Planet Green Trees Radio Episode 152: The MMMA 101 (Pt. 2)

Planet Green Trees Radio


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Since 1993

Planet Green Trees Radio Episode 152: The MMMA 101 (Pt. 2)

MMMA 101 series-discussion on the history and pertinent events concerning the MMMA
Pt. 2 tonight

Tonight’s guest attorney John Targowski will update us on his recovery from injuries sustained in an accident while traveling out West, and when he will be back in the court room and his thoughts on the history and current issues concerning the MMMA.

The Human Solution Court Report with Steve Green-

Spotlight on The Jackson County Compassion Club with Roger Maufort- In part, Roger will discuss the medical marijuana education his club offers to the community as well as the interactions with local government and other marijuana reform efforts taking place in Jackson.

Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!

Contributions from Rick Thompson of the Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell of the 3rd Coast Compassion Center

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If you or someone you know is facing charges as a result of Medical Marijuana prescribed to you as a Medical Marijuana patient under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, contact Komorn Law and ensure your rights are protected.

Michael Komorn is recognized as a leading expert on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. He is the President of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association (MMMA), a nonprofit patient advocacy group with over 26,000 members, which advocates for medical marijuana patients, and caregiver rights. Michael is also the host of Planet Green Trees Radio, a marijuana reform based show, which is broadcast every Thursday night 8-10 pm EST. Follow Komorn on Twitter.

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