Michigan Medical Marijuana Review Panel Hears New Autism Petition

WHEN: Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 1:00 PM

WHERE: Williams Building, 525 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, MI

WHAT: Public testimony in favor of adding autism to the list of conditions which may be treated with medical marijuana.

After a protracted legal battle lasting nearly a year, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) has been compelled to submit a new petition for autism to the Medical Marihuana Review Panel. This petition was submitted to the department with 75 peer-reviewed studies attached, outlining in detailed scientific and medical terms marijuana’s efficacy in treating autism.

Public testimony will be held Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 1:00 PM in the 1st Floor Auditorium of the Williams Building, 525 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, MI 48933. Parents of autistic children will offer testimony in favor of allowing treatment with medical marijuana, as well as physicians who specialize in treatment with cannabis and treatment of autism. Legal experts will testify on the need to protect parents treating their debilitated children from arrest and prosecution by adding autism to the list.

Written comments may be submitted after the hearing, between May 27 and June 1, by email at bhcsinfo@michigan.gov, or by mail at: Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Health Care Services, Post Office Box 30670, Lansing, MI 48909. Please send written testimony to the attention of Cheryl Pezon.

“Though the process of getting this new petition to the Panel has proved difficult, the People of the State of Michigan are now watching the outcome. The scientific literature attached to this petition is overwhelming: medical marihuana can effectively treat autism, and is much safer than other drugs routinely prescribed for treating autism.” said Michael Komorn, president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association and co-counsel for the petitioner.

LARA initially incorrectly denied the petition, submitted nearly a year ago, because two previous incomplete petitions were heard by the panel which failed to gain department approval.

Attorneys Tim Knowlton and Michael Komorn represented the petitioner, the parent of an autistic child who has seen substantial improvements in autism symptoms during successful treatment with medical marijuana for severe epileptic seizures. After briefing the Ingham County Circuit Court on both the mishandling of the new petition and the substantial irregularities in the process followed by LARA on the original Panel vote, LARA agreed that all new petitions must be heard by the Panel, despite any previous failed petition for the same condition.

After the public testimony, LARA must schedule a meeting of the Medical Marihuana Review Panel to discuss the petition and testimony, and take a vote. If a majority of the panel votes in favor of adding autism, the LARA director will issue a final determination allowing the use of medical marijuana in autism treatment by Michigan physicians.

CONTACT: Michael Komorn <michael@komornlaw.com>

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