Nuclear waste headed to southeast Michigan landfill

What happened to the nuclear waste from the Manhattan Project? It’s coming to Michigan so New York can be a cleaner place.

August 2024, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is transporting nuclear waste from the Manhattan Project (Read it) to the Wayne Disposal facility in Belleville, Michigan near the PFAs river and the Van Buren Twp Park.

The waste consists of soil, concrete, and groundwater that are contaminated with low levels of radiation originating from the Niagara Falls Storage Site in Lewiston, New York, a location significant for its role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

The waste is being relocated as part of a comprehensive remediation effort aimed at addressing decades of contamination that began in 1949 when the Army Corps discovered radioactive materials infiltrating the soil and groundwater.

Don’t worry that won’t happen here in Michigan.

Republic Services, a private waste management company owns the facility.

The transportation of waste will occur via 25 trucks weekly along public roads and highways beginning in August 2024 and will extend through January 2025.

The Wayne Disposal facility is the only landfill in Michigan licensed to accept hazardous and low-level radioactive waste. As usual we are told the waste complies with all local, state, and federal regulations and does not pose a significant risk to the public or the environment.

Also… The waste is exempt from federal radioactive material disposal requirements and contains concentrations that are lower than those permitted by its license. 

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

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Some residents and officials in Michigan have expressed opposition to the transport and disposal of the waste in their communities. Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans says that Environmental Injustice in the area has led to higher rates of asthma, lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and other health issues, and that residents deserve better. Others, like LaSpada, say that

The Army Corps doesn’t notify communities along the route.

Wonder what MiChap thinks about it

Meanwhile Elsewhere in Michigan

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