Michigan Schools Still Zero Tolerance. School Memorandum Release

Michigan Schools Still Zero Tolerance. This is the memorandum release by the Swan Valley School District in Livingston County Michigan.



To:                   Swan Valley School District (SVSD) Parents

From:              Mat McRae, Superintendent

Date:               December 6, 2018

RE:                 Michigan Marijuana Law




Michigan voters approved the legalization of recreational marijuana use on November 6, 2018.  That does not mean Michiganders could start using immediately.  The board of canvassers must certify the election results and then another ten (10) days must pass before the legalization takes effect.  News sources dated 11.19.18 indicate that legalization is effective December 6, 2018, although further restrictions exist—including sale and possession.

Please note, marijuana remains an illegal substances as a Schedule I under the federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. § 811).  Additionally, local municipalities may further regulate marijuana.


Arrested for or Charged with DUI or driving under the influence of “drugs”?… Contact Komorn Law 800-656-3557.


The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008 remains in effect.  The SVSD is not endorsing or providing legal advice about personal use of marijuana.


The new law regulating personal possession and use of marijuana for recreational purposes in Michigan also specifically prohibits possessing marijuana accessories or possessing or consuming marijuana on the grounds of a public school and in a school bus.


Swan Valley School District:

SVSD Board of Education Policy (5350) maintains that marijuana or other THC or CBD substances are illegal substances and/or controlled substances.


The term illegal drug means drugs and controlled substances, the possession or use of which is unlawful, pursuant to Federal, State, and/or local laws and regulations.


As marijuana is still illegal under federal law, it remains an “illegal drug” under district policy and therefore is strictly prohibited in all forms from district facilities and grounds.  The SVSD remains a drug, alcohol, and tobacco free zone.


Substances containing marijuana, THC, or CBD will remain prohibited for use, sale, manufacture, or possession on school grounds by staff, parents, or students.  This prohibition includes edibles and topical substances, such as oils or lotions.  There is no circumstance in which it will be acceptable to possess, use, or be under the influence of marijuana on district property or while attending the district.  Possession includes storage in a personal vehicle.

See the Official Document Here

.If you have any questions or wish to get into the cannabis business industry, call my office to get started or we can also consult existing businesses to maximize profits and minimize risk 800-656-3557.

About Komorn Law

Komorn Law has represented numerous clients through the legal chaos of starting up a business in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Industry as well as consulting and legal representation for Medical Maruhuana Patients and Caregivers.

If you or someone you know has been arrested as a result of Medical Marijuana, DUI, Drugs, Forfeiture, Criminal Enterprise or any other criminal charges please contact our office and ensure you’re defended by an experienced lawyer.

Attorney Michael Komorn is recognized as an expert on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. He is the President of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association (MMMA), a nonprofit patient advocacy group which advocates for the rights of medical marijuana patients and their caregivers.

Contact us for a free no-obligation case evaluation  800-656-3557.

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