Illinois Becomes the 20th State to Enact Medical Marijuana Bill

On Thursday, August 1, 2013, Illinois became the 20th state to enact Medical Marijuana Legislation. The law goes into effect on January 1st, but until then the House and Senate will have an opportunity to pick through the already restrictive bill, which will expire after 4 years and will need to be re-voted upon. Under its current format, the law would permit patients to possess up to 2.5 ounces every two weeks. Unlike in Michigan, Illinois’ bill specifically addresses the issue of dispensaries, permitting 22 grow operations that will supply the 60 dispensaries permitted to distribute the final product.

(RELATED: People V Green)

In order to become a patient, one must already have and existing doctor-patient relationship unless the individual is a veteran. Veteran’s will be exempt from this clause due to the Veteran’s Affairs’ strict anti-cannabis stance, and a loop-hole in the law provides vets an opportunity to get a prescription from someone other than their primary caregiver. Additionally, the profits attained by growers and dispensaries will be subject to a “privilege tax,” and all sales made by caregivers and dispensaries will be taxed at 7%. Patients will be taxed 1% for each purchase, which is similar to the tax on other pharmaceuticals.

(RELATED: People V McQueen)

Another important factor in Illinois’ Marijuana law is that there are no restrictions on driving. Hundreds of patients in Michigan have found themselves in court due to Michigan’s strict “Zero Tolerance” stance toward driving with any amount of a controlled substance in your system. We will follow this story closely and bring you updates as it continues to unfold.

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