Michigan weighs removing pre-employment drug test for marijuana

 Jobs with the state of Michigan may no longer require passing drug tests for marijuana to gain employment.

The legalization of recreational cannabis along with hundreds of applicants testing positive for marijuana prior to being offered employment have fed into a proposal to remove the requirement. Drug tests for marijuana would still be required if there was reasonable suspicion or after a workplace accident, under the proposed change.

In a letter sent May 12 from the state personnel director to human resources officers, the Civil Service Commission asks any comments about the potential change be sent to its general counsel for review.

“In light of these changes, commissioners have requested circulation for public comment of potential regulation amendments to end the pre-employment-testing requirement for marijuana for classified employees hired into non test-designated positions,” read the letter.

But don’t run around high fiving anyone yet.

Update: July 17, 2023 – Update – You can high five now

Michigan Civil Service Commission
Regulation 2.07

Drug and Alcohol Testing
Effective Date: January 1, 2023
Replaces: Reg. 2.07 (SPDOC 21-04, September 5, 2021)


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