New Roadside Drug Test

What is the law?


The Michigan legislature has passed into law a one-year pilot program set up in five counties that allows for Michigan State Police to perform roadside drug tests. The way this will work is if a driver gets pulled over for a traffic offense, in one of the five counties that are yet to be determined and shows signs of being under the influence of drugs the specially trained “drug recognition expert” will be able to conduct a field sobriety test. After which, the officer will be able to use the new saliva-based testing to check and see whether the driver has consumed marijuana, heroin, or cocaine.

 – Can you say DNA collection?-

What the purpose is?


The officials in charge of pushing through this policy cite the reasoning being that there has been a large increase recently of drugged driving accidents and drugged driving fatalities. The addition of this test to the already used field sobriety testing is intended as means to provide further probable cause to establish the grounds for a lawful arrest.


Additional arrests leads to additional fines and penalties that the police are able to collect from its citizens.

– Can you say More Money?-


What is the science behind this test?

In a study performed by AAA’s safety foundation, it was determined that it is impossible to set a blood-test threshold for THC. The test states:


There is no evidence from the data collected, particularly from the subjects assessed through the DRE exam, that any objective threshold exists that established impairment, based on THC concentrations measured in specimens collected from cannabis-positive subjects placed under arrest for impaired driving. An association between the presence and degree of indicators of impairment or effect from cannabis use were evident when comparing data from cannabis-positive and cannabis-negative subjects. However, when examining differences in performance in these parameters between subjects with high (>5 2 ng/mL) and low (<5 ng/mL) THC concentrations, minimal differences were found.


Setting any sort of legal limit or per se limit for cannabis and driving are arbitrary and unsupported by science.


Furthermore, in a study done by Forensic Fluids Laboratory the window of time during which a swab test can pick up a THC positive test is up to as long as 3 days. Even though someone may still have THC in their system 3 days after consuming Cannabis, the likelihood that they are still intoxicated is extremely unlikely.


As a result of the probable cause that can be gained from this swab test an officer has the ability to issue an arrest warrant based on evidence that is not providing any scientific proof of the driver current intoxication, but based on its result creates an extremely misleading affidavit.

Michael Komorn-Criminal Defense Attorney

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