Drones – What Drones?

Jersey cops launched into the night sky with catapults to throw dreamcatchers at the unknown drones to entangle their props and bring em down! Just kidding – I think.

Darrr.. What drones? Those drones pose no threat there are no drones. That’s just a balloon, Everything is secure.

Dec. 14, 2024

Right now, the FBI, DHS, FAA and DOD have been unable to determine who is responsible for flying the drones, and there’s no indication that there are adversary nations involved.

“To date, we have no intelligence or observations that would indicate that they were aligned with a foreign actor or that they had malicious intent,” the spokesperson said. “But … we don’t know. We have not been able to locate or identify the operators or the points of origin.”

“The main point is to deter the activity using some of our electronic means that can respond to most of these small commercial systems and deny them access to the airspace over our bases,” the spokesperson said. “We don’t know what the activity is. We don’t know … if it is criminal. But I will tell you that it is irresponsible. Here on the military side, we are just as frustrated with the irresponsible nature of this activity.”

US Department of Defense News


National Security Concerns

Flying drones near airports, military bases, or other restricted areas can lead to immediate police action. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has strict rules about no-fly zones, and Michigan police will work with federal authorities to confiscate drones that pose a national security risk. Just like in New Jersey, New York, Florida, California and Nevada.

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Flying a Drone

Do I Need to Be Licensed?

If you’re flying a drone for commercial purposes, you must have an FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate. To get this, you’ll need to pass a knowledge test administered by the FAA.

If you’re flying for recreational purposes, you don’t need a license, but you must follow FAA safety guidelines, including flying below 400 feet and keeping the drone within your line of sight.

Do FAA Laws Supersede Local Laws?

Yes, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) laws take precedence over state or local drone regulations.

This means that federal rules about airspace, drone registration, and licensing apply across the country, including Michigan. However, local laws that don’t conflict with FAA rules—like those concerning privacy or property—can still apply.

Michigan State Laws:

In Michigan, there are no separate state registration requirements for drones beyond the FAA’s regulations. However, local ordinances may still apply, particularly regarding where you can fly the drone, so it’s important to check local rules.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Disclaimer: This article provides a general overview and does not substitute for legal advice.  As with any law it can change or be modified and research should be done before you rely on any information provided on the internet. Although we make all attempts to link relevant laws these laws can often be gray and corrupted to fit a narrative. Anyone charged with any alleged crime should consult an attorney for specific legal guidance.

Beautiful when they are used for good… 

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