Earned Sick Time Act – 2025 New Laws in Effect for Michigan

Some laws in effect in 2025 “Enacted by the People of Michigan”

Here we go…remember these laws can change at any moment because that’s what the politicians do that you don’t.

Earned Sick Time Act

Because everyone is sick…sometimes

Read more on your own time.

AN ACT to require certain employers to provide certain employees with paid medical leave for personal or family health needs, as well as purposes related to domestic violence and sexual assault; to specify the conditions for accruing and using paid medical leave; to prescribe powers and duties of certain state departments, agencies, and officers; and to provide remedies and sanctions. 

Read more if you care

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Bonus Law

Flashing Your Headlights

This is one of those “it depends” situations.

Michigan law states that it’s illegal to use or flash your high beams within 500 feet of another vehicle. It’s unlikely that you’ll be ticketed for doing it, but it could happen.

Or to warn other drivers of a speed trap…

Drivers must use a distribution of light that’s high enough and intense enough to see people and vehicles at a safe distance. When approaching an oncoming vehicle within 500 feet, drivers must aim their lights so that the glaring rays don’t go into the other driver’s eyes.

Here’s the Law – MCL 257.700

The violation, which is considered a civil infraction, will carry a 2-point penalty for “improper use of lights/failure to dim.

Now let’s talk about those “low beam” LED headlights where you have to just grip the steering wheel and go blindly forward.

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Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Disclaimer: This article provides a general overview and does not substitute for legal advice.  As with any law it can change or be modified and research should be done before you rely on any information provided on the internet. Although we make all attempts to link relevant laws these laws can often be gray and corrupted to fit a narrative. Anyone charged with any alleged crime should consult an attorney for specific legal guidance.

Michael Komorn-Criminal Defense Attorney

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