Judge Dismisses Felony Charges Against Marijuana Grow Facility in Detroit

July 31, 2018 – A  Judge dismissed felony charges against six people arrested in a raid of a Detroit medical marijuana grow facility.

2 months ago, the authorities raided what they believed was an illegal marijuana grow operation in Detroit.

But an attorney in the marijuana business now says all the charges have been dropped.


FOX 2 TV Report


All charges against Curtis Williams, 36; Cotea Jeanne Walsh, 37; Jones, 53; Travis Davison, 27; Jabari Currie, 31; and James Frazier, 32, of Detroit, were dismissed following a raid in the city of Detroit on May 29, 2018.


Detroit Judge Dismisses Felony Charges Against Medical Marijuana Grow Facility


“We knew that it had to go this way. Fundamental fair play, you come to expect that to a certain degree,” says lawyer Thomas Lavigne. He represents Viola Brands, the cannabis company operating in southwest Detroit that police and federal agents raided back in May.


The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office says the court held that the defendants, Viola Employees, operated in good faith in complying with the law and the number of plants they could have inside the building, and it was on the City of Detroit to inform them about what was required – and it failed to do so.


But a defense attorney says Viola had less than the maximum of 1,500 plants in the building and all of its affairs, from its temporary state license to its certificate of occupancy, were in order.





Judge Kenneth King of 36th District Court dismissed the case “in the interest of fairness.”


Komorn Law has represented numerous clients through the legal chaos of starting up a business in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Industry.

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