Planet Green Trees Talk Radio Goes Remote in Berkley

April 23-2015 – After 5 years and hundreds of episodes of Planet Green Trees Talk Radio… the ” All about Medical Marijuana Radio Show” broadcasted live on the road. The live event took place at  7pm on Thursday, April 23, at O’Mara’s Restaurant located at 2555 12 Mile Rd., Berkley, Michigan.

Omaras Planet Green Trees_150423_1

O’Mara’s is a local family restaurant with absolutely delicious food and drinks.


Although the show usually delves into the minutia of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association, legal issues and other cannabis reform topics. The plan for that night focused on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act 101. A bare bones basic discussion to educate the interested about the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act and how to participate in the program with peace of mind.

Hosted by Michael Komorn, a leading medical marijuana attorney in Southfield and the president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association along with Chad Carr, Jamie Lowell, co-founder of Ypsilanti’s 3rd Coast Compassion Center, Rick Thompson, from the Compassion Chronicles, Attorney David Rudoi and Steve Milller. Conversation, education and live music happened throughout the evening.

Those who attended gained insight regarding the confusing Michigan Medical Marijuana laws and left with lot more knowledge than they came with.

Listen to the PGT Talk Show Episode 245 here

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