Rep. Mike Shirkey to discuss decriminalizing marijuana in townhall meeting

On Aug. 14, citizens, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers will all descend upon the Grass Lake Township hall to discuss the pros and cons of decriminalizing marijuana in Michigan. State Republican Mike Shirkey has scheduled the town hall meeting in hopes of furthering the discussion of the medical benefits and societal risks of marijuana use as well as gaining support for HB 4623 which would decriminalize marijuana use for adults.

“Are we forcing law enforcement to police and jail recreational marijuana users instead of using time and money that should be going to battle our meth lab epidemic?” Shirkey, R-Clark Lake, said in a statement. “Are we limiting reasonable options to end-of-life pain management by putting excessive restrictions on medicinal marijuana?”

Joining the discussion will be Dem. Jeff Irwin, author of HB 4623 as well as members of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). Shirkey expects a good turnout, especially in light of the recently submitted petition to decriminalize marijuana in Jackson.

The town hall will be held at 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14, at the Grass Lake Township Hall, 373 Lakeside Drive.

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