Marijuana reform advocates demand apology from Kamala Harris

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Marijuana reform advocates demand an apology from Kamala Harris for locking up pot smokers and slam her ‘political hypocrisy’ for now saying no one should ‘go to jail for smoking weed!’

Marijuana reform advocates are urging Vice President Kamala Harris to issue an apology for her past actions of incarcerating individuals for marijuana use and possession. This call for accountability comes at a time when Harris is attempting to overhaul her public image as a compassionate champion of reform.

What’s an apology worth these days?

As a District Attorney of San Francisco, she oversaw more than 1,900 convictions for the use or possession of marijuana according to public records.

Harris also opposed the legalization of marijuana for recreational use until she ran for California’s Senate seat in 2015.

‘She absolutely has no moral authority to speak on this issue whatsoever,’ marijuana legal reform advocate Steve DeAngelo told the after Harris’ event at the White House.

‘She has no right to speak about cannabis at all except to apologize for her hypocrisy.’

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

During her campaign for Attorney General of California in 2010, Harris took a stance against a ballot proposition that sought to legalize marijuana, resulting in a significant setback for the movement.

Advocates like DeAngelo comprehend the importance of President Joe Biden and Harris emphasizing the popular issue in anticipation of the 2024 election. However, they implore the leaders to take concrete actions that will have a substantial impact.

‘They’re giving out cookie crumbs when they could actually be helping folks in a very serious way,’ Jason Ortiz, the Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Last Prisoner Project told

Ortiz said that despite Biden’s 2022 federal pardon of thousands of marijuana convictions, ‘zero cannabis prisoners’ had actually been released from prison as a result of his action.

(The list of pardon applied to individuals already out of prison.)

The Last Prisoner Project is urging for President Biden to exercise his clemency powers in order to release 3,000 federal cannabis prisoners. In April, they plan to organize a protest outside the White House to raise awareness about this critical issue.

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