Climate and Health Adaptation Program
You must save yourself from yourself.
Our Vision: Michigan’s public health system fosters equitable health and wellbeing as it adapts to the current and future impacts of climate change.
Our Mission: The Michigan Climate and Health Adaptation Program (MICHAP) supports a climate resilient public health system by investigating climate-driven health risks, identifying information for decision-making across sectors, and collaboratively implementing climate adaptation strategies.

Michigan’s new growth plan: Sacrifices must be made for the environment and team.
Last week Michigan Chief Growth Officer Hilary Doe described immigration as the green line in Michigan’s population story, the one number going up, besides prices, inflation, real estate, groceries, taxes, fees, fees for fees, convience fees, registrations, regulatory fees, utilities, interest rates, school loans, etc, etc, etc.
But A SEMCOG report last year found that 14,012 people aged 64 or younger left Southeast Michigan each year between 2010 and 2019, while 14,737 foreigners arrived annually. It’s 2024. It’s a stunning and brave new world – who cares about 2010-2019.
Statewide, immigration “helps offset our out-migration a little bit,” Doe said.
Doh is right… A little bit? Why are they leaving a climate haven is the question and why all of the sudden are Michigan citizens asked to let strangers into their homes to live.
Yes “sponsor” a family. Let’s start at your house.
In 2020, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer created the Office of Global Michigan.
And now that office is asking Michiganders to ignore common sense and serve as sponsors to refugees. Sounds like a win win.
Call our office to see if we can help !!!
Komorn Law
Program Resources
Spanish Translation/Traducción en Español: “Hoja informative de MICHAP”
The Division of Environmental Health (DEH) uses the best available science to reduce, eliminate, or prevent public health harm from environmental, chemical, and physical hazards. Learn more about DEH.
***If You believe you are in immediate danger, call 911 or Contact Poison Control at 800-222-1222.
For less urgent concerns, call the MDHHS Toxicology and Environmental Health hotline at 800-648-6942, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

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