2 Days In –  Bidens Executive Orders and Memorandums

2 Days In – Bidens Executive Orders and Memorandums

Disclaimer: The information provided to you below is from a 3rd party and has not been fact checked or verified as true = ;)


Launching ‘100 Days Masking Challenge’, federal grounds mask mandate

Trump reversal?: No

Biden will ask the American people to do their part and mask up for 100 days to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Biden will also issue an executive order by requiring masks and social distancing in all federal buildings by all federal employees and contractors. 

Resuming engagement with World Health Organization

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will reverse the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization, an agency of the United Nations responsible for coordinating the international response to COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, was named the head of delegation to the country’s WHO Executive Board, will deliver remarks on Thursday to the board. 

Creating COVID-19 Response Coordinator position

Trump reversal?: No

The COVID-19 Response Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of COVID-19 response across government, including vaccines and testing. 

Extending eviction and foreclosure moratorium

Trump reversal?: No 

Biden will ask the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to consider extending the federal eviction moratorium until at least March 31. He will also call on Congress to extend the moratorium further. He will ask the Departments of Veterans Affairs, Agriculture and Housing and Urban Development to consider extending foreclosure moratoriums for federally guaranteed mortgages until at least March 31. Biden will also call on the Federal Housing Finance Agency to extend its foreclosure and eviction moratoriums past Feb. 28. 

Extending pause on student loans

Trump reversal?: No

Biden will ask the Department of Education to consider extending the pause on interest and principal payments for direct federal loans until at least Sept. 30. 

Rejoining Paris Agreement on climate change

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will sign the U.S. back into the Paris Agreement to put the country back in a position to “exercise global leadership” in advancing the climate change objectives of the treaty. After the instrument is signed and sent to the United Nations on Wednesday, the U.S. will officially be reinstated in 30 days. 

Revoking Keystone XL pipeline permit, plus other environmental actions

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will sign an executive order that will “address the climate crisis, create good union jobs and advance environmental justice, while reversing the previous administration’s harmful policies”: 

  • All executive departments and agencies must immediately review and take appropriate action against any actions taken during the last four years that are harmful to public health, damaging to the environment, unsupported by available science or not in the national interest
  • Agencies should consider revising vehicle fuel economy and emissions standards to cut pollution, save consumers’ money and create good union jobs
  • Placing a temporary moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuse
  • Reestablishing the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases and ensuring that agencies account for the full cost of emissions 
  • Revoking the presidential permit granted to the Keystone XL pipeline

Rescinding Trump’s 1776 Commission, plus advancing racial equity for all

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will sign an executive order to embed equity across federal policymaking and root out systemic racism.

The order will:

  • Define equity as the “consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities, such as Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and other persons of color; LGBTQ+ persons; people with disabilities; religious minorities, persons who live in rural areas; and persons otherwise affected by persistent poverty or inequality.”
  • Establish that advancing equity for all is the government’s responsibility 
  • Direct federal agencies to deliver action plan within 200 days to address unequal barriers to opportunity 
  • Launch equitable data working group 
  • Make sure the Office of Management and Budget will allocate federal resources to empower and invest in communities of color and other underserved communities
  • Improve delivery of government benefits; reducing language access barriers
  • Study new methods so federal agencies can assess equity
  • Encourage agencies to engage with communities that have been historically underserved and underrepresented

Biden has tasked Ambassador Susan Rice with the position of Domestic Policy Advisor to hold the federal government accountable for the previously mentioned actions. This executive order will also reverse the Trump administration’s 1776 Commission. 

Including non-citizens in census apportionment for Congressional representatives

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will sign an executive order that will make sure the Census Bureau has ample time to complete an accurate population count for each state. This is a reversal of the Trump administration’s order that set a plan to exclude non-citizens from the census and apportionment. 

Preserving and fortifying DACA program

Trump reversal?: No

Biden will sign a Presidential Memorandum directing the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General to take all actions under the law to preserve and fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a program that provides temporary relief from deportation on a case-by-case basis. The memorandum will call on Congress to enact legislation that would provide permanent status and a path to citizenship for those who came to the United States. 

Ending Muslim Ban

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will sign an executive action that will put an end to the Muslim Ban, which barred entry into the United States from primarily Muslim and African countries. The action instructs the State Department to restart visa processing for those affected. 

