I got a DUI while driving my dad’s boat – Will they take it?

I was out driving my dad’s boat on the lake and I got caught drinking. Can they take the boat away from my dad who was not with me?

Happy Father’s Day – Dad

No, in most cases, they likely won’t take your dad’s boat away for you getting a DUI while driving it.

They Could Tow it and impound it if there is no one sober there and that will cost you a bundle.

However, there could be some consequences for your dad depending on the specifics:

  • Repossession for fines: If the fines associated with your DUI are very high, the court could potentially order the boat to be sold to pay them off, but this is uncommon.
  • Insurance issues: A DUI could raise your dad’s boat insurance rates, or the company might even cancel the policy altogether. Without insurance, the boat couldn’t be legally operated.

The bigger issue here is you and the DUI. Boating under the influence (BUİ) is a serious offense in Michigan, similar to a DUI on land.

Here are some resources you might find helpful:

  • Information on Michigan BUIs: [Michigan boating under the influence ON Michigan.gov (.gov) michigan.gov]
  • Help and resources for DUIs: [National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (.gov) nhtsa.gov]

But here is the real resource you will need.
The phone number to my office.

Komorn Law 248-357-2550

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

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