Proposed bill would expunge records of many marijuana offenses

It was Nov 6th 2018… a date many will never forget…a date many never perceived marijuana would become legal in their lifetime… So many friends disappeared into the legal system, so many lives and families ruined…and so much potential suppressed.

The legal system made its money and had its glory days and surely they will find new ways to do it, but at this time…

A new bill, introduced in the Michigan legislature could possibly expunge criminal records of those convicted of possession or use of marijuana offenses.

Introduced by Sen. Jeff Irwin, a Democrat from Ann Arbor, would clear the criminal records for over 200,000 people without requiring them to apply to the court that sentenced them.

 “Automatic expungement for all of our lowest-level cannabis offenders allows people to move on with their lives and making it automatic is essential because many people can’t afford an attorney, or the legal fees associated with an application,” Irwin said in a release. “Cannabis is now legal in Michigan and petty offenses in the past should be no barrier to getting back to work or school.”

No thought is needed…Approval should be automatic…but automatic with the legal system leaves too much room for error. One should hire an attorney…to make sure there are no errors.

According to Irwin only 6 percent of people eligible for expungement apply because of the process.

The bill could also extend to people who were charged with growing or possession with intent to distribute charges.

The bill will provide an opportunity for people to apply to a judge to expunge their records.

“This is the next step in ending the unsuccessful prohibition of marijuana that incarcerated and punished Michigan residents unfairly for decades,” Irwin added in a release. “After last year’s mandate from voters, I am hopeful that a majority of legislators will vote to give Michigan residents back the opportunities that were unjustly taken from them.”

Michigan State Sen. Jeff Irwin, D-18th District  has appeared on the Planet Green Trees radio show pre and post legalization and has openly discussed the topic of Cannabis. Irwin was a featured guest on the shows 420th episode along with John SinclairAdam L Brook (Hash Bash Organizer) many more guests.

Attorney Michael Komorn stated “Our firm has been fighting for this for many many years. We have fought in the front line trenches for our clients and have many victories. This is just one of the fronts we have been focused on”.

If you are looking to expunge your marijuana criminal record and make sure it is done correctly or maybe you have some other record you would like expunged. Don’t let the system tell you they “automatically” expunged it. You know how the system works you’ve been there…done that. Contact our office at 248-357-2550 for a free case evaluation

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