This action will also provide the strengthening of screening and vetting for travelers through the use of information sharing with foreign governments. 

Setting civil immigration enforcement policies

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will sign an executive order that will allow the Department of Homeland Security to set civil immigration enforcement policies in a reversal of the Trump administration’s order that directed “harsh and extreme” immigrant enforcement. 

Terminating border wall construction

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will declare an immediate proclamation terminating the national emergency declaration Trump used to fund border wall construction and immediately pausing construction to allow a “close review of the legality of the funding and contracting methods used.” The proclamation will also look to determine the best way to redirect the funds used for the wall. 

Extending Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians

Trump reversal?: No 

Biden will sign a presidential memorandum to extend the Deferred Enforced Departure designation for Liberians in the U.S. until June 30, 2022. This will also extend their work authorization and ensure the ease of application of residency by the Liberian Relief and Fairness Act. 

Prohibiting workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity 

Trump reversal?: No 

Biden will sign an executive order to build on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County last year that will prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The order will also direct agencies to take all lawful steps to protect the right of LGBTQ+ individuals. 

Ordering appointees to sign ethics pledge 

Trump reversal?: No 

Biden will sign an executive order that requires all appointees in the executive branch to sign an ethics pledge with the goal of restoring and maintaining public trust in government. 

Improving and modernizing regulatory review

Trump reversal?: Yes

Biden will issue a presidential memorandum revoking the “needless obstacles” set forth by the Trump administration’s regulatory process. Biden’s action will direct the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to develop and improve regulatory review. 

Source : https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2021/01/20/president-joe-biden-executive-orders-list-inauguration-forgive-student-loans-mask-mandate-muslim-ban/4227159001/

Straight From White House

The South Lawn of the White House.

Disclaimer: The information provided to you below is from a 3rd party and has not been fact checked or verified as true.

Source Whitehouse.gov – The Briefing Room – Star Date 2021.01.22 14:30 hrs

Bill Signing: H.R. 335


Statement from President Biden and Vice President Harris on the 48th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade


Fact Sheet: President Biden’s New Executive Actions Deliver Economic Relief for American Families and Businesses Amid the COVID-19 Crises


Talking Points: January 22 Executive Orders – Economic Relief


Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, January 21, 2021


Executive Order on Establishing the COVID-19 Pandemic Testing Board and Ensuring a Sustainable Public Health Workforce for COVID-19 and Other Biological Threats


Readout of Vice President Harris’s Call with World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


National Security Directive on United States Global Leadership to Strengthen the International COVID-19 Response and to Advance Global Health Security and Biological Preparedness


Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety


Executive Order on Supporting the Reopening and Continuing Operation of Schools and Early Childhood Education Providers


Executive Order on Ensuring an Equitable Pandemic Response and Recovery


Executive Order on a Sustainable Public Health Supply Chain


Memorandum to Extend Federal Support to Governors’ Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Increase Reimbursement and Other Assistance Provided to States


Executive Order on Ensuring a Data-Driven Response to COVID-19 and Future High-Consequence Public Health Threats


Executive Order on Improving and Expanding Access to Care and Treatments for COVID-19


Executive Order on Promoting COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel


Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Remarks by Vice President Kamala Harris at the Celebration of America


Reinstating Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians


Since 1991, the United States has provided safe haven for Liberians who were forced to flee their country as a result of armed conflict and…

Pausing Federal Student Loan Payments


At the Request of President Biden, Acting Secretary of Education Will Extend Pause on Federal Student Loan Payments

Proclamation on the Termination Of Emergency With Respect To The Southern Border Of The United States And Redirection Of Funds Diverted To Border Wall Construction 


Like every nation, the United States has a right and a duty to secure its borders and protect its people against threats.

Executive Order on Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title…

Modernizing Regulatory Review


Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation


Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis


Executive Order on Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census


Executive Order on Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Regulation


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered that:

Executive Order on the Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as…

Letter to His Excellency António Guterres


This letter constitutes a retraction by the Government of the United States of the letter dated July 6, 2020, notifying you that the Government of…

Executive Order on Organizing and Mobilizing the United States Government to Provide a Unified and Effective Response to Combat COVID-19 and to Provide United States Leadership on Global Health and Security


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as…

Executive Order on Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 7902(c) of title…

Biden Celebrating after signing mask mandate

Posing for photos at the Lincoln Memorial after signing 17 executives orders including allowing non citizens in census for congressional seats and launching the “mask challenge” mandating that everyone wears a mask for 100 days on federal property or in a plane.

