Marijuana Rapidly Grows In Favor With U.S., While Obama Remains Rigid

It’s becoming more and more evident that Obama’s policy of marijuana prohibition is growing increasingly unpopular.

By Michael Komorn

Every year when April 20th rolls around, people across the nation celebrate the enigmatic 4/20 holiday by smoking, toking and eating marijuana. But according to federal law, they are all at risk of being arrested for using a Schedule I substance, a classification that puts marijuana in the same room as LSD, PCP and heroin.

(Related: Boston Marathon Bombing Terrorism Police Storm Into Homes of Marijuana Growers)

Meanwhile, medical marijuana continues to be voted for and approved by State law, yet President Barack Obama hasn’t lifted a finger to reschedule marijuana out of Schedule I. Despite his past as a renowned ringleader of the pot-smoking “Choom Gang” while growing up in Hawaii, his administration’s current position offers little to no sympathy for marijuana, regardless of the drug’s legal status in a number of states.

The White House’s official position against legalization says, “marijuana use is harmful and should be discouraged.” Obama has dismissed legalization even after the recent pot legalization efforts in Washington and Colorado, giving no indication that he intends to scale back his aggressive enforcement policy.

(Related: Medical Marihuana Review Panel Dissolved, Michigan Admits Embarrassing Mistake)

In a nation evolving on the issue of outright legalization, Obama’s anti-pot policy is becoming more of an outlier by the day. A recent poll found that a majority of Americans support legalizing, taxing and regulating pot, while earlier surveys have strongly suggest even more support exists for decriminalization and legal medical marijuana. To browse the sea of people who disagree with Obama on the issue, click over to Marijuana Majority.

(Related: Medical Marijuana Advocates Protest In Berkeley and Launch Peace for Patients Campaign)

If you or someone you know is facing charges as a result of Medical Marijuana prescribed to you as a Medical Marijuana patient under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, contact Komorn Law and ensure your rights are protected.

Michael Komorn is recognized as a leading expert on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. He is the President of theMichigan Medical Marijuana Association (MMMA), a nonprofit patient advocacy group with over 26,000 members, which advocates for medical marijuana patients, and caregiver rights. Michael is also the host of Planet Green Trees Radio, a marijuana reform based show, which is broadcast every Thursday night 8-10 pm EST. Follow Komorn on Twitter.

Take a look at 25 people who are more “evolved” in their marijuana views than the president. Some of them might surprise you.

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