Oregon Legalizes Dispensaries

August is turning out to be one robust month for the medical marijuana community, as Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber signed into law a bill that permits medical marijuana dispensaries. Like in Michigan, medical marijuana patients currently are required to grow the drug themselves or designate a caregiver to grow it for them. As in Michigan, dozens of marijuana dispensaries exist already, but they are not explicitly allowed and operate in a legal gray area. Illinois also became the 20th state to adopt some sort of medical marijuana legislation earlier this month and its law will include a provision on dispensaries.

Related: Michigan Court of Appeals to Decide on Dispensaries

Meanwhile, every New York Mayoral candidate is in favor of decriminalization or legalization of Marijuana. it appears as though our elected officials are finally beginning to listen to the majority of Americans who favor legalization over prohibition.

Related: Struggling Cities Generate Revenue from Dispensaries

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