Proclamation on Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entry to The United States


The United States was built on a foundation of religious freedom and tolerance, a principle enshrined in the United States Constitution.

Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government


Equal opportunity is the bedrock of American democracy, and our diversity is one of our country’s greatest strengths. But for too many, the American Dream…

President Joe Biden Announces Acting Federal Agency Leadership


Today, President Joe Biden announced the acting agency leadership across the administration to assist in the next phase of the transition of government.

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, January 20, 2021


Solar panels in a field

Paris Climate Agreement


I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the Paris Agreement, done at Paris on December 12,…

Regulatory Freeze Pending Review


The President has asked me to communicate to each of you his plan for managing the Federal regulatory process at the outset of his Administration.

A National Day of Unity


Today, we celebrate the triumph of democracy after an election that saw more Americans voting than ever before in our Nation’s history, and where the…

President Joe Biden wearing a suit, standing in front of an American flag

Inaugural Address by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.


The Inaugural Address of the 46th President of the United States, as delivered at the United States Capitol.

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What is Face-to-Face Eyewitness Identification – Called Showups

What is Face-to-Face Eyewitness Identification – Called Showups

What is a Show Up – Cause It’s Not a Line up

A showup, like a lineup, is a form of eyewitness identification. At a showup, a witness or victim is usually shown one person rather than a group of people. Whereas lineups almost always take place in police stations, showups may happen in a police station or in the field or even at the crime scene. A crime-scene showup is especially likely when the police capture a suspect shortly after a crime has occurred.

One for Two: Using Both a Showup and a Lineup

Police will require a suspect to participate in both a showup and a lineup. They might, for instance, conduct the initial showup, then arrange for a lineup after the filing of charges. At least theoretically, the lineup can substantiate the showup identification and provide a basis to determine whether additional witnesses can also identify the suspect as the perpetrator.

Are Showups Proven to be Reliable?

Showups often take place soon after a crime, meaning that memory is less of a problem. But on the other hand, witnesses may still be under great stress when the police return soon after a crime with a suspect in tow. And nothing, short of telling the witness who committed the crime, could be more suggestive than presenting a single, in-custody person for identification. Further, regardless of what police officers say, an unsure witness might feel pressure to point the finger at the person on display.

In a 2017 report, Cal State Los Angeles detailed the results of testing regarding the reliability of showup identifications. In what was reported as a first-of-its-kind experiment, witnesses were led to believe they were part of an actual police investigation and that their identification would result in the arrest of the suspect.

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The study had several findings, including the following:

  • Where officers didn’t give a proper admonishment (in essence, advising the witness not to assume the suspect committed the crime), the false-identification rate was “exceedingly high.”
  • Where witnesses were exposed to information suggesting the police thought they had the right suspect (for example, overhearing a loud radio dispatch call that an officer had nabbed the perpetrator), false identification occurred approximately 50% of the time. That’s coin-flip territory.

In essence, the study concluded that showups are tremendously unreliable.

Different Criteria

Despite the general unreliability, showup identifications can be admitted into evidence in criminal trials. They can be admitted even though the U.S. Supreme Court long ago said, “The practice of showing suspects singly to persons for the purpose of identification, and not as part of a lineup, has been widely condemned.” (Stovall v. Denno, 388 U.S. 293 (1967).)

Read More Here at NOLO

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Meet Chief Justice Bridget M. Mc​Cormack

Meet Chief Justice Bridget M. Mc​Cormack

A message fro​m Chief Justice Bridget M. Mc​Cormack

Welcome to the Michigan Supreme Court.

My colleagues and I are privileged to serve the people of the state of Michigan.  Our role in Michigan’s system of government demands that we interpret the law​ dispassionately, ensure that justice is available to everyone, remain responsive to the needs of our communities, and resolve disputes efficiently.  We take these responsibilities seriously.  

To those ends, our work is guided by four fundamental principles.

