longer under the influence.

Have you been charged with driving while high?

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Factors that Affect THC Detection in Blood

A number of factors can affect how long THC remains detectable in the blood, including:

  • Frequency of use: Chronic marijuana users tend to have higher THC blood levels than occasional users.
  • Metabolism: Individuals with faster metabolisms tend to clear THC from their system more quickly.
  • Body composition: Individuals with higher body fat percentages tend to have higher THC blood levels.
  • Method of use: Different methods of marijuana use can result in different THC blood levels. For example, smoking marijuana tends to result in higher THC blood levels than eating marijuana.

Interpretation of THC Blood Test Results

It is important to note that THC blood levels do not necessarily correlate with impairment. Some individuals with high THC blood levels may not be impaired, while others with low THC blood levels may be impaired. Other factors, such as individual tolerance, route of administration, and time since use, can also play a role.

Additional Scientific Details

In addition to the information above, here are some additional scientific details about THC detection in blood:

  • THC is metabolized by the liver into a number of different metabolites, including 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC). 11-OH-THC is more potent than THC and has a longer half-life, meaning that it remains in the body longer.
  • The half-life of THC in the blood ranges from 1.3 to 13 days, depending on the individual’s metabolism and other factors.
  • THC can be detected in blood using a variety of analytical methods, including gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS).

Future Research Directions

Additional research is needed to better understand the relationship between THC blood levels and impairment. Researchers are also working to develop new methods for detecting THC in blood that are more sensitive and specific.

Did You Know

Michigan State Police Legal Updates

MSP Legal Update No. 153 (01/2023)

  • Search & Seizure: The smell of marihuana, standing alone, no longer constitutes probable cause to search for that substance
  • Vehicle Code: Violation for impeding traffic requires evidence the accused’s conduct actually affected the normal flow of traffic.

Legal Update No. 153 (01/2023)


MSP Legal Update No. 150 (01/2022)

  • Vehicle Code: Persons under the age of 21 may be prosecuted for operating a motor vehicle with the presence of marihuana in their system
  • Criminal Law: Ethnic intimidation based on gender includes harassing or intimidating another person because of the actual or perceived gender of that person.

Legal Update No. 150 (01/2022)


Legal Update No. 148 (09/2021)

Statutes: Code of Criminal Procedure amended to prohibit issuance of appearance tickets to a person arrested for an “operating while intoxicated” offense; Juvenile Law: Individuals who are 17 years of age to be treated as juveniles in criminal proceedings rather than automatically being treated as adults; Did You Know: The mere presence of an unidentified cocaine metabolite is insufficient to prove operation of a vehicle with the presence of “any amount” of cocaine in the body.

Legal Update No. 148 (09/2021)


Legal Update No. 147 (03/2021)

Statutes: The Code of Criminal Procedure amended to require persons arrested for certain misdemeanor and ordinance violations not exceeding 1-year in jail to be released from custody upon issuance and service of an appearance ticket; Vehicle Code: The Michigan Vehicle Code amended to eliminate the requirement to provide an audible signal when overtaking another vehicle.

Legal Update No. 147 (03/2021)

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