Over 20,000 drunk-driving convictions could be tossed after NJ State Trooper charged with tampering

“State authorities believe the officer skipped a step in the test meant to ensure the readings are accurate.”


Before you read the article below think of this…

Note: The time you can never get back, money you will never get back, opportunities you should have had and you will still be on the s-list for insurance carriers to scam you out of more money. 

If you sue… the taxpayers will get bill once again and the cop will blame it on lack of training, no manual enclosed or the equipment and take several people down with him or her. 

One would assume this police officer testified in court or in an affidavit countless times that they were an expert and had specialized training for this “public service”.  You can be assured the tax payers covered this training.  This cop will move on to other things and probably become a high paid political consultant and news caster. Ahhh Politics…the new career path for those with no real skills except selling snake oil.



Nov. 13, 2018 / 4:10 PM EST

By Associated Press


TRENTON, N.J. — A ruling issued Tuesday by the New Jersey Supreme Court could cause more than 20,000 drunken driving convictions to be vacated.


The justices unanimously found that criminal charges pending against a state police sergeant made breath-testing device test results from five counties inadmissible as evidence.


Sgt. Marc Dennis was in charge of calibrating the devices, and authorities have alleged that he skipped a required step in the calibration process. Dennis has denied any wrongdoing and has pleaded not guilty to records tampering and other charges.


If you or someone you know is facing charges as a result of Medical Marijuana, DUI, Drugs, Forfeiture, Criminal Enterprise, or any other crimes. Contact Komorn Law at 800-656-3557 to ensure you’re defended by experienced lawyers.


The court’s decision means that as many as 20,667 DWI convictions could now be challenged, according to state authorities and the lawyer for the now-dead plaintiff who brought the case that the court ruled on.


The accusations against Dennis called into question any test result involving a machine he handled, including devices used by local police in Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Somerset, and Union counties between 2008 and 2016.

State authorities have maintained that the step Dennis allegedly skipped was one of several redundancies and fail-safes meant to ensure the readings are accurate. They claim that omitting that one step didn’t invalidate the results, noting New Jersey is the only state that requires the step.


The Supreme Court, though, sided with Judge Joseph Lisa, who was appointed as a special master to handle the issue. He found the step omission raised substantial doubts about the reliability of the machines.


As part of their decision, the justices ordered state authorities to notify anyone whose case involved results from machines Dennis calibrated. They must tell them that those results were not scientifically sound, so they can decide whether they want to go to court and seek to have their convictions vacated.





Attorney Michael Komorn is recognized as a leader in community and legal defense in cases involving the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act and . He is also the President of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association (MMMA), a non-profit patient advocacy group which advocates for the rights of medical marijuana patients and their caregivers.


Contact us for a free no-obligation case evaluation 800-656-3557.

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