INDEPENDENCE.  Unlike the executive and legislative branches, the judicial branch is nonpartisan.  This means that politics must not inform our work.  Our judicial decisions must be based instead on neutral application of the law.   ACCESSIBILITY.  Justice must be available to everyone, not just to those who can afford it.  We must work diligently to ensure that our courts are open to all.  This means we will continue to search for new ways to remove barriers to our judicial system.

ENGAGEMENT.  The judiciary must also be adaptive to the needs of those it serves, and attuned to the problems and concerns of the communities that most depend on our work.  This means that judges must be willing to engage with civic organizations and community leaders to ensure that we are responsive to the needs of those we serve.

EFFICIENCY.  The judiciary also must be careful stewards of public resources.  This means we must provide the best possible service to the individuals and businesses that appear before us.  We must not lose sight of the time and money at stake in any judicial proceeding.  We will continue to find ways to serve the public as efficiently as practicable. 

These fundamental principles inform the opinions and orders we issue in cases that come before us, the administrative rules that govern how Michigan courts operate, and our management of the state’s trial courts.

While we are proud of the work the Michigan Supreme Court does, we must always aim to do better.  Going forward, we will continue to look for ways to serve you better.  Michigan’s judiciary will do all we can to serve the people of our great state.

Source: https://courts.michigan.gov/courts/michigansupremecourt/Pages/default.aspx

See Justice Bridget McCormack interview on Planet Green Trees TV


CHIEF JUSTICE BRIDGET McCORMACK – Michigan Supreme Court Judge How they come to decisions


See The Full Episode Here

Planet Green Trees TV


———————————- Some VIP guests you don’t want to miss. ———————————-

  • CHIEF JUSTICE BRIDGET McCORMACK – Michigan Supreme Court Judge
  • ANDREW BRISBO – Marijuana Regulatory Agency Topics

(In no particular order)

  • -Michael’s Rant -Blockchain Voting- Is it the New Future
  • -Delta 8 THC- how is it different from Delta 9?
  • -The US spends twice as much on Law Enforcement as it does on Welfare
  • -Recreational Cannabis Market faces tight supply, few Municipal opt in’s -Marijuana Regulatory Agency Implements New Topic-Based Administrative Rule Sets
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– You can find links and more info here https://PlanetGreenTreesTV.com

Full Show – You Tube Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki40O485qUM



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Laws That Still Exist in Michigan – Blasphemy

Laws That Still Exist in Michigan – Blasphemy

Occasionally at a law firm the weirdest laws are encountered during research. These are amongst many laws that are written so baffling and open ended that the narrative can be twisted anyway required to get a win by the prosecution. A well-seasoned attorney knows how to utilize this for better positioning to defend their client. So choosing your attorney will be one of the most important decisions in your defense case. Finding one that you can believe in requires research. Here are some laws still on the books in Michigan that have turned up during research.


Blasphemy laws used to be very common in the United States, but there are still some in existence, including in Michigan, where cursing God is a G**-d*** misdemeanor.

The Law

750.102 Blasphemy; punishment.

Sec. 102.   Punishment—Any person who shall wilfully blaspheme the holy name of God, by cursing or contumeliously reproaching God, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

History: 1931, Act 328, Eff. Sept. 18, 1931 ;– CL 1948, 750.102
Former Law: See section 17 of Ch. 158 of R.S. 1846, being CL 1857, § 5872; CL 1871, § 7707; How., § 9293; CL 1897, § 11706; CL 1915, § 15480; and CL 1929, § 16832.

See the law here on the Michigan Legislature website

Can you sue for blasphemy?

A prosecution for blasphemy in the United States would be a violation of the U.S. Constitution, and no blasphemy laws exist at the federal level.

The First Amendment

Blasphemy laws punish people who make oral or written statements that are understood to express irreverence for sacred things.

First Amendment eradicated blasphemy laws

Long a feature of English and colonial societies and still prominent in some theocratic regimes, laws against blasphemy have disappeared in the United States because of the First Amendment. Such laws were most frequently associated with the kind of religious establishment that the First Amendment limited at the national level and that courts later applied via the Fourteenth Amendment to the states.

