Michigan officials end caregiver marijuana supply to medical pot shops

Michigan officials end caregiver marijuana supply to medical pot shops

The stock of medical marijuana products at licensed Michigan businesses will soon change, as a result of new guidance from state officials.

Effective immediately, licensed medical marijuana provisioning centers can no longer stock their shelves with products grown by caregivers, the Marijuana Regulatory Agency announced Thursday in a press release.

Licensed shops can only buy from state-licensed growers and processors. Caregivers, however, will be allowed to sell to state-licensed growers and processors — who will be required to test the product and enter it into the state’s tracking system.

The switch away from the illegal supply of caregiver weed to the regulated market was supposed to occur April 1, but was delayed for a month due to a barrage of lawsuits filed against the state in a separate but entangled issue over the ability of unlicensed pot shops to operate.

Court of Claims Judge Stephen Borrello issued his orders two days ago — which allow unlicensed pot shops to stay open until 60 days after officials decide on their license applications. Borrello left the issue of caregiver product up to the Marijuana Regulatory Agency to decide.

Now the embattled medical marijuana market will switch over to regulated product as its main source.

Corporate mega-growers have criticized the use of caregiver marijuana for the past five months, as it has tested positive for E. coli, Salmonella, mold, lead and other heavy metals. No illnesses have been reported to the state from its use.

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