LARA BMMR MMFLA All Forms, Bulletins, letters, board meetings, regulations and FAQs.

Michael Komorn is the leading expert attorney dedicated to the Michigan Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act and the Marijuana Tracking Act.

Call Komorn Law PLLC today if you are interested in working in or with the Michigan medical marijuana business industry. We offer expert planning and advice  for all MMFLA applicants, employees and related services including Certified Public Accountants and financial institutions.

Combined with Komorn Law PLLC’s expert criminal defense services, we can help you maximize profits, minimize risk and liabilities and ensure that you are in compliance with all of the laws, rules and regulations.

MMFLA Applications

Please note that these laws, rules and regulation forms change and are updated regularly. Always get the latest forms directly from LARA at

Administrative Rule 72 says that before a marijuana plant is sold or transferred, a package tag must be affixed to the plant or plant container and enclosed with a tamper proof seal that includes all of the following information:

• Business or trade name, licensee number, and the RFID package tag assigned by the statewide monitoring system that is visible.
• Name of the strain.
• Date of harvest, if applicable.
• Seed strain, if applicable.
• Universal symbol, if applicable.
Administrative Rule 73 says before a marijuana product is sold or transferred to or by a provisioning center, the container, bag, or product holding the marijuana product must have a label and be sealed with all of the following information:
• The name of the licensee and the license number of the producer, including business or trade name, and tag or source number as assigned by the statewide monitoring system.
• The name of the licensee and the license number including business or trade name of licensee that packaged the product, if different from the processor of the marijuana product.
• The unique identification number for the package or the harvest, if applicable.
• Date of harvest, if applicable.
• Name of strain, if applicable.
• Net weight in United States customary and metric units.

• Concentration of THC and cannabidiol (CBD).
• Activation time expressed in words or through a pictogram.
• Name of the safety compliance facility that performed any test, any associated test batch number, and any test analysis date.
• The universal symbol for marijuana product published on the department’s
• A warning that states all the following: “For use by registered qualifying patients
only. Keep out of reach of children. It is illegal to drive a motor vehicle while
under the influence of marijuana. National Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222.
Licensees may continue to use any remaining versions of the previous Universal Symbol until they are completely used up.

Licensees are also permitted to choose which Universal Symbol version to use on a marijuana product until any remaining
versions of the previous Universal Symbol until they are completely used up.

  • The educational session (video above) will include presentations on the following topics:
  • BMMR Educational Session Power Point Presentation (PDF)
  • Keith Lambert, the Director of the Bureau of Construction Codes, will discuss important items to know – and specific steps to follow – when designing and constructing medical marihuana facilities. (missing)
  • Greg Kozak, an on-site Industrial Hygiene Consultant with Michigan Occupational Safety and Health (MIOSHA), will present an overview of the MIOSHA standards and regulations potentially impacting the medical cannabis industry in Michigan.
  • Kevin Sehlmeyer, State Fire Marshal, and Brian William, Plan Review Specialist, will provide an overview of National Fire Protection Association standards.
  • Brandi Branson-Boone, a departmental analyst in the Business Taxes Division of the Michigan Department of Treasury, will be assisting with navigation of the Michigan Treasury Online (MTO) – Treasury’s web services portal.
Medical Marihuana Licensing Board meeting schedule 2018 LARA  02-07-18
Medical Marihuana Licensing Board meeting schedule 2018 UPDATED LARA  06-10-18
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Municipal Authorization LARA  10-26-17
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Caregiver Transition LARA  11-17-17
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Co-Location LARA  09-21-17
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Fees LARA  11-17-17
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Stacking Licenses LARA  09-28-17
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Testing LARA  10-05-17
BMMR Advisory Temporary Operation LARA  11-02-17
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Application Process LARA  10-12-17
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Capitalization LARA  11-07-17
BMMR Technical Bulletin Safety Compliance Facilities – Testing LARA  12-28-17
BMMR Technical Bulletin Safety Compliance Facilities Testing UPDATE LARA  03-14-18
Advisory Bulletin Update and Sample Collection LARA  01-29-18
ADVISORY BULLETIN CPA Attestation LARA  02-02-18
BMMR Technical Bulletin Approved Pesticides LARA  02-07-18
BMMR Advisory Bulletin Universal Symbol LARA  02-15-18
Advisory Bulletin Regulatory Assessment Fees 2018 LARA  03-21-18
Bulletin Provisioning Center pre-licensure inspection reminders LARA  03-22-18
Bulletin Secure Transporter Pre-licensure inspection reminders LARA  03-22-18
Bulletin Grower Pre-licensure inspection reminders LARA  03-22-18
Bulletin General Pre-licensure inspection reminders LARA  03-22-18
Bulletin Safety Compliance Facilities Pre-licensure inspection reminders LARA  03-22-18
Bulletin Processor Pre-licensure inspection reminders LARA  03-22-18
ADVISORY BULLETIN Criminal History Disclosure LARA  04-02-18
Technical Bulletin Banned pesticides LARA  04-09-18
Technical Bulletin Approved pesticides UPDATE LARA  04-10-18
Advisory Bulletin Processor Gas Detection Fire code LARA  04-10-18
Advisory Bulletin Grower Gas Detection System and Fumigation rules LARA  04-18-18
Advisory Bulletin Application Process LARA  05-03-18
Advisory Bulletin Cannabidiol (“CBD”) and Industrial Hemp (“Hemp”) Products *UPDATED* 5-18-18 LARA  05-11-18
Technical Bulletin Department Banned Pesticide Active Ingredient List 
Technical Bulletin SCF Testing Requirements Update 
LARA  05-25-18
Advisory Bulletin Medical Marijuana Patient Card List LARA  06-01-18
Advisory Bulletin Don’t use the word “Dispensary” LARA  06-10-18
Advisory Bulletin Processor Reminders LARA  07-02-18
Advisory Bulletin Don’t Lick the Marijuana LARA  07-05-18
Advisory Bulletin THCA Diamonds and Crystals LARA  08-10-18
LARA  08-15-18
Processor Inspection Guide 
Secure Transporter Inspection Guide 
Provisioning Center Inspection Guide 
Grower Inspection Guide 
Safety Compliance Facility Inspection Guide 
LARA  5-18-18
BMMR Statement of Money Lender New 2-18 LARA  02-02-18
OUTDATED MMFLA Paper Application LARA  Dec 2017
UPDATED MMFLA Paper Application LARA  04-24-18
MMFLA Document Checklist LARA
MMFLA Application Instruction Book LARA  Dec 2017
Medical Marihuana Facility Licensing Act 