State powers used to punish blasphemy

In the Bible, Leviticus 24:15–16 calls for the stoning of anyone who curses the God of Israel. Ancient Greece and Rome had similar prohibitions against those who spoke ill of the gods.The trial of Jesus was predicated in part on the idea that he had made blasphemous claims to be God.

Although Christians initially sought converts through speech and persuasion and stressed the separation of religious and political duties (Jesus had said, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s”), after Emperor Constantine I proclaimed Christianity the official religion of Rome, Christians increasingly used state powers to punish both those who blasphemed God and those within their own ranks whom they believed to be heretics.

With the dawn of the ReformationCatholics and Protestants used laws not only to battle one another but also to strike out at unbelievers. The English jurist William Blackstone defined blasphemy as “denying the being or providence of God, contumelious reproaches of our Saviour Jesus Christ, profane scoffing at the Holy Scripture, or exposing it to contempt or ridicule” (as quoted in The Catholic Encyclopedia).

Colonists set blasphemy standards in the United States

Just as the English punished those who blasphemed the doctrines of the established church, so too the Pilgrims set standards of orthodoxy in the infant United States that they enforced by the sword. Massachusetts banished, and occasionally executed, Quaker dissenters who refused to stay away from the state.

Most of the 13 original states established churches, and many officially restricted office-holding to Trinitarians or to those who professed to believe biblical doctrines. By contrast, the U.S. Constitution prohibited test oaths for federal officials, but it did not interfere with existing state practices. In time, however, the prohibition on federal religious oaths, as well as the provisions of the First Amendment, had a liberalizing effect on state practices.

State courts upheld blasphemy laws

Two famous 19th century cases epitomized the lingering remnants of blasphemy laws. In People v. Ruggles (N.Y. 1811), a New York court upheld the conviction of a man who referred to Jesus and his mother in unflattering terms. Even though New York no longer had a statute on the subject, the court’s chief judge, James Kent, ruled that the offense of blasphemy violated the state’s common law as carried over from England (but Kent believed that the state laws prohibited blasphemy only against the Christian religion).

In Commonwealth v. Kneeland (Mass. 1838), the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, led by Lemuel Shaw, upheld the conviction of a publisher who denied the existence of God, Jesus, and miracles. Both convictions resulted in relatively short jail terms (and in Ruggles a fine).

Abner Kneeland was the last man jailed for blasphemy in the United States. In his 1838 case, he was convicted of blasphemy for publishing articles about prayer and the Immaculate Conception, and indicating he did not believe in God, Christ, miracles, the resurrection or immortality. Blasphemy laws soon disappeared from the U.S. due to the First Amendment. (Image via Wikimedia Commons, public domain)

Court later said governments could not supress attacks on doctrine

In Burstyn v. Wilson (1952), the U.S. Supreme Court overruled a state supreme court decision and declared that governments had no business suppressing attacks on religious doctrines.

Read the rest Here at the First Amendment Encyclopedia

Interested in how the rest of the world does it?

See your tax dollars at work here at The Law Library of Congress

Most people by now realize that the internet is full of opinions, market driven results, embellishment of facts, personalize view points, bias, censorship and plain old BS. Laws, regulation, and many things evolve and change over time. Although attempts to present facts are made and could be current at the time. Please do your research or consult an attorney before acting as if information provided is fact. Some information is gathered through internet sources while other information is confirmed on government websites.

