Michigan DUI Laws and Consequences – Second Offense

Michigan DUI Laws and Consequences – Second Offense

Operating Under the Influence (OUI) is a serious offense in Michigan. If someone is caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can face severe penalties. When it comes to a second offense, the consequences are even more severe.

Understanding OUI

OUI, often called DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in other states, means that a person is driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. It can also mean that the driver is under the influence of drugs or any other substances that impair their ability to drive safely.

Second Offense: What It Means

A second offense OUI in Michigan occurs if someone is caught driving under the influence within seven years of their first offense. The state takes this very seriously because it shows a pattern of dangerous behavior.

Legal Consequences

If someone is convicted of a second OUI offense in Michigan, they face the following consequences:


  • Fines and Costs: The fines for a second OUI can range from $200 to $1,000. Additionally, the court may order the person to pay other costs related to their arrest, court proceedings, and probation.
  • Jail Time: A second OUI offense carries a mandatory jail sentence of 5 days to 1 year. This time could be extended depending on the circumstances of the arrest, such as if there was a child in the car or if the driver caused an accident.
  • Community Service: In addition to jail time, the court may require the person to complete 30 to 90 days of community service.
  • License Suspension: For a second OUI, the driver’s license will be suspended for at least one year. After the suspension, the driver may have to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their car, which requires them to pass a breath test before the car will start.
  • Probation: The individual will likely be placed on probation for up to two years, during which they must follow strict guidelines, such as attending alcohol or drug education programs and regular testing for substance use.
  • Vehicle Immobilization: The court can order the offender’s vehicle to be immobilized or even forfeited for up to 90 days.

Long-Term Consequences

A second OUI conviction can have long-term impacts on a person’s life. It can make it difficult to find or keep a job, especially if the job requires driving. Insurance rates will likely skyrocket, and it can take years for them to decrease. Additionally, having a criminal record can affect personal relationships and limit opportunities in the future.

Legal Resources

For detailed information on Michigan’s DUI laws, you can refer to the Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) directly. Here are some pertinent links:

Legal Help

If you’re facing charges for a 1st offense DUI in Michigan, it’s essential to seek legal counsel immediately. A trained and experienced DUI attorney can provide guidance potentially helping to mitigate penalties or even challenge the charges.

Legal defense Attorney Michael Komorn is trained and certified in Field Sobriety Tests (FST), Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and the infamous breathalyzer and has been representing clients charged with DUI and alleged crimes since 1993. Call Komorn Law 248-357-2550 when you’re ready to challenge DUI or any alleged criminal charges.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Simply put: Your going to need a lawyer to sort out all the blah blah blah the government comes up with and throws against the wall to see what sticks.


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