Legislature  01-10-18
Marijuana Tracking Act Legislature  01-10-18
MMFLA FAQs 09-29-2017 LARA  09-29-17
MMFLA FAQs index LARA  01-26-18
MMFLA FAQs 10-24-2017 LARA  10-24-17
Snyder Marihuana Advisory Panel Gov Rick Snyder  01-26-18
MMFLA Emergency Rules LARA  12-01-17
MMFLA Emergency Rules UPDATED LARA  05-30-18
Revenue Administrative Bulletin 2018-2 MI Department of Treasury  01-18-18
RECINDED Office of Credit Unions Letter 2017-CU-03 RECINDED MI Department of Insurance and Financial Services Office of Credit Unions  12-19-17
Office of Credit Unions Letter Financial Services and Michigan Medical Marihuana 2018-CU-02 MI Department of Insurance and Financial Services Office of Credit Unions  3-12-18
Guidance for providing CPA services to the medical marihuana industry LARA and MI Board of Accountancy  05-19-17
Michigan Medical Marihuana Act Legislature  01-10-18
MMMA Aministrative rules LARA
Controlled Substances Benchbook Michigan Judicial Institute  2017
BMMR METRC API Confidentiality Agreement LARA
BMMR Facilities Licensing, Tracking & Regulatory Responsibilities LARA
BMMR Bureau of Construction Codes Medical Marihuana Regulation LARA
BMMR Accela Online Application Demo LARA
BMMR Educational MMFLA MIOSHA , Fire Codes, Building Codes, MMFLA ONLINE Tax information LARA  03-26-18
NFPA 1 Fire Code – Chapter 38 Marijuana Growing, Processing, or Extraction Facilities NFPA Presentation  2018


MMFLA Licensing Board meeting 4-19-2018

Michigan Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Board Meeting 5-3-2018


Michigan Medical Marijuana Licensing Board Meeting 7 12 2018
Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Meeting 8-9-2018
Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Meeting 9-10-2018
Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Meeting 10-18-2018

MMLB Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Meeting 10-29-2018 part 1

MMLB Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Meeting 10-29-2018 part 2

Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Meeting 11-08-2018


Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Meeting 12-07-2018



Michigan Medical MJ Facility Licensing Board Meeting December 21, 2018

LARA LIVE, BMMR video chat with BMMR Director Andrew Brisbo on CBD oil and Industrial Hemp or Medical Marijuana.

Medical Marihuana Licensing Board Minutes

December 21, 2018 – Unapproved

December 7, 2018

November 8, 2018

October 29, 2018

October 18, 2018

October 29, 2018 – Unapproved

October 18, 2018 – Unapproved

September 10, 2018

August 9, 2018

July 12, 2018

May 31, 2018

May 3, 2018

April 19, 2018

March 22, 2018

January 19, 2018

November 28, 2017

October 17, 2017

September 12, 2017

August 21, 2017

June 26, 2017



Also look for all MMMA reports here:

MMMA all government statistics, reports, grants and analysis

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