Michigan Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act


   Act 337 of 2018

An initiation of legislation to enact the Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act which would fix minimum wages for employees within this state; prohibit wage discrimination; provide for a wage deviation board; provide for the administration and enforcement of the act; prescribe penalties for the violation of the act; and supersede certain acts and parts of acts including 2014 PA 138.

History: 2018, Act 337, Eff. Mar. 29, 2019

Compiler’s Notes: Public Act 337 was proposed by initiative petition pursuant to Const. 1963, art 2, section 9. On September 5, 2018, the initiative petition was approved by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the Senate and an affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives, and filed with the Secretary of State on September 5, 2018.

The “People” of the State of Michigan enact:


Document Type Description
Section 408.931 Section Short title.
Section 408.932 Section Definitions.
Section 408.933 Section Applicability of act.
Section 408.934 Section Minimum hourly wage rate.
Section 408.934a Section Compensation for workweek in excess of 40 hours; exceptions; rules; unpaid minimum wages; appropriation; compensatory time in lieu of monetary overtime compensation.
Section 408.934b Section Training hourly wage; employee less than 18 years of age; displacement prohibited; violation; civil fine.
Section 408.934c Section Rates for apprentices, learners, and persons with physical or mental disabilities; establishment.
Section 408.934d Section Minimum hourly wage; establishment; conditions; gratuities defined.
Section 408.935 Section Wage deviation board; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; chairperson; commissioner as secretary; quorum; vote on recommendation or report; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting; availability of writings to public; compensation and expenses; obtaining data from employer; report to commissioner; reconsideration of rate.
Section 408.936 Section Rules.
Section 408.937 Section Statement of hours, wages, and deductions; inspection; posting of regulations and orders.
Section 408.938 Section Administration and enforcement of act; investigating and ascertaining wages; revealing facts or information.
Section 408.939 Section Violation of act by employer; civil action; fine.
Section 408.940 Section Applicability of act; payment in accordance with minimum wage and overtime compensation requirements.
Section 408.941 Section Discrimination against employee serving on or testifying to wage deviation board; violation.
Section 408.942 Section Discharge of employees within 10 weeks of employment; violation.
Section 408.943 Section Discrimination based on sex.
Section 408.944 Section Operation of massage establishment; violation.
Section 408.945 Section Inconsistent acts or parts of act; reference to workforce opportunity wage act.

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