New Laws in Effect for Michigan in 2025

Some laws in effect in 2025 “Enacted by the People of Michigan”

Here we go…

Minimum wage

Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act – Michigan’s minimum wage will increase twice during 2025, per a 2018 Supreme Court ruling.

Starting Jan. 1, 2025, the standard minimum wage rate in Michigan will increase from $10.33 to $10.56 per hour.

Those under the age of of 18 will also see an increase, from $8.78 to $8.98 per hour. Minors are required by law to be paid 85% of the minimum hourly wage rate.

Tipped employees rate of hourly pay will go from $3.93 to $4.01 per hour.

The Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act, Public Act 337 of 2018 (PDF)

MCL – Section 408.934.amended
408.934.amended Minimum hourly wage rate. Effective 2/21/25

MCL – Section 408.934a.amended
Compensation for workweek in excess of 40 hours; exceptions; rules; unpaid minimum wages; appropriation; compensatory time in lieu of monetary overtime compensation.

– Don’t spend it all in one place.

Earned Sick Time Act

Because everyone is sick…sometimes

The Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) in Michigan will take effect on February 21, 2025. The law applies to all Michigan employers, regardless of size, and requires them to provide paid sick leave to their employees

Applies to all employers in Michigan with 1 or more employees, except for those  employed by the United States Government. Includes salaried (both exempt and non-exempt) and full and part-time hourly workers.

Accrual rate: Employees will earn one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked.

Minimum sick leave: Businesses with fewer than 10 employees must offer up to 40 hours of paid sick leave, while businesses with 10 or more employees must offer 72 hours.

Carryover: Earned sick time must carry over from year to year.
Use: Employees can use sick leave for themselves, their family members, or for certain public health emergencies. They can also use it for domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking-related purposes.

Read more on your own time.

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Do your research then call our office. Komorn Law (248) 357-2550

Car Safety Restraints

House Bill 4511 makes changes to the existing Michigan vehicle code to align state laws regarding child safety restraints with current federal law.

Under this new law children 12 or younger are required to be in a rear seat of the vehicle; there are also updated requirements base on age and height.

Get out there and buy a $400 car seat for that 12 year old.

Automatic Voter Registration

Beginning June 30, 2025 the Michigan Secretary of State will automatically register any person who applies for a license or ID card who is eligible to register to vote.

The S.O.S. will then send that applicant a notice of registration, including instructions on how to decline that registration should they so choose.

Just like the Automatic State Park Fee.  Here we go again. Michigan eyes hunting, fishing, boating fee increases, change to park fees

Opt out -The new grift.  Fighting to get your money back while they harvest interest on the millions of drivers who automatically paid and want the money back. The perfect hustle. Leave it up to the Government. Just like guilty until you’ve paid thousands to prove innocence and it’s still on your record for the public to find.

How To Find Out If Someone Voted In Michigan?

More Stuff

Driving Under the Speed Limit

We all get irritated with overly slow drivers from time to time, especially on Orchard Lake Road. But is what they’re doing against the law?

It sure is. If you happen to be ticketed for it, you could face a fine of anywhere from $35 to $500.

Read More – 257.627 Speed limits (PDF)

Flashing Your Headlights

This is one of those “it depends” situations.

Michigan law states that it’s illegal to use or flash your high beams within 500 feet of another vehicle. It’s unlikely that you’ll be ticketed for doing it, but it could happen.

Or to warn other drivers of a speed trap…

Drivers must use a distribution of light that’s high enough and intense enough to see people and vehicles at a safe distance. When approaching an oncoming vehicle within 500 feet, drivers must aim their lights so that the glaring rays don’t go into the other driver’s eyes.

Here’s the Law – MCL 257.700

The violation, which is considered a civil infraction, will carry a 2-point penalty for “improper use of lights/failure to dim.

Now let’s talk about those “low beam” LED headlights where you have to just grip the steering wheel and go blindly forward.

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Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Disclaimer: This article provides a general overview and does not substitute for legal advice.  As with any law it can change or be modified and research should be done before you rely on any information provided on the internet. Although we make all attempts to link relevant laws these laws can often be gray and corrupted to fit a narrative. Anyone charged with any alleged crime should consult an attorney for specific legal guidance.

Michael Komorn-Criminal Defense Attorney

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