Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)

This legislation was passed in 2008 allowing for individuals and their assigned card carrying caregivers to grow and possess marijuana in limited quantities, as long as they had a prescription from a doctor.

The legislation left a lot of items open for interpretation, creating many gray areas and legal misinterpretations that were twisted to the advantage of one party over another. Gray areas like this got many people in legal trouble, even when they were trying to operate within the rules.

To date, dispensaries have typically been operating outside of this law. Some municipalities have shut down dispensaries while others have allowed them to operate. The MMMA says it allows for caregivers to receive compensation for their expenses in growing and creating medicine.

Visit the MMMA Forum to learn more and open discussions

Arrested for or Charged with DUI or driving under the influence of “drugs”?…Don’t Plea Out – Contact Komorn Law  800-656-3557.


Michigan Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA)

The MMFLA was passed in 2016 in an attempt to provide the state with legal framework for marijuana businesses to operate.

By applying for a permit with the local municipality, and then applying for and getting approved for a license with the state, approved businesses will be allowed to operate under rules that the state has been evolving.

There are currently 5 basic license types that will be issued, Class A, B, or C Cultivation, Processing (Extraction, cooking, packaging, etc), Provisioning (Dispensary), Safety Compliance (Testing labs), and Secure Transportation.

These businesses will operate under restrictive state regulations. There will be several requirements like reporting every purchase and sale to the state, undergoing extensive background searches, and following specific packaging standards. There is also a substantial application process involved in this model, along with annual fees and many other requirements.

Visit the Michigan State Licensing site for more information



About Komorn Law

Komorn Law has represented numerous clients through the legal chaos of starting up a business in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Industry as well as consulting and legal representation for Medical Maruhuana Patients and Caregivers.

If you or someone you know has been arrested as a result of Medical Marijuana, DUI, Drugs, Forfeiture, Criminal Enterprise or any other criminal charges please contact our office and ensure you’re defended by an experienced lawyer.

Attorney Michael Komorn is recognized as an expert on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. He is the President of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association (MMMA), a nonprofit patient advocacy group which advocates for the rights of medical marijuana patients and their caregivers.

Contact us for a free no-obligation case evaluation  800-656-3557.

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