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Komorn Law – Daubert


1AMassachusetts – USE LINKS   Drug Lab Scandal Results in Convictions Dropped.   Massachusetts drug lab chemist Annie Dookhan was caught faking results. Dismissals capped a five-year legal fight, longer than it took to discover, prosecute and punish Dookhan, who worked at the William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute in Boston.   When questioned by police, she admitted to a practice called “dry labbing,” identifying samples just by looking at them, rather than performing the required tests. She also admitted to tampering with samples, writing in a statement to police that she “turned a negative sample into a positive a few times.”   Annie Dookhan  X Annie_Dookhan  https://www.masslive.com/news/2012/09/annie_dookhan_former_state_che.html
1BMassachusetts  – USE LINKS     An investigation by the state attorney general found that from 2005 to 2013, Sonja Farak, 37, heavily abused various drugs including cocaine, LSD and methamphetamines and even manufactured her own crack cocaine using lab supplies.   In 2014, Farak was sentenced to 18 months in jail.   Article 9/14/20     Sonja Farak    https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/09/14/sonja-farak-sutton-case-boston-hinton-lab
Crime lab scandal rocked San Francisco district attorney
•        Neither the DA nor the prosecutors working for her had informed defense attorneys of the problems — despite rules requiring such disclosure. The DA “failed to disclose information that clearly should have been disclosed,” Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo wrote in a scathing decision in May 2010.
•        “Systematically violated defendants’ civil and constitutional rights” because her office hid “damaging information about a police drug lab technician and was indifferent to demands that it account for its failings.”
•        Office prosecuted cases that relied on crime lab testing, but defense attorneys were not told that evidence might have been tainted  
2AMAX LORINCZ -FOIA-For Emails-Granted By MSPhttps://komornlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Max-LORINCZ-FOIA-For-Emails-Granted-By-MSP.pdf
 MAX LORINCZ -Emails spell out alleged scandal in state crime lab testing, falsely reporting marijuana Fox-17https://komornlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Max-Lorincz-Emails-spell-out-alleged-scandal-in-state-crime-lab-testing-falsely-reporting-marijuana-Fox-17.jpg
2BMAX LORINCZ -Exhibits-MSP-Lab-Reportshttps://komornlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Max-Lorincz-MSP-Lab-Report.pdf
2CMI COA – People vs Campbell – Synthetic THChttps://komornlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/COA-People-vs-Campbell-Synthetic-THC.pdf
 MAX LORINCZ- Email From Choate To Other Lab Techs about Synthetic vs Plant IDhttps://komornlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/MAX-LORINCZ-Email-From-Choate-To-Other-Lab-Techs-about-Synthetic-vs-Plant-ID.pdf
3AMSP-Oral_Fluid_Report – Roadside Spit Test 2018    

SUMMARY OF PUBLIC ACT 243 OF 2016: Public Act 243 of 2016 authorized the Department of State Police to establish a pilot program in five counties in Michigan for roadside oral fluid testing to determine whether an individual is operating a vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance. The legislation stipulates that the preliminary oral fluid test will be performed by a certified Drug Recognition Expert (DRE). A certified drug recognition expert means a law enforcement officer trained to recognize impairment in a driver under the influence of a controlled substance rather than, or in addition to, alcohol. The MSP was tasked with developing a written policy and authorized to promulgate administrative rules as necessary for the implementation of the roadside oral fluid testing pilot program (Legislative Service Bureau, 2015).  

SUMMARY OF PUBLIC ACT 242 OF 2016: Public Act 242 of 2016 states that a peace officer who is certified as a DRE may administer a roadside oral fluid test if they have reason to believe a driver is operating a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance, and the DRE may arrest a person in whole, or in part, upon the results of a preliminary oral fluid analysis. A person who refuses to submit to a preliminary oral fluid analysis upon a lawful request by a peace officer is responsible for a civil infraction.  
3BMichigan State Police Impaired Driver Report    

The results cannot be used as evidence in determining if the driver was impaired.

A Tool The roadside drug tests are meant as a screening tool to further support arrest for use once a motorist is suspected of being impaired.   Results Results are only allowed into evidence at a criminal proceeding when there are questions surrounding the validity of an arrest, similar to the admission of a roadside breathalyzer tests.   Results from the initial pilot program revealed roadside tests often produced positive results for drugs that were later found not to be present in the person’s blood.   This occurred in 11 of 74 positive tests for THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana; one of three positive tests for methamphetamine; six of 16 positive tests for amphetamines; and two of seven positive tests for cocaine.   Critics of the test say there’s not good correlation between the amount of a substance found in a person’s saliva and their level of impairment  
4AState Police Lab Report-Blood-THC-ET 2020-01-09_Redacted  

MSP Report to Alma PD – Blood test results for THC
4BForensic Science Lab to Oak Co Pros -Letter-Customer Request

Error margin only by Customer Request
4CMI Supreme Court – Opinion – People vs Feezel 11 Carboxy THChttps://komornlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/MI-Supreme-Court-People-vs-Feezel-Opinion-138031.pdf


