THE HEMP INDUSTRY IS LITERALLY GROWING – Komorn Law is focused on cannabis and hemp industry services both in the legal arena and the investment groups. Join the growing Michigan Hemp Industries membership and be informed with local meetings and conventions.
The Michigan Medical Marijuana Association
Just one of the ways The Michigan Medical Marijuana Association has been at work for the cannabis community. Leading the way for decades. Read through the forums present and historical of the discussions during the struggles for legalization and the fight for medical marijuana patients and caregivers
Cannabis advocates sue state to deschedule marijuana 1-24-2019 . The Michigan Medical Marijuana Association has been in the struggle for the cannabis community for decades.
Double Take
The next two videos contradict which goes to show how one can be entangled in the fog of grayness in the marijuana system and should seek an attorney to protect their rights.
Bob Hendricks says patients are not allowed to gift MJ
Komorn Law Case
Just what it says
Lords of the Land
Landlords have rights in the new MRTMA Legalization law of Michigan
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