Ask yourself – How much is your record costing you not to have it expunged.
When you have been convicted of a crime in Michigan, you are likely aware of the negative impact it can have on your life, even after you have knelt in submission, paid the fines, served your sentence and have kept your life together as best you can.
A criminal record can continue to be dead weight for those who have paid their debt to society, remained conviction-free, and are seeking to move forward with their lives.
Before you look at the actual cost of an expungement you need to look at the cost your past record has on your life and the effect it has on you moving forward in employment, housing and everything you do.
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If you do it wrong you may not be able to try again for several years.
It is crucial to consult with a Michigan expungement attorney before making any decisions. If you do it wrong you may not be able to try again for several years.
Background checks are used at a high percentage by employers, landlords, and colleges to screen out applicants with criminal records. Those who have completed their sentence and are seeking to rebuild their lives may face significant challenges due to their criminal record.
Recently, Michigan has taken steps to address this issue. In 2020, the state implemented clean slate laws, making it the third state in the nation to do so.
Prior to the Clean Slate Act, the expungement process was only available to individuals with very limited criminal records, and many offenses were completely excluded from the process. Even those who qualified could find the process daunting.
The Clean Slate Act has expanded the number and types of offenses that can be expunged, and it will provide for some future automatic expungement of certain convictions.
If you have a criminal record in Michigan, it is important to understand the potential impact it can have on your life and to have an attorney at your side throughout the whole process is almost priceless. The cost for the attorney well out weighs the cost of having a record. You probably spend more on groceries in 3 months now a days.
Making Sure your Expungement is Completed Correctly
While an expungement does not require the assistance of an attorney, it is not recommended to engage in any interaction with the court system without one.
The court has the power in determining who is granted expungement and who is not. An incorrect application or preparation can lead to a denial by the court, and the individual will have to wait to apply again.
So How Much Does It Cost?
The processing fee for the courts and the State of Michigan are not a lot and not the costs you have to worry about. Those are not much. It’s the cost of denial which will set you back 3 years.
How much is that lawyer going to cost you? The price of an elegibility investigation starts around $500. The price for an expungement starts around $2500 – $3500 with a good attorney. Depending on variables such as different courts, counties, etc…
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