Massachusetts – USE LINKS  
Drug Lab Scandal Results in Convictions Dropped.   Massachusetts drug lab chemist Annie Dookhan was caught faking results. Dismissals capped a five-year legal fight, longer than it took to discover, prosecute and punish Dookhan, who worked at the William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute in Boston.   When questioned by police, she admitted to a practice called “dry labbing,” identifying samples just by looking at them, rather than performing the required tests. She also admitted to tampering with samples, writing in a statement to police that she “turned a negative sample into a positive a few times.”   Annie Dookhan  X Annie_Dookhan  
Massachusetts  – USE LINKS    
An investigation by the state attorney general found that from 2005 to 2013, Sonja Farak, 37, heavily abused various drugs including cocaine, LSD and methamphetamines and even manufactured her own crack cocaine using lab supplies.   In 2014, Farak was sentenced to 18 months in jail.   Article 9/14/20     Sonja Farak    
Crime lab scandal rocked San Francisco district attorney   Neither the DA nor the prosecutors working for her had informed defense attorneys of the problems — despite rules requiring such disclosure. The DA “failed to disclose information that clearly should have been disclosed,” Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo wrote in a scathing decision in May 2010.“Systematically violated defendants’ civil and constitutional rights” because her office hid “damaging information about a police drug lab technician and was indifferent to demands that it account for its failings.”Office prosecuted cases that relied on crime lab testing, but defense attorneys were not told that evidence might have been tainted   
MAX LORINCZ -FOIA-For Emails-Granted By MSP
MAX LORINCZ -Emails spell out alleged scandal in state crime lab testing, falsely reporting marijuana Fox-17
MAX LORINCZ -Exhibits-MSP-Lab-Reports
MAX LORINCZ -MSP defends marijuana crime lab reporting after FOX 17 investigation
MAX LORINCZ -“A non-stop political game:” Former MSP Forensic Science director on false marijuana reporting allegations (Fox 17)   Article
MAX LORINCZ- Email From Choate To Other Lab Techs about Synthetic vs Plant ID
MAX LORINCZ -Dr Paul Land – THC not synthetic – 3 pages
MAX LORINCZ -Lawsuit against Oakland County-Dismissed-Opinion
Crime Lab Quotes
The results cannot be used as evidence in determining if the driver was impaired.

A Tool The roadside drug tests are meant as a screening tool to further support arrest for use once a motorist is suspected of being impaired.   Results Results are only allowed into evidence at a criminal proceeding when there are questions surrounding the validity of an arrest, similar to the admission of a roadside breathalyzer tests.   Results from the initial pilot program revealed roadside tests often produced positive results for drugs that were later found not to be present in the person’s blood.   This occurred in 11 of 74 positive tests for THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana; one of three positive tests for methamphetamine; six of 16 positive tests for amphetamines; and two of seven positive tests for cocaine.   Critics of the test say there’s not good correlation between the amount of a substance found in a person’s saliva and their level of impairment   See the Michigan State Police Impaired Driver Report here  
State Police Lab Report-Blood-THC-ET 2020-01-09_Redacted   MSP Report to Alma PD – Blood test results for THC
NIST – Quantative-Qualative Definition-Gormley   What the NIST thinks about the definition of Qualative and Quantative
Forensic Science Lab to Oak Co Pros -Letter-Customer Request

Error margin only by Customer Request
Daubert Motion-Quash_Bindover-Synthetic THC
Daubert_Motion-Denied-Synthetic THC_Redacted
EMAIL-Bennett MSP to Greia MSP- Exclude Blood Motion
Time Line- Joslin prep for 8 7 2016 evid h daubert
MSP-Forensic Science DIV-Letter to Chief Prosecutor
MI COA – People vs Campbell – Synthetic THC
MI COA – People vs Mansour 2018-0719
MI COA – People vs Manuel
MI Supreme Court – Opinion – People vs Feezel 11 Carboxy THC
Revisiting Feezel – Komorn Law Blog
John Kelley -False Positives Equal False Justice
John Kelley – DEA Law and Science Unto Itself
Chartier Mary and Vinsky Marisa – Digging Daubert –
How to Use Expert Witness Challenges to Win Your Case
Daubert vs Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Case
The Daubert Standard For Expert Testimony 1
Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 702
Medical Marihuana Case Law Summary – Ken Stecker
Controlled Substance 1 – Public Health Code 333_7212